
Chapter 10

When Axel hid in the bush,he saw a terrifying monster approaching which made him feel joy, fear and excitement altogether. He saw that a Fire dragon which is as large as a big building and has two big wings and scales as red as blood is approaching his way. He started to have many thoughts.

(Ohhh.... What's this!! I never expected it , a Fire dragon to be in here in this Black forest. What is it doing here? Aren't fire dragons supposed to be in Lava RockVally? Fire dragons normally live there in groups with there mating partner. What is this dangerous beast doing here? Hmm... I can't think of anything maybe this is just an unusual acurance or is it the work of some demon or tamer who has tamed it but there isn't anyone near it. If it was a human's tamed beast than its master should have been near it or it should have been wearing the coller that indicates that it is a tamed beast, it is the law but there isn't any coller or human nearby . That means it is most likely demons work or unusual accurance Hmm... Be it unusual accurance or some demons work it can benefit me if I can defeat this dragon I can get it's heart. Hahaha and I don't have to make a journey to lava rock valley. Hahahaha... But how should I defeat this dragon with my current lvl being 19 I can't beat it because fire dragons are really strong. I have to be at least lvl 39-42 to be able to beat it. I think if I had some adventures with me I can defeat it but I can't because that would means I have to tell the adventures guild and have to hire adventures. Then getting my hands on the dragon will be hard and if I tell the Migri cities knight order they will most likely kill it and I will get money for telling them but I won'tget any part of the dragon so that's a no go too. Hmm.. What should I do?)

When he was thinking this the fire dragon was passing by his way without noticing Axels existence. Then Axel decided he will follow the red dragon to see where its hideout is. After following the red dragon he found out it lives in a cave in the east side of the Black forest. After that Axel thought that now he should get out of there before the red dragon notices him. But before going Axel checked the status of the red dragon.


{Red Dragon}

Name:None. HP:2500/2500

Level:120. MP:3800/3800

Race:Fire Dragon

Age:80 years






Fire Magic

Poisonous claw

Binding magic



Fire Breathing

(What theeeee..... What is this wicked status HP 2500 and MP 3800 .. Are you kidding me I can never beat this beast alone. Moreover it has this many skills and ability it's lvl is 120. But it's age is less than mine. I surely need people to help me defeat this dragon or it can attack the city and cause havoc.. But first I need to get out of here. I don't want to be caught by this dragon.)

Thinking this he carefully got out of the forest while thinking how to defeat this dragon. If left alone it can attack the capital city Migri but he can't defeat it alone if he tells the knight order about this he will lose the chance to get the heart of the dragon.

( Hmm... What to do?!! I need to think of something fast. Or many people's life can be in danger. But I can't remember the capital city being attack by a red dragon in my past life. This is certainly strange. Hmm..)

Thinking this things he arrived at the Migri cities gate and he again met with the soldier named Ark once more. Ark said, "oh.. Old man you again went to the Black forest. How are you? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, no I am fine thanks for worrying about me,brat. "(Axel)

"No problem it is my duty. " said the solider Ark with a bright smile in his face. "Old man, are you a magician?"

" oh.. Yeah I think I am. "(Axel)

"0h.. Really I thought so you are. You are always going alone in the forest and are always carrying a mages staff. So you must be a strong one right? "(Ark)

" Maybe I am. Thanks for asking than I will take my leave. "(Axel)

" OK bye bye." saying this the solider Ark with a bright smile waved his hands. Axel too waved his hand and bid him good bye.

Then again thinking about the red dragon matter he went to the inn and then went to his room and got fresh. Then he went to the inns restaurant and ordered a normal meal. When he was eating his food he heard the people talking in front of his table. They were talking about some disease .

" Man did you heard that princess Selina has fallen in an illness that no doctor, priest or mage can heal. "( Unknown man 1)

"Yeah, I have heard. I have also heard that the king has said that he will give the man who can cure his daughter 2000 good coins."( Unknown person 2 )

"Yeah I know.Poor princess. She was such a beautiful, kind and dignified women."(unknown person 1)

Hearing this something flicked inside Axels head.

( Ohh... I remember now. How could I forget this. I remember now that this cities princess Selina has fallen in an illness and the hero party is here to save her. If I remember correctly the name of the disease is Black death and the way to cure it is the liver of the red dragon. The liver of the red dragon can be used to make a medicine which is used to cure this illness. The people in the kingdom doesn't even know the illness name leave the medicine part out. That's why no one is able to cure it but later the hero party finds out about this illness existence from the diary of the kingdoms best mage Alina who died 400 years ago and then with my mage sister Clara Stokes help they created the medicine from the red dragons liver after defeating it in the Black forest. Now I get it why the red dragon is there but the capital city never got attacked by it because the hero party defeated it. But if I remember correctly the hero party cured the princess after 2 more months when the princess Selina was in the brink of death and last all hope of living l think. After being saved by the hero party she fells in love with the hero Ryner and joins the hero party and the heros harem growed. If I remember correctly she is a magical archer. Hmm.. Then I should leave this to them and I shouldn't change the future by doing something or interfering because this will help them grow but I will miss this chance to get the heart. Hmm.. What should I do... Is there a way to get them both ..hmmm... Gotcha.. This will work huhuhahahahaa..... Cough cough.. Too much laughing. I have to say I have really grown a lot smarter than before Hahaha... I am a genius. Haha..)

Thinking this he happily ate his dinner and went to bed to sleep.