
After getting rejected, her sister proposed me

After four years of love, Ye Fan proposed to his girlfriend Lin Ruoxue on her birthday after graduating from college. Lin Ruoxue: "Xiao Fan, you can't give me the life I want, let's break up..." At this time, his girlfriend's sister Lin Ruowei smiled at Ye Fan: "I want to marry you, are you willing to marry me?" In order to activate the system, Ye Fan agreed to Lin Ruowei's marriage proposal. ( This will be very sweet ) First 50 chapters will be machine translated

I_M_Translator · ゲーム
25 Chs

We can live together now

At around 2:20, after Lin Ruowei parked the car at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Office, she and Ye Fan got off the car and walked to the Civil Affairs Office building hand in hand.

The two of them had just stepped on the stone steps in front of the gate of the Civil Affairs Office, only to see the originally closed gate of the Civil Affairs Office slowly opened.

"It's better to come early than coincidence."

After the two smiled at each other, they stepped directly into the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Finding the window for marriage registration, the two walked over.

Everything went smoothly for the marriage registration. It only took less than a quarter of an hour for Ye Fan and Lin Ruowei to have an extra red book in their hands.

From the moment the steel seal was placed, the future fate of the two was tied together.

"I wish you all the best of luck."

The staff member who registered the marriage for the two sent his congratulations to the two.

"Thank you." Ye Fan thanked.

Lin Ruowei grabbed a handful of wedding candy from her bag and handed it to the staff member, "Thank you for your blessing, we will definitely grow old together."

After taking the marriage certificate, the two walked out.

"Even the wedding candy is ready, Sister Weiwei, you are well prepared." Ye Fan said with a smile as he walked.

"That's natural, you know, this is the only time in my life."

The moment he walked out of the door of the Civil Affairs Office, a system prompt sounded in Ye Fan's mind.

"Ding, the god-level sign-in future system is being bound to the host..."


"Ding, the binding is successful!"

"System, introduce yourself."

Suppressing his excitement, Ye Fan hurriedly tried to communicate with the system with his mind.

"Hello, host, this system is a god-level sign-in system for the future. As long as the host insists on signing in every day and has signed in for seven days, you can receive a letter from your future self to you now!"

"The future self writes a letter to the present me? Communicates the future? This system is a bit of a hoot."

Ye Fan is curious now what letter his future self will write to him in this time and space.

"Ding, the novice gift package has been issued successfully!"

Sure enough, the novice spree is only late but never absent!

"Ye Fan, why are you thinking so deeply?"

Hearing Lin Ruowei's words, Ye Fan had no choice but to temporarily withdraw his attention from the system, "It's nothing, I just didn't expect that it was not Xiaoxue who got the certificate with me today, but you, Sister Weiwei."

"You say how wonderful this world is."

While talking, the two got into the car.

Just when Ye Fan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was about to fasten his seat belt, Lin Ruowei, who was sitting in the main driver, suddenly got up and approached Ye Fan.

The coldness on his lips made Ye Fan's eyes widen suddenly.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Ruowei sat back to her seat.

Touching his lips, Ye Fan looked at Lin Ruowei strangely.

He had just been kissed forcibly...

"Look at what, we are now legal husband and wife."

"I'll kiss you how I want to kiss you in the future!"

Lin Ruowei raised her chin, pouted her mouth, and said with a proud face, "Little man, I've been greedy for you for so long, this time finally let the old lady get her wish."

However, her blushing face had already sold out her image of a "paper tiger" who is strong outside and hard at work...

What kind of wolf word is this?

Ye Fan feels that his marriage to Lin Ruowei is a sheep in the tiger's mouth...

"I didn't expect you to be such a sister Weiwei." Ye Fan said scornfully.

However, Ye Fan was looking forward to the future life more and more.

With such a daughter-in-law, she should not be bored in the future.

"You've already got the certificate, and you still call me Sister Weiwei?" Lin Ruowei wrinkled her nose and said dissatisfiedly.


Ye Fan deliberately dragged the end to the end, and called Lin Ruowei his wife in a nauseous way.

"It's so numb, I got goosebumps all over."

Lin Ruowei was jolted by Ye Fan's wife's call, and she shuddered with her hands on her shoulders.

After speaking, Lin Ruowei took out a tissue from her bag and handed it to Ye Fan, "Wipe the lipstick off your mouth."

"Thank Wife!"

After taking the tissue, Ye Fan said seriously.

Lin Ruowei's face turned even redder from this wife's call.

But the happy smile that bloomed on her face showed that she was very useful to Ye Fan's wife.

She took out a lipstick and a mirror from her bag, and after refilling the lipstick, Lin Ruowei started the car and drove away from the Civil Affairs Office.

"Vivi, where are we going now?"

Hearing the change in Ye Fan's address to herself, Lin Ruowei's face showed a happy smile again.

Between husband and wife, during normal communication, generally few people call their husbands and wives, and most of them call each other by their first names or by their nicknames.

This detail change from "Sister Weiwei" to "Weiwei" made Lin Ruowei feel a trace of favor from Ye Fan.

"Go to my house first. After I pack my things, I'll take them to where you live." Lin Ruowei replied.


Ye Fan asked in a tentative tone, "You don't want to live with me, do you?"

"Of course I want to live with you."

Lin Ruowei, who was driving, tilted her head to look at Ye Fan and said seriously: "We are now husband and wife, it's legal, how can a husband and wife live together."