
After becoming a god, I joined a chat group

Across the vast expanse of the Eternal Continent, Hongmeng, a god with an unparalleled talent for amplification, found himself gravely injured and hunted by his celestial brethren. On the brink of despair, a celestial chat group materialized, offering him a lifeline. He joined, eager for connection. The Chat Group Welcomes A warm welcome echoed through the chat: Saintess of Wuhun Temple: Greetings, newcomer! Head of Huashan: A new face! Welcome and congratulations! The world shall soon witness your rise to dominion! World Overlord: Newcomer, identify yourself and your origins! Facing the enthusiastic cacophony, Hongmeng proudly declared: "I am Hongmeng! My voice echoes through the heavens, a hymn to my divinity! My name shall not be etched on the monument of reincarnation, for I walk a divine path, embracing immortality and the eternal way!" The Offerings Begin The Blue Silver Emperor: The Saint of Wuhun Hall presented a magnificent offering: the 100,000-year soul beast, the Blue Silver Emperor. Amplified by two billion times, this sacrifice bestowed upon you the Innate Spirit Root, the Blue Silver Emperor, a power beyond measure. The Nine-Colored Python: Sect Master Yun Lan followed suit, offering the formidable Queen Medusa. This amplified offering, magnified two billion times, granted you the nine-colored swallowing python, a divine beast of unparalleled power. The Seal of Kongtong: After a tense silence, Yin offered He Chobi as a sacrifice. This act, amplified by a billion times, bestowed upon you the seal of the most humane treasure, Kongtong.

all_ai_vid · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Chapter 2 Bibi Dong's shock

The chat group erupted in a flurry of reactions after Hong Meng's grandiose declaration. Disbelief, skepticism, and even a hint of curiosity crackled through the digital channels.

"Shocked!!!" shrieked the Saintess of Wuhun Hall, her piety momentarily overshadowed by surprise."Is the new man really a god?" Shen from the Martial Spirit Hall chimed in, his bluntness echoing the general sentiment.The World Will Overlord, ever the boisterous one, scoffed, "The newcomer is crazy, even more arrogant than me! Report the origin of your strength, let this gang leader see how strong your so-called god is!" His words dripped with challenge, a not-so-subtle demand for proof.Murong Fu, the ever-opportunistic Descendants of the Dayan Royal Family, saw an opportunity amidst the chaos. "Leader Xiong, be careful!" he cautioned, adopting a conciliatory tone. "Our chat group might be created by a celestial being, a god above saints. Having a god join us isn't out of the question!" He subtly reminded the overlord of the potential power they were interacting with."Murong Fu, are you trying to suck up to the 'God' again? You really put in the effort, won't let anything slip through your fingers!" The World Will Overlord wasn't swayed, his gruffness cutting through Murong Fu's diplomacy.Yue Buqun, the Huashan Headmaster, known for his cautious nature, chimed in, echoing Murong Fu's sentiment. "Leader Xiong, Mr. Murong has a point. If a chat group can connect different worlds, why couldn't a god join?" He wouldn't risk offending someone claiming to be a god. Better to hedge his bets, he thought.Similar motives fueled Murong Fu's and Yue Buqun's actions. They saw potential in Hong Meng – a god they could potentially exploit for their own gains. "Better safe than sorry," they thought.Meanwhile, the enigmatic Lord of Qin remained a silent observer, lurking in the shadows with a single, cryptic message: "Secretly wait and see! jpg!"Tian Xing Jiuge World's young Ying Zheng, unable to contain his curiosity about this divine newcomer, spoke for the first time. However, drowned out by the commotion, his message went unnoticed, a lone voice lost in the digital cacophony."Well, newcomer, you say you are a god? What evidence do you have?" demanded The World Will Overlord, ever the pragmatist."God is a sacred and inviolable existence, leader Xiong. Speak carefully!" cautioned the Saintess of Wuhun Hall. Her words held a hint of reverence, a reminder of the awe-inspiring power a true god might possess.The World Will Overlord rolled his eyes at her piety. He wasn't one for blind faith. He craved proof, something concrete to substantiate these outrageous claims.Unfazed by their disbelief, Hong Meng had anticipated this reaction. "If every word was believed, wouldn't everything be dull?" he thought, questioning their intelligence with a hint of amusement. He had a plan, a way to make them believers."Let me show you the power of the gods," he declared with a hint of theatricality.Hong Meng uploaded two files: "Viewing Ideas" and "The Method of Sacrifice." These were slightly modified versions he'd acquired from his predecessor and were readily available in the God-filled Eternal Continent. While the content itself wasn't a secret, the key was the soul imprint embedded within them, a unique identifier for each god allowing believers to connect.The chat group fell silent, a pregnant pause filled with a mixture of apprehension and morbid curiosity. Unsure whether Hong Meng was delusional or a genuine deity, they hesitated. Despite their skepticism, their actions spoke louder than words.One by one, each member downloaded the files: The Descendants of the Dayan Royal Family, the Saintess of Wuhun Hall, the Lord of Qin, the Huashan Headmaster, and even The World Will Overlord – his gruff exterior masking a flicker of genuine curiosity."As expected," Hong Meng smirked. "No one can resist the allure of immortality and godhood." He knew he was dangling a tantalizing carrot – the promise of eternal life and godlike power. It was a gamble, but one he was confident in.Bibi Dong's RevelationMeanwhile, in a world far removed, within the opulent confines of Wuhun Hall's secret chamber, Bibi Dong, the esteemed leader, sat cloaked in a silver gauze skirt, her beauty unmatched. Her expression mirrored the turmoil within – shock, excitement, unease, and a flicker of fear.With trembling hands, Bibi Dong downloaded the "Viewing Ideas" and "The Method of Sacrifice." As the information materialized within her mind, a sense of awe washed over her. The "Sacrifice Method" detailed the procedures for offering to gods, a familiar process in her world. However, it was the "Viewing Ideas" that truly captivated her.The text pulsated with an indescribable power, holy and majestic. Reading it felt like gazing upon a divine entity, so ancient and colossal it defied comprehension. The message resonated within her soul, its words echoing in her mind:"Opening Up Hongmeng, who will control the ups and downs?"A wave of emotions surged through her – overwhelming grandeur, a sense of timelessness, and an undeniable truth that resonated with her very being. As she continued chanting the text, each syllable unlocked forgotten memories and clarified previous confusions."The Boundless Hongmeng, the beginning of heaven and earth!" "Hongmeng Promise, the end of all things!"With every line, Bibi Dong felt empowered. Her understanding of her own cultivation deepened, and doubts that had plagued her for years vanished. A feeling of profound enlightenment washed over her. There was no longer any room for doubt. This was a true god!Driven by newfound devotion, her voice grew stronger, her chanting laced with religious fervor."Your light shines on the earth." "Your sacred fire will never go out." "Praise you, the supreme God of the Great Hongmeng."As she uttered the final verse, a blinding light engulfed her vision. The world around her dissolved, replaced by a vast, grey expanse – the boundless chaos of Hongmeng itself.Here, amidst the primordial void, sat a singular, colossal being. Its form was impossible to grasp, radiating power and existence itself. He was the center of everything, the sun, the stars, the universe, and all creation. He was the embodiment of divinity, the one true god.Bibi Dong stood before this magnificent being, overwhelmed by sheer awe and reverence. Tears welled in her eyes as she understood - this was the source of all power, the ultimate creator. This was Hong Meng!