After Hedge Fund Homeboys
Episode 1.04
Disclaimer: I have an alibi for not owning Castle. Rating: K Time: See above.
"Becks." Madison Queller whispered across the table to her friend. "Yorkies at three o'clock, headed this way."
Kate Beckett glanced to her right and saw two girls in the plaid skirts and knee sox worn by Yorkies headed for their table in the cafeteria. She looked at the two empty seats at their table. It was too late to pile their books on the chairs and pretend someone else had claimed the spots. The two Yorkies spotted the chairs, then looked around, giving Kate a chance to look them over. Perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect tans, and perfect noses, all courtesy of daddy's money. Kate also noticed that their skirts were a good four inches shorter than any school's dress code would allow. She bet the two Yorkies thought they were real rebels.
The two walked over and looked at the seats and then at Kate and Maddie. The taller blonde spoke. "I guess we'll have to go slumming, Mandy, and sit with some public school children."
Mandy smiled. "It might do them some good, Chrissy."
Kate glared at the two of them. "Yorkies?"
The taller blonde nodded. "We're from York Prep. I can't understand why they have to have these SAT prep tests at some god forsaken public school. It would be so much easier to have it at York."
Mandy giggled. "They might have trouble getting to York. The police don't like their kind getting too far from their own neighborhood."
"We go to Stuyvesant." Kate said coldly.
Chrissy raised an eyebrow. "Oh, that's actually quite a good school." She waited a beat and then added. "For a public school. I'm sure you'll be able to get into one of the better state universities."
"And you'll be going to….Where, if you don't get a high enough SAT score?" Madison asked, smiling coldly.
"Oh, I'll get in just about any place I want. My father has been making the rounds of the deans of various Ivy League schools, discussing their financial needs." She looked at Mandy. "A new library perhaps, or an endowment for a chair at a business school, a new law library, whatever. Neither of us will have any trouble getting in. And when we graduate, perhaps we'll see you again. Working for one of our fathers."
"Or for our husbands." Mandy added.
Kate had visions of breaking two perfect noses, but controlled herself.
Chrissy suddenly waved at someone across the room. "Look, there's Bess, and she has two open spaces at her table." Without another word, the two Yorkies stood and walked away.
"I hate them." Maddie said.
"The worst part, is they're probably right. They will get in anyplace they want."
As it happened, Kate was accepted at Stanford University. Near the end of her freshman year, she walked into the student union and sat down with some friends. "Guess what?" She asked, smiling broadly.
"They're bringing back Nebula 9?" Someone teased.
"No, I got it. You're looking at the new summer intern for Redding and Crawford in the City." She said proudly.
"Those ambulance chasers?" Sunny Wade said, dismissively.
"Ambulance chasers?" Kate said, turning and glaring at the girl.
"They've never had a client that makes enough money to pay income taxes. Really? You went with Redding and Crawford?"
Kate smiled. "They represent people who really need a lawyer on their side. And where will you be interning, Sunny? At the nearest tanning salon?"
Sunny, who was quite vain about her looks, bridled. "I've already begun my summer internship. I've been working weekends and one day a week at Congressman Allen's office. He's a dear friend of the family. Then, when my freshman year is over in a week, I'm headed off to Washington to work in his DC office for a month."
"Just a month?" Kate asked. Even a dear friend of the family probably couldn't stand to have Sunny around for the whole summer. Kate thought.
"Daddy's firm has an office in London. I'll be spending two months there. I hear London is absolutely fabulous." Sunny suddenly looked past Kate. "Oh, there's David. Must run. See you."
Lindsay Cho watched Sunny leave. "And even if she only gets into the East Jesus, California, Storm Door Company and Law School, with daddy's money behind her, she'll get be an associate at some high powered DC law firm, just you wait. She'll make junior partner, too."
"And her career will stall there." Kate snapped. "She's smart, but she's not that smart."
"So she'll marry some rising young senator. Thirty years from now, we'll probably see her on Sixty Minutes, telling everyone how she redecorated the Oval Office just the way her hubby likes it."
"When I'm the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, I'll make sure I find her husband's whole existence to be unconstitutional." Kate said grimly.
Kate never made it to law school, of course. She became a cop.
"What are you doing?" The woman yelled at Kate.
"I'm writing you a ticket. You're double parked."
"Everyone double parks in New York. Besides, I had a very important engagement."
Kate looked at the shop she'd come out of. "Getting you nails done? Really?"
The woman drew herself up to her full height, which was still shorter than Kate. "Do you know who I am?" She said loudly.
A look of horror passed over Kate's face. "Oh my god! This woman doesn't know who she is. Can anyone help?" Kate said loudly. "Does anyone recognize this poor woman?"
"I know who I am, you ninny." The woman yelled, turning red in embarrassment. "I'm Mrs. Jeffrey Leonard. My husband is a partner at Dillon, Bentley and Dunn, attorneys-at-law. My husband plays golf with City Councilman Brennan."
"You still have a ticket, ma'am." Kate handed her the ticket and walked away.
It wasn't until the woman had driven away that her partner, Mike Royce, erupted in laughter. "Kid, you're not going to make a good cop, you're gonna be a great cop."
She smiled back at him. "Why did she do that, Mike? She probably tipped her manicurist more than the ticket will cost her. Why bother?"
Royce shrugged. "Looking at her, I'd guess her husband is a fairly junior partner. He probably golfs with Brennan when one of the senior partners needs someone to tote his golf bag. She just needs to feel more important than she is. This is a great town for status, kid. Everyone wants more than they have. Everyone wants to look down on someone else."
Kate nodded. "A great cop, huh?"
Royce nodded. "I'm counting on it kid."
Royce was right. She became a great cop. And a detective. A homicide detective.
The man in the very expensive suit and the very expensive hair piece, snarled at her. "Murder? You're going to charge me with murder? Do you know who I am, sweetheart? Do you know how many lawyers I have working for me? They earn more in a day than you earned in your lifetime, sweetie. I'm going to enjoy watching them kick your skinny ass."
Kate spread out the report of the killing on the table, with the DNA results, fingerprints, ballistics and all the rest. "I doubt that very much." She gestured to the uniform at the door. "Book him."
Her new partner, a detective named Esposito looked at her. "Pretty good, Detective Beckett. Pretty good."
"No, damned good. And don't you ever forget it."
Richard Castle put his arms around his wife and gently stroked her ever so slightly swollen stomach. "What are you thinking about?"
"How did you end up with Alexis being such a great kid?"
Castle shrugged. "Just dumb luck. I really have no idea."
"I want to make sure ours is a good kid, too."
"With us as parents, how can we miss?"
Kate laughed. "Right. How can we miss?" Then more seriously. "But, we'll work on it."