After Much Ado About Murder
Episode 8.20
Disclaimer: Once more unto the breach for I do not own Castle. Rating: K Time: See above
Ryan held out his hand to her. "Her penance will not be severe, Sir Richard."
As Ryan heard Kate's confession, a mounted page arrived from Sir James. "Sir Richard, Sir James asks that you gather your company and whoever else you can and follow me. There's a group of crossbowmen who have set up their pavises in a circle. We have spearmen surrounding them and a few men at arms, but no bowmen of any sort." The page looked around. "Your company seems to be quite scattered." He added censorially.
Castle looked around. His company, now including families and civilians had brought up their carts and pack horses. They were stripping the dead of the armor and weapons and any valuables they could find. Some of the armor and weapons would be used by the archers and the rest sold. But the battle was not over yet.
"Fox! Assemble the company. We're needed elsewhere. Father Ryan, please keep Kate here with the women of the company. I think she's seen enough bloodshed for today." Kate nodded to him and she headed for a cart accompanied by Ryan.
Fox and Castle quickly assembled the company and followed the page. After a bit, they came to a steep hill. On top of the hill was a fair sized company of crossbowmen. They were well armed and armored, had their pavises up and looked very determined.
"They have the advantage of shooting from above." Fox said.
"We have the advantage of being able to take our time." Castle replied.
There was a shout from the hill. "Lord Pietro? Is that you?"
Pietro Dandalo looked up the hill. "Javier? Is that you?"
"Indeed it is. Could I surrender to you upon terms?"
Dandalo shook his head. "I am the prisoner of Sir Richard Castle. He was in command of the Duke of Istria's right flank today. I fear I cannot help you, old friend."
"Who is he?" Castle asked.
"Don Javier de Esposito. He is from Aragon. Quite a nice fellow, but he has no family or money for ransom."
Don Javier called again. "Don Pietro, will you ask Lord Castle if I may come and talk to him under a flag of truce?"
"It would do no harm to talk to him, Sir Richard."
Castle nodded. "Fox, ride around the perimeter and let everyone know that a parley is taking place. Lord Dandolo, please tell your friend that when all of my men know not to shoot, he can come talk to me."
Once the all clear was given, Don Javier came down the hill. He knelt in front of Castle, "Lord Castle, I am…"
"I am not a lord. I am Sir Richard Castle, Don Javier."
"Don Ricardo, then. My company has not been paid in three months. We were supposed to get our arrears when we took Pola, but we'll not take Pola now. I believe I can state that my contract with De Braquenne has been honorably terminated for his failure to honor my contract. Is that not so?"
"Don Javier is an honorable man, Sir Richard." Pietro said.
"So you no longer work for de Braquenne. Do you expect me to just send you on your way so that you can serve him again when Venice gives him more money? Do you take me for a fool. Don Javier?"
"No, Don Ricardo. What I wish to do is enter your service. Of my company, I can put some sixty men at your service. Normally, each of my men would get three gold pieces a month. I would get fifty but from that I need to provide for a page, a priest and a surgeon and other services. Plus, I would need to purchase bolts, and other necessities. I am willing to enter your service for one year for one gold piece for my men and ten for me. Quite a good deal, no?"
Castle shook his head. "I have found that if you don't pay a man his worth, he doesn't do his best." Don Javier looked distressed. Castle went on. "I will pay your men their three gold pieces a month and I will pay for your page, priest, surgeon and whoever. And I'll provide bolts. I'll pay you twenty gold pieces a month. Is that acceptable?"
"Very much so." Don Javier said with a smile.
"Your men will march behind mine and not take part in further combat today. It would not be fair to have them fight before a proper contract were drawn up."
Castle, his archers, and his new company of crossbowmen had just begun marching when another page arrived from Sir James. "Sir James wishes for me to bring you to him, Sir Richard."
They headed for a column of smoke to the south of them. Once they neared the smoke, they found Sir James and Duke Rodrigo sitting on horseback. "I fear, Richard, that this is as far as the battle goes. De Braqeunne has gotten his army across that river ahead of us and set fire to the bridge. The rain we had this morning was apparently heavier in the mountains and the river is in full flood. With no bridge, we can't cross. He's gotten away."
"With a beaten army." Castle added.
"He still has his Venetian paymasters to pay for new troops and keep the war going." Duke Rodrigo said sadly. Rodrigo stood in his saddle and looked around. "We'll mop up the enemy that didn't make it across the river and then return home." His eyes narrowed. "Sir Richard, do I see you have crossbowmen with you?"
Dandalo quickly spoke up. "They are Aragonese, led by a friend of mine, Don Javier de Esposito. They surrendered to Sir Richard and on my recommendation, have joined his company."
Duke Rodrigo looked at the Aragonese, Sir Richard and then to his friend. "Very well, Pietro. I have faith in your judgement. And if the war continues, we'll need more troops."
A month had passed since the battle. Rick and Kate were having breakfast in her palazzo when Pietro Dandolo and Father Ryan joined them.
"Richard!" Pietro said happily." A fast galley has just come in from Venice. I've taken the liberty of negotiating my ransom from my family. With the help of the good Father Ryan and of your lovely betrothed, of course." Pietro bowed to both Ryan and Kate.
"I was aware that the negotiations were ongoing, but I fear I haven't kept up with them as I should." Rick admitted.
"The first counter offer from my family was an out and out insult. Fifty thousand gold ducats. I refused it out of hand and restated my,,,Er, that is, your demand for two hundred thousand ducats. The reply was for seventy five thousand. Hardly any better."
"That is a lot of money for a man in my position."
Pietro nodded. "That may well be, but it is an insult for a man in my position. Seventy five thousand ducats for Pietro Dandalo, Lord of Rimini? Am I not the nephew of the Doge of Venice? Am I not from one of the most powerful and wealthy families in Venice? Am I not a renowned knight, sailor and soldier? Really."
"And their reply?" Castle asked.
"One hundred thousand ducats. I turned it down, of course."
"Of course?" Rick said. "But you said I should settle for one hundred thousand."
"I had assumed my family would make a reasonable first offer to begin with. I demanded one hundred and fifty thousand. They replied with an offer of one hundred and twenty five."
"That's more than you said I'd get."
"But it's an insult to me. I declined. I sent a letter to my dear Aunt, the Doge's wife, stating that I would soon be sent to England for safekeeping in your grim English castle, fed on what the English consider to be food and to never see the sun until I was ransomed."
"Pietro, I have no castle, English food is quite palatable and the sun does shine in England."
Pietro turned to Kate. "Lady Katherine, you have been feeding him, have you not?"
"Only the best Italian food. And you may note he's quite tan."
"He is so lucky to have found you."
"I agree." Kate replied with a smile.
"I agree as well, but what about your ransom?" Castle said.
"I'm sad to say that my aunt was able to intercede with the Doge. They'll pay one hundred and fifty thousand ducats."
"You're sad?" Rick said, quite surprised.
"I had hoped to get two hundred thousand., but as they have met my demands, what can I do?"
"So, when will the money arrive here?"
"Here? Don't be absurd, Richard. The money will be deposited in a Florentine bank. It probably already has been. You're a wealthy man, my friend."
Castle realized that Pietro had become a friend. "So, you'll be leaving us?"
"Not at all. I've offered my services to Duke Rodrigo. As soon as you release me, and you shouldn't do so before you have the money, I'll be officially in his service."
"But Venice is our enemy?" Rick was confused.