
After 1000 Years

Warning! Mature content! While on vacation in Seoul, Yena accidentally buys an antique which gets her involved with an Imoogi named Lucifer. Being held hostage by Imoogi, instead of getting bad treatment, Yena got the sweetest treatment in her life. "Give me my Yeouiju and I'll set you free." 'B-but it is already destroyed. Am I going to be stuck here with him forever?'

Apples_Cha · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Catching Rats

After putting on her clothes, Yena came out of the bathroom again. She saw that Lucifer still hadn't woken up and Leon wasn't there.

"This bird, I asked him to watch for a while he just left." Yena chuckles.

Yena took the bowl of Miyeok Guk that Leon had brought. Coincidentally, this mixture of seaweed and spices is known to be good for health.

"Lucifer, wake up first. Let's have breakfast." Yena shook Lucifer gently. The man opened his eyes lazily.

"Why is there so much Leon's fur here?" Yena muttered as she brushed off some of the black feathers stuck to the blanket.

"Leon brought seaweed soup. You eat, I still have leftovers from yesterday." Yena said as she handed the bowl of soup. But Lucifer just looked at her with wistful eyes.

"You're doing pretty well can eat alone right?


"Okay. I'll help you. Sit down." Yena said. She helped Lucifer to get up and straighten his back.

"Open your mouth," said Yena. Lucifer obediently opened his mouth and let the girl feed him.

Yena rubbed her nose and smiled faintly. Doesn't this person look so cute when tame like this? Yena looked at him in awe, maybe it would be fun if she kept a reptile like this.

Seeing Yena's gaze inside Lucifer smiled wryly. Why is this girl's mind so wild?

"I've had enough." Lucifer refused a second bribe.

"What? Eat more, at least eat half of it. This soup will help you recover faster." Yena ordered.

"Good for humans doesn't mean good for me. I don't like the taste." Lucifer snorted.

"I didn't know you were a picky eater too. Then what do you want to eat? I'll ask Leon to bring it." Yena asked.

Lucifer didn't answer or hesitated to say so. However, after living with Lucifer for a long time, Yena's sensitivity to the creature was quite good. Yena understood that Lucifer might need his natural nourishment under these circumstances.

However, Yena does not know how to get it. As it was nearing noon, luckily Leon came and brought him a snack.

Yena asks him to catch animals as usual for Lucifer. However, Leon said that the birds around there had run out.

"Eh? After all, what do you mean?" Yena doesn't understand, what does Leon mean that Lucifer's prey has been destroyed?

"Right. I also don't know why the big birds that usually roam around here aren't around now." Leon replied, lying. He couldn't say that the birds were wiped out because of Lucifer who ate big yesterday.

"Then find another animal. Lucifer doesn't just eat poultry right?" Yena said quietly.

Lucifer just furrowed his brows looking at Yena and Leon who had been whispering all along at the window.

"It's difficult. I can't possibly bring an animal bigger than me here." Leon shook his head.

"Just bring the small. Buy some bunnies or whatever. Don't you feel sorry for Lucifer?" Yena urged.

Leon tilted his head and looked at Lucifer who was sitting back on the bed with an even expression.

The bird snorted and said quietly, "No. If he wants he can find it himself. I go."

Leon flapped his wings and walked away.

"Eh wait-- ah! Why do you have the heart to be so against your friend?! He's sick!" Yena shouted.

But Leon continued to walk away ignoring her.

Yena chuckles. Why did he feel Leon was ignoring Lucifer? Do they have a problem?

Yena turned and looked at Lucifer with pity. See how helpless that fierce reptile is now?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Lucifer in surprise. He didn't like that kind of stare, a look like he was a creature to be pitied.

Yena shook her head. As long as I'm here, you won't go hungry, Yena thought.

'Ah! This big and dirty house ... it's impossible not to have a few rats right?' Yena suddenly thought of an idea. The girl grabbed a broom in the corner and rushed out.

"Where are you going?" Lucifer looked at her in surprise.

The man furrowed his brows gently. A few seconds later he heard a commotion and Yena's furious scream was heard from below.

"Come here! Sweet rats!"




Lucifer opened his mouth, horrified.



Yena hit the palm-sized rodent that was cornered in the corner with the broom handle. For the third time on target, the big mouse lay dizzy.

"Well, you can!"

Yena immediately grabbed the poor mouse's tail and lifted it with the other two.

"I know I'm quite good at hunting!" Yena praised herself. She ignored the fact that just two hours had been wasted to get three rats.

There are quite a lot of rodents in this building. If this is the way, won't Lucifer not starve?

The girl immediately went upstairs cheerfully.

"Lucifer, see what I got for you?" Yena showed the three fat mice with an innocent smile.

She thought Lucifer would be happy, but the man put on an ugly expression instead. Even though Lucifer already knew what the girl was doing, he still felt shocked when he saw Yena bringing rats for him.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Why? You must be very hungry. Hurry up and eat, I've been working hard to catch it." yena said while thrusting the mice in front of Lucifer's face.

Lucifer felt his stomach slightly queasy. He looked like he was going to throw up. Rodents don't even have the slightest bit of energy. On the other hand, their smell is very strong.

Even so, seeing Yena's sparkling eyes he was forced to accept it.

"Enjoy!" Yena said cheerfully. She then rushed to the bathroom to clean herself up after two hours of fighting in the dirty warehouse.

When she came out, Yena saw Lucifer standing in front of the window.

"You have recovered?!" Yena exclaimed in admiration. She walked over and touched the man's forehead to make sure. Wonderful! He's not hot anymore. His skin is now back to normal, moist and cold.

"This is all the power of food!" Yena exclaimed.

"From now on you should eat more mice!"

Lucifer just wore a wry smile and flashed a light smile.

"Thank you." He said as he reached out and pinched Yena's cheek gently.

Lucifer didn't know, his actions made Yena's cheeks burn.

'What the hell, he's just getting weirder!' Yena squeaked in her heart. Lucifer's cold face now seemed even more expressionless. He was so amazing when he smiled like that.

for a moment, Yena forgot that they were currently trapped there and didn't know if she could get out of there again or not.

Remembering this Yena forgot about Lucifer's charm and returned to the bitter fact.

"Oh well, do you think Arion hasn't left yet? Let's go out and get Yeouiju." Yena brought up the topic.

"Wait for several days. Be patient. I sanction Arion to give up that easily. He can hide anywhere. We can't take any chances. If we go out and are found, we won't necessarily be lucky to survive a second time." Lucifer said.

What Lucifer said was true. Waiting for a few more days was better than risking being roasted.

However, Yena felt very uneasy. although they hid well here, somehow she felt that there was a great danger that was always watching her.

It's noon, but Leon hasn't come to bring lunch, even though Yena's stomach is growling. Strange, usually he was never late.

"I saw Leon a bit different earlier. I was worried that something might have happened to him." Yena said worriedly.

"Don't worry. I'll go find him." Lucifer said.

"Eh, no. Don't go anywhere. How about you meet Arion later?"

"I'll be careful. after all, Leon must not be far away. Arion won't be around here." Lucifer said. He quickly left after hearing Yena's growling stomach.

"Stomach curse!" Yena hit her stomach in exasperation. Lucifer wasn't well yet, but he left because he was afraid that she would starve.

If anything happened to Lucifer then it was all his stomach's fault!

citt citt

"Eh?" An unfamiliar voice interrupted Yena. The girl saw a small bird up on the window sill with something tied to its leg.

"Cit citt."

"What's that?" Yena approached and took something from the bird's feet which turned out to be a small roll of paper.

"A letter?" Yena opened the scroll. Her pupils widened as she read the short message written on it.