
Africa and Religion

vincent_babangida · 書籍·文学
8 Chs

Chapter Two

Let me use Nigeria because is my country and I'm very familiar with most of our problems

in Nigeria today most of our problems is traced to religion.

to the extent that even in some families you never heard a woman call her husband with pet names but if they want to address their pastors you hear them calling him/her Daddy or you hear the pastors wife mummy

you hear a pastor preaching and asking his church members not to attend other churches program as if they are small gods people listings and fear there pastors mod than their own parents and some even fear their pastors than God Almighty.

there was a pastor from Anambra State they call him Rev King.

Reverend King's ordeal started when he accused his church members of adultery and in a bid to punish them for committing the crime, he beat the seven of them severely, poured oil on them and lit them on fire, burning them to death.

He was arrested after killing his members and his arrest only gave way to other people whom he had allegedly brutalized to speak up. A woman revealed that he repeatedly had sex with her till she got pregnant and had to abort several times.

In his defense, Reverend King claimed that he was using them as a kind of teaching to eliminate disobedience.

As if that was not enough, he was also said to have recruited a lady as a slave who was required to serve him naked.

Also, he was accused of using falsehoods to mesmerize his followers, including an American citizen named David Koresh, who allowed him to seduce their 13-year-old only daughter, which he rationalized as a "spiritual marriage."

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Rev. King who is convicted for burning church members had s£x with female prisoner



 July 9, 2021


Reading Time: 3 mins read



Convicted pastor, Chukwuemeka Ezeugo popularly called Reverend King, a preacher from Anambra State in Nigeria's southeast reportedly had sex with female prisoner. The Anambra State preacher is a graduate of Psychology from the Nnamdi Azikiwe University and also the founder of The Christian Praying Assembly.

Reverend King's ordeal started when he accused his church members of adultery and in a bid to punish them for committing the crime, he beat the seven of them severely, poured oil on them and lit them on fire, burning them to death.

He was arrested after killing his members and his arrest only gave way to other people whom he had allegedly brutalized to speak up. A woman revealed that he repeatedly had sex with her till she got pregnant and had to abort several times.

In his defense, Reverend King claimed that he was using them as a kind of teaching to eliminate disobedience.

As if that was not enough, he was also said to have recruited a lady as a slave who was required to serve him naked.

Also, he was accused of using falsehoods to mesmerize his followers, including an American citizen named David Koresh, who allowed him to seduce their 13-year-old only daughter, which he rationalized as a "spiritual marriage."

He was arrested and at his trial, Ezeugo acknowledged the charges of him assaulting his church members saying;

"I am a pastor. I am aware that the spirit of witchcraft is opposed to God Almighty. When someone lies, he is deceiving God. I don't believe in lying. Dr King does not condone sin. I flog sinner. I use canes to get about. If husband and wife have misunderstandings, I am responsible for resolving them. I must, however, flog the individual who is at fault. I shall exclude the man from the church if he refuses to be flogged."

After his trial, King was sentenced to prison, and he has remained there ever since, seeking to discover ways to evade punishment and even in prison, he was said to have had sex with female inmates

What's more amazing is that congregants at the church are still waiting for him to return, speaking about him as if he were a true incarnation of virtue and he is in charge of disciplining them.

Every year on February 26th, supporters of this "hero" purchase newspaper ads to commemorate the man's birthday.

The man's sanctity and honesty were noted in certain papers and on his birthday, his followers sung songs, danced and praised their hero. Every word spoken by King is greeted with awe. Some even copied the reverend's hairdo and adopted the surname "King."

In 2009, Ezeugo was claimed to have filled out a candidacy form and had posters on the streets for the presidency at the general election under the Advanced Peoples Democratic Alliance (APDA) even after he was condemned to death by hanging. Despite the fact that campaign posters featuring him circulated, several media continued to dismiss his candidacy as fake and unbelievable.

However, the authorities affirmed the death punishment by hanging, but a lot of people believe he will find his way out.

this is just one of many