
Aetherion Stormshroud - The Sole Guardian

In the mystical realm of Eldrithia, the once united Guardians—Azure Dragon, Fiery Phoenix, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise—find themselves entangled in a web of greed and power. No longer content with coexisting as protectors, they turn against each other, shattering the delicate balance that has safeguarded Eldrithia for eons. As the Guardians clash in a cataclysmic battle, their once-glorious forms crumble, and their essence disperses across the realm. In their final act, they converge to create a vessel—a 16-year-old boy named Aetherion Stormshroud. But this is no ordinary youth, for within him resides the soul of a deceased software developer from Earth. What secrets do the fractured Guardians hold? How will Aetherion navigate a realm torn by ancient rivalries? Can a soul from Earth truly become the savior of Eldrithia? Unseen forces conspire, and the nexus of fate converges upon Aetherion Stormshroud—a reluctant hero with the weight of a realm on his shoulders. In the tapestry of Eldrithia's destiny, threads of mystery intertwine, waiting to be unraveled in the journey of "Aetherion Stormshroud - The Sole Guardian."

JA_Musics · ファンタジー
34 Chs


Sub stage 1: Elemental Attunement

         As Aetherion embarked on the first sub stage of the Azure Initiate, the ethereal ambiance of the Eldrithian wilderness surrounded him. The luminescent crystals, his silent witnesses, emitted a soft glow, responding to the imminent communion with elemental forces. The Visualization into Practical Reality System, with its harmonious voice, became his guide.

        "Host, welcome to the initiation of Elemental Attunement. Picture yourself as a vessel, receptive to the ambient energies. Inhale deeply and feel the currents of wind, the gentle flow of water, and the solid essence of earth. Envision the invisible dance of these elements around you," instructed the system.

         Aetherion, with eyes closed, struggled initially to grasp the intangible forces. Sensing his challenge, the system intervened with encouraging cues. "As you breathe, visualize the wind swirling around, the water droplets in a dance, and the earth beneath your feet. You are the nexus, the point where these energies converge."

         The luminescent crystals flickered, responding to Aetherion's developing connection. Gradually, he felt the subtle embrace of elemental forces, an intricate dance that mirrored the grace of the Azure Dragon. The system's commendation echoed, "Excellent, Host. You're attuning to the elements. Now, let's proceed."

Sub stage 2: Elemental Absorption

        Transitioning to the second sub stage, the system guided Aetherion into the absorption of pure elemental energies. "Open yourself to the atmosphere. Become a conduit for these energies to penetrate your essence," prompted the system.

         Aetherion extended his palms, a visual representation of his willingness to receive. The system continued, "Feel the energies permeating your skin, penetrating to your core. Visualize them merging within you, creating a harmonious blend of wind, water, and earth."

        While the visualization became clearer, Aetherion faced challenges in consciously absorbing the energies. The system, recognizing his struggle, intervened with gentle assistance. "Let the energies flow naturally. Imagine them merging with your bloodstream, becoming one with your essence. It's a dance of harmony, Host," reassured the system.

        With the system's guidance, Aetherion surrendered to the process. The ambient energies cascaded into him, a subtle pulsation resonating through his veins. The luminescent crystals responded with an intensified glow, signaling the successful absorption.

Sub stage 3: Bloodline Awakening

        Entering the third sub stage, Aetherion sensed a subtle shift within. The Azure Dragon's essence stirred within his blood, a dormant power awaiting revelation. "Connect with the energies you've absorbed. Picture the Azure Dragon's essence stirring within your blood, a dormant power waiting to be unveiled," directed the system.

       Aetherion concentrated, his mind's eye conjuring the majestic form of the Azure Dragon. The system offered prompts, "Feel the bloodline stirring, a gentle surge echoing the Azure Dragon's might. This is the essence that makes you unique, Host."

       Yet, as Aetherion delved into the awakening process, he encountered resistance. The dormant bloodline, though responsive, hesitated to fully awaken. The system reassured him, "Patience, Host. The bloodline is recognizing you. Let the connection deepen. Picture the Azure Dragon's spirit acknowledging your presence."

       With perseverance, Aetherion navigated through the intricacies of the awakening. A surge of energy coursed through his veins, marking the initiation of the Azure Dragon Bloodline.

Sub stage 4: Blood Essence Refinement

       Guided into the final sub stage, Aetherion felt the newfound essence pulsating within. "Visualize the elemental energies you absorbed earlier converging into your bloodline. This refined essence will be the foundation for your future cultivation," instructed the system.

       Engaging in the mental visualization, Aetherion sensed the elemental energies converging within him. However, the refinement process posed challenges. The system intervened, offering insights, "Imagine the essence crystallizing, becoming a potent elixir within your blood. Your unique Azure Dragon Blood Essence, a manifestation of your communion with the elemental forces."

      With focused determination, Aetherion honed the refinement. The luminescent crystals responded, emitting a radiant aura. The system commended, "Host, you've successfully completed the Azure Initiate stage in 7 and a half months. Your Azure Dragon Blood Essence is refined, marking the beginning of a unique cultivation path. And as your body was collectively created by some mysterious phenomenon by the 4 Guardian beasts and then infused your soul into it, you really don't need to eat the food to survive. Now, as you are capable of protecting yourself and have strength equal to the Elemental Apprentice, you can finally leave this cave and wilderness and enter the main stage of Eldrithia."

      In the sanctuary of luminescent crystals, Aetherion, having overcome challenges and embraced the guidance of the Visualization into Practical Reality System, stood on the threshold of his distinct cultivation journey, a journey that would shape the destiny of the Azure Dragon's chosen.