
Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

In the bustling city of Eldoria, nestled between ancient forests and towering mountains, lies the renowned Celestial Arcane Academy—a hub of magical learning and the central setting of the revered fantasy novel, "Aetheric Chronicles." Unbeknownst to the residents of Eldoria, a young Earthling named Alex awakens in the academy, a place he recognizes all too well from the pages of his favorite novel. Gifted with an OP ability yet unable to use it properly, Alex quickly realizes that he is not merely a student but a living embodiment of a character from "Aetheric Chronicles", an extra or a side character to be more precise. As he navigates the grand halls of the academy, he's met with a surprising twist—characters deviating from the expected plotline, unforeseen events altering the carefully crafted narrative. Eager to maintain the balance between the known world of "Aetheric Chronicles" and the unpredictable reality he finds himself in. However, the unpredictable nature of his presence in the novel's universe sparks whispers of prophecy and conspiracy among the world's inhabitants. Guided by his knowledge of the novel's lore, Alex faces dilemmas that challenge the very essence of his character. Will he follow the prescribed destiny laid out in the novel, or will he forge a new path and risk unraveling the delicate threads of the fantasy world? Will he find answers to the questions he seeks for? Will he reach the ending of the story? If there is one...

Peace_in_Chaos · ファンタジー
380 Chs

I was Reborn... As An Extra?

Adrian didn't know how much time had passed.

And all of his surroundings were filled with darkness.

His memory was also a bit hazy.

He could only remember his last moments before he died.

'Wait... Did I die?'

'Then... Where am I?'


Suddenly, he heard a loud sound, and his surroundings filled with light. The brilliance was overwhelming, searing through the darkness that had enveloped him. As the light surrounded him, Adrian felt an inexplicable sensation, like a surge of energy coursing through his entire being.

A searing pain erupted in his head, a sharp and intense headache that threatened to split his skull. It felt as if a floodgate had been opened, releasing a deluge of memories, emotions, and experiences. The torrent overwhelmed him, and he clutched his head in agony, unable to comprehend the influx of information bombarding his consciousness.

Images flashed before his eyes – moments from another life, faces of people he didn't recognize, and events that seemed both distant and strangely familiar. The pain reached its peak, and just as Adrian felt he couldn't endure it any longer, it gradually subsided.

Gasping for breath, he found himself on his knees, panting in the aftermath of the overwhelming mental assault. The once impenetrable darkness was replaced by a dim, hazy light, revealing an unfamiliar environment around him.

"Where am I?" Adrian muttered, his voice barely audible in the new surroundings.

Before he could make sense of his surroundings or gather his bearings, a sudden wave of dizziness swept over him. The space beneath him seemed to sway, and a profound fatigue settled into his bones. As if surrendering to the inexplicable circumstances, Adrian's eyelids grew heavy, and he succumbed to unconsciousness once again.

_____ ___



Adrian slowly opened his eyes. The world around him was still a blur, and he could hear distant, muffled sounds. As his vision cleared, he found himself in a dimly lit room, unfamiliar and devoid of any distinguishing features. He was lying on a bed.

"What happened... Where am I?" he muttered, his voice a mere whisper in the quiet space.

As he tried to sit up, a sudden headache surged through his mind, causing him to grimace. The pain was different this time, not as intense as before but more focused. His hand instinctively went to his forehead, and he winced as if trying to piece together fragmented memories.

"These memories... Then...?" he mumbled, a hint of realization crossing his face.

His eyes widened. "I was reborn... as an extra?"

"So, this is what ChroniclesMaster meant in his message..." He muttered. 'I knew it was a false message, but to think... He or she made me reborn into the world of the novel... What kind of existence is she/he?'

Adrian, no, Alex now realized what happened to him when he agreed to ChronicleMaster's proposal. 

After the light enveloped him, he 'died'. He was reborn into this world as Adrian Lighthaven and grew up as him, though some of his actions were a little different from the novel, they still had the same outcomes. 

'But, alas, I regained my previous life's memories a bit too late.' He sighed. 'Or else I could've prevented a few things from ever happening... Like the death of our parents...'



"Come on, Alex." Alex slapped his cheeks. "It's too late to regret now..."

'Now, since things already had come to this... I should first put my mind into place. I am still having problems remembering some stuff since I now have both my first and this life's memories mixed up...'

'Come to think of it, there was a time when reincarnating or transmigration as a character of a novel or game was popular. They would become villains, side characters, cannon fodders, or extras. I liked to read them as well.'

'But to think it would actually happen to me... Unbelievable...'

'Wait, nearly all of those became OP or surpassed the MC even though they were villains and extras, will I also be OP?'

'Sounds exciting-!'

"Urgh..." As he tried to move his body, pain jolted through his limbs, reminding him of the physical toll of the events he had experienced. He winced but persisted, determined to overcome the discomfort.

"Guess I need to take it slow," he muttered, easing himself into a sitting position on the bed.

The room, now clearer in his vision, seemed to be adorned with simple furnishings. A wooden table, a chair, and a dimly lit lamp were the only notable items in the confined space. 


The next moment, the door opened, and a woman about her thirties entered. She wore a white robe adorned with symbols denoting her status as a healer apprentice. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw Alex awake.

"You're awake!" she exclaimed, a mixture of relief and astonishment in her voice. "I'll get the healer. Just wait here!"

Before Alex could respond, she hurried out of the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts. As the door closed, he took a deep breath, trying to make sense of his situation.

Then, like a tidal wave, memories from the dark alley flooded his mind. Him rescuing his sister and Aurelies, but being unable to escape himself. And then fighting with the masked figures, killing two of them, but still losing and being injured badly. He was sure he was going to die. 


"Who saved me?" He muttered, putting his hand on his chin.

Since he was already unconscious, he was sure somebody must have saved him and then took to a hospital. 

As Alex pondered over the mysterious turn of events, the door creaked open again. This time, followed by the earlier woman, a middle-aged man in a long robe entered, carrying a satchel filled with various healing tools. His eyes widened with surprise as he saw Alex sitting on the bed, clearly on the path to recovery. 

"H-how could this be?" He exclaimed as he appeared beside Alex. "How are you alive and fine?"

"Huh?" Alex, who didn't expect such a reaction from the healer looked at him dumbfounded. "You mean I should have died?"

____ ____

(Author Note: Here we are guys, the real story is beginning!

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