

Aethereal Chronicles In the mystical world of Aetheria, an age of peace and prosperity has ended with the sudden death of the supreme ruler, plunging the continents into chaos. The seven elemental continents—Ignis, Aquaria, Gaia, Gale, Fulgor, Luminara, and Ecliptera—are rich with resources, ancient magic, and advanced technology. Now, they face the threat of conquest from both native powers and external invaders. To restore balance, the supreme power of the Opulent Era has summoned seven guardians from the mundane world, each endowed with unique systems to enhance their abilities. These guardians are tasked with defending their respective elements and ultimately producing a new supreme ruler to unite Aetheria. Amidst this turmoil, an anomaly emerges—Kalki, a half-devil with a supreme system that grants him limitless abilities. Driven by a devilish desire to challenge the powerful and a strategic mind, Kalki embarks on a journey to discover his true purpose. Alongside the seven guardians, who each hold a potential for romance, Kalki navigates through elemental beasts, political intrigue, and treacherous landscapes. With his sarcastic AI companion Yaksha, Kalki leverages his overpowered system to uncover the secrets of Aetheria and his connection to both worlds. As he grows stronger, he must confront the looming threats that endanger the realm and establish himself as a force capable of restoring order and harmony.

Elementals08 · ファンタジー
48 Chs

Is He Demon?

**Chapter 31:** Is He Demon?

Ember and Leslie found themselves facing a group of rare-tier beasts, their expressions twisted in disgust. The foul stench of the creatures permeated the air, and the relentless onslaught tested their limits. Their teamwork was seamless, but the battle was far from easy.

Ember's disgust deepened as she glanced sideways at Flint, who had joined their group at the behest of the Vice President of Arcane Nexus University. Flint's presence was an unwanted addition, ordered by the Prime Minister of the Infernal Empire. Despite her disdain, Ember had no choice but to accept him.

Flint, undeterred by the animosity, attempted to flirt with Ember. "You know, Ember, you're even more stunning in battle," he said, flashing what he thought was a charming smile.

Ember's eyes narrowed, and her lip curled in a barely concealed sneer. Leslie, standing nearby, struggled to maintain a neutral expression, her own disgust for Flint threatening to surface. "Focus on the fight, Flint," she snapped, her tone cold.

After a grueling battle, Ember delivered the final blow to the last beast. The creature disintegrated into wisps of essence, which flowed into Ember, causing her aura to flare momentarily. Her strength visibly increased, a fact not lost on her companions.

"We need to find a safe zone," Ember announced. "We need to recover."

The group moved cautiously to a safer area, where the presence of beasts was minimal. As they rested, they overheard a group of students discussing someone called "Monarch."

"Who is this Monarch everyone keeps talking about?" Leslie asked, her curiosity piqued.

One of the students turned to her, excitement lighting up his face. "Monarch is amazing! He's been slaughtering beasts left and right. They say the beasts he kills turn into spheres of essence!"

Ember's eyes widened in shock. "Spheres of essence? Only Guardians have that kind of ability." She turned to the student. "Is Monarch a boy or a girl?"

"A boy," the student replied confidently. "We asked his name, and his voice was definitely male."

Ember's mind raced. "Who could this person be?" she wondered, the shock etched deeply on her face.


Meanwhile, in another part of the rift, Rook, the third son of the Emperor, and Alex, a commoner, were engaged in a fierce battle with a peak rare-tier beast known as the volcanic griffins. The Griffin's scales shimmered like metal, and it roared with a ferocity that shook the ground.

Rook and Alex moved with an almost uncanny synchrony, despite their vastly different backgrounds. Rook wielded his sword with precision, his strikes aiming for the Drake's vulnerable spots. Alex, using his metal kai affinity, created weapons and barriers to counter the beast's attacks.

Rook lunged forward, his blade cutting through the Drake's defenses, while Alex's metal spears pinned it down. With a final coordinated attack, they brought the Ironclad Drake down. As the beast lay defeated, Alex began separating its valuable parts for sale outside the rift, while Rook looked on with disinterest.

Their work was interrupted by the arrival of a girl. "Alex, is she a Demon?" Rook asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Hey! This is my sister, did u have grudge with her?" Alex asked, turning to her. "What's up, Alice?"

Alice looked at Rook seriously. "I've been hearing about someone called Monarch. They say he's incredibly powerful, and his abilities are unlike anything we've seen. I think you two should challenge him."

Rook raised an eyebrow. "Challenge him? Why?"

"To improve your skills," Alice replied. "From what I've heard, neither of you could match him as you are now."

Alex and Rook exchanged glances, the idea taking root in their minds. The thought of facing such a powerful opponent was both daunting and exciting. "Alright," Rook said, determination in his voice. "Let's find this Monarch and see what he's made of."

As they gathered their gear and prepared to move out, the prospect of encountering Monarch added a new layer of anticipation to their journey. Little did they know that this encounter would shape their destinies in ways they couldn't yet imagine.


Kalki moved through the semi-dimensional rift with purpose, his keen senses alert for valuable resources. His Instant Analysis ability provided detailed information about the terrain, guiding him to areas rich in ores and medicinal herbs.

Using **Tempest's Embrace**, Kalki summoned a colossal vortex of wind. The vortex tore through the ground, loosening the tough rock around the Crimson Steel. With enhanced speed and agility, he expertly maneuvered to extract the ore, carefully storing it in his dimensional pockets.

Next, he found a deposit of Volcanic Iron, the ore's dark, almost black surface pulsating with an inner heat. To mine this, Kalki activated **Inferno Stride**, leaving a trail of fire as he moved. The heat from his skill softened the surrounding rock, making it easier to collect the Volcanic Iron. He stored the precious metal alongside the Crimson Steel.

Kalki's search continued, leading him to a shimmering vein of Kai Silver. This rare metal, with its silvery-blue sheen, was embedded deep within a rocky outcrop. Using **Flame Tempest Fist**, he delivered a powerful punch that combined wind and fire, breaking apart the rock and freeing the Kai Silver. He quickly gathered the pieces, placing them in his dimensional pockets.

In addition to the ores, Kalki discovered several medicinal herbs. He found Flame Petals, their vibrant red petals radiating heat; Molten Root, with its gnarled, fiery tendrils; Cinder Moss, a rare moss that glowed with an inner flame; and Blazebloom, a flower that emitted sparks. To collect these herbs, Kalki used **Meteor Storm**, summoning a barrage of flaming projectiles that delicately separated the herbs from their surroundings without damaging them. He carefully stored each herb, knowing their worth.

As Kalki meticulously gathered ores and medicinal herbs, the ground beneath him began to tremble. He paused, sensing a powerful presence stirring in the depths of the rift. The tremors grew stronger, and a low, guttural growl echoed through the cavernous landscape. Kalki's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and excitement. His eyes widened as the ground split open, revealing a massive form rising from the depths.

**Name:** Infernal Goliath

**Affinity:** Fire 

**Kai:** Metal


- **Attack:** 398

- **Agility:** 360

- **Endurance:** 423 


- **Molten Breath:** Unleashes a stream of molten lava from its maw

- **Iron Clad:** Temporarily hardens its skin to metal, deflecting attacks

- **Blaze Charge:** A fiery rush that incinerates everything in its path

- **Metal Spikes:** Summons sharp metal spikes from the ground to impale enemies

Before him stood the Infernal Goliath, a beast of epic proportions. Its scales, a mixture of molten metal and fiery rock, glowed with an intense heat. The creature's eyes burned like twin suns, and steam hissed from its nostrils with each breath. The sheer size and power of the beast were awe-inspiring, casting a long shadow over the landscape.

For a moment, Kalki felt a surge of fear and exhilaration. This was unlike any opponent he had faced before. The thrill of the impending battle coursed through his veins, awakening a part of him that relished the challenge. His usually calm demeanor shifted, and a devilish smile spread across his face. The dark, ruthless side of his nature stirred, eager to unleash its full potential against such a formidable foe.

The Infernal Goliath roared, the sound reverberating through the air like a thunderclap. Flames licked at its body, and molten lava dripped from its jaws. Kalki's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of malice and excitement. His Apex Mode activated, his aura intensifying as the sigils of fire and wind glowed brighter.

"This is going to be fun," he murmured to himself, his voice low and filled with anticipation.

Kalki readied himself, his eyes narrowing. The beast charged at him with **Blaze Charge**, but Kalki countered with **Inferno Stride**, dodging the attack and leaving a trail of fire that singed the Goliath's flanks. The creature roared in fury, its molten breath turning the ground into a bubbling pool of lava.

Using **Tempest's Embrace**, Kalki created a vortex to shield himself from the molten breath. He then launched a series of **Meteor Storm** projectiles at the Goliath, each flaming rock striking with precision. The beast howled, its **Iron Clad** skill activating and causing its hide to harden into an impenetrable metal.

The fight was intense, with the Goliath's metal spikes erupting from the ground, forcing Kalki to use his enhanced agility to dodge and weave through the onslaught. He retaliated with **Flame Tempest Fist**, delivering powerful blows that combined wind and fire, gradually wearing down the beast's defenses.

As Kalki sensed the presence of the observing students, hidden among the rocks and trees at a safe distance, he understood the delicate balance he needed to maintain. His instincts warned him against revealing his full power and the true extent of his skills. Though tempted to unleash every ounce of his enhanced abilities, he knew that doing so could attract unwanted attention and potential threats in the future.

With a focused demeanor, Kalki adjusted his strategy against the Infernal Goliath. Despite the beast's relentless attacks and the urge to display his apex abilities fully, he held back. Instead of using his most devastating techniques like the enhanced **Elemental chaos burst** , he opted for more controlled maneuvers and measured strikes.

The vortex from **Tempest's Embrace** remained potent but restrained, shielding him from the Goliath's molten breath without revealing its full force. He moved with calculated agility, evading the beast's onslaught with **Inferno Stride** but refraining from leaving a trail of fire that could betray the intensity of his skills.

As the battle intensified, Kalki's grin, once devilish and wide, became more subtle, a knowing smirk that hinted at hidden capabilities. His aura, though still impressive, was tempered, giving the impression that he was merely testing his opponent rather than engaging in a life-or-death struggle.

The students, unaware of Kalki's restraint, watched in awe as the battle unfolded before them. They marveled at his mastery of wind and fire, his ability to dance between attacks with effortless grace. Whispers of "Monarch" circulated among them, fueled by the spectacle of power and skill they witnessed.

"Do you think he's a guardian? Only they can wield elements like that."

"He's too young for that. But he's definitely exceptional."

"I heard he took down a whole pack of beasts earlier. No wonder they call him Monarch."

"Shh, watch. He's about to strike again."

The students remained captivated, their admiration and curiosity for the enigmatic fighter growing with each display of his extraordinary abilities.

Kalki, still in Apex Mode, showed no signs of essence depletion. His attacks were relentless, each one more powerful than the last. The students observed how the beast's molten hide would melt away into spheres of essence upon its injuries, a sign of Kalki's unique ability.