
Great Ape Training

Aeon showed her the bag and said teasingly, "These here are called sensu beans, they instantly heal you and restore your energy upon consumption. They are extremely hard to grow so don't go acting recklessly."

"You saying I'm reckless" Sarada said angrily.

"I'm saying don't, come on lets find out how strong you've gotten after healing." Aeon replied as he got up and walked out.

Aeon and Sarada went outside and used the scouters to measure their current power levels. Sarada's power doubled to 65,900 after healing from the fight while Aeon's power was rose to 85,400 after leaving the Time Chamber.

For the next month and a half Aeon would be with Kami learning about magic, went to go find Kami to learn about telekinesis, telepathy and mostly about magic, even going so far as to ask Kami about his experience in making the dragon balls.

Sarada spent most of her time training with Mr. Popo and sometimes she would come to learn about telepathy and telekinesis after Aeon suggested it to her.

Finally it was time for Aeon and Sarada to leave, they said their goodbyes to Kami and Mr. Popo then flew off.

As he watched them leave Mr. Popo asked, "Do you think they'll be back?"

"We can only hope." Kami said then took a deep breathe.

Aeon and Sarada arrived at Capsule Corp and met Dr. Brief, but his wife Panchy invited them for lunch, well it was more like persuaded them.

At lunch Aeon and Sarada ate with the Brief family where they also met the child version of Bulma. After lunch they stayed for a while and played games with Bulma, argued with Tights then left after the sun began to set.

Back to the place they landed Aeon and Sarada put there pods inside of dynocaps, then Aeon grabbed Sarada and teleported.

When they appeared they were in a forest, currently it was day time and But you could tell from the shadows of moons that it would soon become night.

"Where are we?" Sarada asked as she looked around.

"This is planet Jupiter that I had Porunga turn from its original gaseous state into a place that could support. This is where we will live, where the Saiyan race will call home." Aeon looked around as he spoke.

He continued, "I don't like the name Jupiter so we'll change to Adalah."

They continued to survey the planet but there was something off, something important was missing on this changed planet.

"There are no living creatures, just plants. At some point we will have to transport batches of creatures to create a full ecosystem." Aeon said to Sarada while they were eating.

By the time they finished eating it was already sunset as the moons started to come up. Looking at Sarada, Aeon said, "We are going to finish training to control our great ape forms since this planet already has more then 70 moons so we should take advantage of this time."

Standing a few meters away from each other Aeon and Sarada watched as the moons raised. It didn't take long before a full moon came, a few seconds after the duos face became blank.

Then their eyes turned red as their bodies began to enlarge and grow fur, soon they became giant apes, 15 meters tall.

The Giant Apes began to wreck havoc on they're surroundings.

A while after the transformation Aeon began to regain conscious. The first thing he did was to check if the capsule's were damaged, 'Good, they are still here.' he thought.

Looking around himself Aeon estimated the damage done from his rampage. 'I did not go far from were I started, it shouldn't have been more than an hour since I transformed. Maybe after about a month or two I could retain my conscious the entire time.'


Aeon was interrupted from his thoughts from the sound of an explosion. Turning to look he saw another giant ape in battle armor with light blue skin suit.

Walking over to the other ape Aeon spoke to it through telepathy, "Sarada, Wake up!" He kept sending her messages while he started to restrain her, it wasn't difficult since she is acting on instinct.

A while after Aeon restrained Sarada she started to regain her conscious. "Good! Now that you are aware, meditate so that you could calm and maybe even control the primal instincts of the Great Ape form."

Confused Sarada asked, "I thought we are training so that we can always retain conscious during the transformation?"

"The best way to do that is to constantly transform until you are able to always remain conscious, but we cant go back to human form until its day again. Do you remember the legend of the Super Saiyan?" Aeon said.

Sarada nodded. "The Golden Ape was berserk as the Saiyan couldn't control: its power, its rage, or its primal instincts that only wanted slaughter and destruction. In the end it destroyed the planet it stood on."

Aeon continued, "That is why we need to control the primal instincts, one day we ourselves may become a Golden Apes."

There was silence for a moment, then Sarada sat down and began meditate. Seeing her like that Aeon began to meditate himself.

As Aeon meditated he was searching inside himself, looking for the inner ape. After trying to search for a few hours Aeon had to give up and work on calming that instinct that wants him to destroy.

The duo meditated as the moons raised and fall, soon the last few moons began to fall and the sun began to rise, causing Aeon and Sarada to revert to the human form.