
Eating the Moon

After some time getting used to their gigantic forms Aeon teleported them to the smallest full moon. Once they arrived, they began to dig to the center and arrived at the core which was about 300 meters.

"How will we do this when its almost half our size?" Sarada asked.

Aeon used a Ki blade and cut the core open, "The outer core is useless for us, the inner core is what we want." saying that, the core opened revealing the liquid inside.

"This moons outer core was solid while the inner core a liquid." Saying that Aeon carved the outer core a bit so they could hold it like a bowl. Giving one half to Sarada he said, "Drink it. Use your Ki to refine it into a part of yourself."

The liquid was glowing yellowish-white and appeared to be a bit viscous. When they drank the liquid their bodies glowed, the glow was bright enough to light the entire cave. The glow started to dime when they began to refine the inner core.

They duo woke up three days later after they finished refining the moons inner core. They got up and stretched when Sarada said, "How come I don't feel that anything has changed".

"You wont immediately notice the changes, for now lets head back." Aeon replied before grabbing her and teleporting back to Jupiter.

Back on Jupiter, Aeon and Sarada appeared. Looking around Aeon noticed something, "Its daytime"

"So?" Sarada said.

"We are still in our Oozaru forms" Aeon said.

"Is that considered a success." Sarada asked.

"Yes and No." Aeon replied.

Sarada had a confused look on her face, when she was about to speak Aeon cut her off. "It was a Success because we are in our Oozaru forms during the day without using and external sources. The problem is that we don't know how to change back."

"So were stuck like this" Sarada asked.

"For now, yes." he answered honestly. "So we should spend some time try to discover how to change back." Saying that he found a spot to sit down.

Sarada complained silently for a while before she went somewhere to take a nap. Aeon seeing her relax began to search for the new energy he felt while they were refining the moons inner core.

He spent the entire day searching for that new energy to no avail. When the moons began to rise was when he could faintly detect what he believe to be blutz waves.

'Although I can detect the waves but I cant interact with them at all, it may be because they are waves instead of energy. After all in the dragon ball franchise their were multiple waves to generate or mimic blutz waves.' Aeon thought.

Turning to look at the moon Aeon realized something, 'Saiyans transform if they look at the full moon like how Goku transformed only when he looked directly at the moon during the pilaf saga. So only the eyes absorb blutz waves and that's if they come straight towards the eyes.'

"Did you make any progress on how to change back?" Sarada asked waking Aeon from his thoughts. Looking away from the moon and straight at Sarada, Aeon replied, "Well if we really need to change back then cutting our tails should work.

If you want to keep the tail then, I", Aeon stopped mid sentence because he realized something. Not caring about Sarada, Aeon sat down and began to meditate.

Sarada seeing him ignore her got angry an sent a small Ki blast at him. The Ki blast did no damage but it didn't cause Aeon to wake up, so Sarada went to a nearby mountain and began to use it as materials to sculpt.

A few hours later Aeon got up and sighed, he went towards Sarada to see what she was making. So far the only thing distinctive about was the head that sort of looked like Sarada.

After watching her for a few minutes Aeon left her to that and teleported away. When he appeared again he was on another moon, he began to dig to its core, this core had a liquid outer layer while the inner core was a solid.

Taking the core he teleported to Jupiter where he would leave the core before going to another moon. Aeon repeated the process five more times before stopping.

After cutting five of the cores in half, Aeon called Sarada over. "I got five more cores for us to refine."

She looked at the split cores and noticed that one was still whole, "What about that core?" Aeon put it to the side and said, "Im going to use it to forge an artifact." She nodded and didn't ask about it anymore.

Of the five cores two of them were liquids, so Aeon and Sarada both picked up two bowls and chugged the contents. After consuming the liquid cores they swallowed the solid cores before they began to meditate.

While refining the new energy Aeon also has to find out where the refined energy goes. He slowly refined the new energy bit by bit, although this is dangerous since the unrefined energy damages his body the longer it takes.

Five days passes by when Sarada finished refining her moon cores, she looked at Aeon who was still refining and got up. Walking around him a few times she saw that he would had some flashes of light under his fur, taking a closer look she noticed that he was slightly injured.

'He shouldn't be having trouble refining the moon cores since we had the same amount. Could he have discovered something which delayed the process.' Sarada thought as she watched him.