
-Chapter 46-

-POV 3rd-

-23rd day of the 12th moon-

-Palace Gardens-

I gathered all the lords of the seven kingdoms on this day, today all the lords still alive and who did not want to see the king land on his giant wolf directly in front of their doors, even the ruling Prince of Dorne, Doran Martell, was present with the rest of his family.

Very quickly the lords divided into camps, the northern lords on one side, the lords of the Vale on another, the lords of the western lands and so on. The King, sitting at the honor table, did not care much about all these territorial quarrels. He stood up and in the long open space in the center of all the tables he rolled out a giant map, a complete map of Westeros as complete as possible to make, and he said:

"The seven kingdoms have fallen into the hands of the Baratheons for far too long, and poverty strikes everywhere as well as disease."

He picked up 5 knives and threw the first while continuing to speak, walking as if nothing was:

"This bastard branch of my illustrious house rebelled and almost made the Targaryen name disappear into the dust of history...today they are no more and I withdraw all authority land goods and titles they possess or have possessed under the 7 kingdoms."

"I am therefore taking back all their lands all their titles all their goods and all their vassals they will be added to the crown lands does anyone oppose?"

The king stopped speaking and looked each noble in the eye one by one for a few seconds as if he expected someone to stand up and say "yes me" while a giant wolf nearly 4 meters tall lay close by at 5 meters from them.

"Good, since everyone agrees let's talk about the next thing the Tullys will suffer the same fate as the Baratheons I am now taking back all their titles all their lands all their vassals and all their goods."

Seeing the nobles all look at each other and start to squirm in their chairs the king's giant wolf stood up and the king stopped and asked for the second time:

"Does anyone oppose?"

The wife of Lord Stark stood up and said:

"I oppose."

"And what do you propose to compensate for their treasons?" the king asked almost teasingly.

"They are not traitors they never swore allegiance to you," said the Lady of Winterfell.

"Haha do you take me for the fool that was Robert you try to bring out the excuse that Balon Greyjoy gave to that big pile of shit that was the usurper."

"They are traitors and you're going to have to get used to it...not because they didn't swear loyalty to me directly...not because they didn't keep their vows and rebelled against my father and my grandfather no...they are traitors because I say they are traitors."

The words of King Aegon were terrifying, it wasn't so much the words that were terrifying but rather his tone, he spoke of this in a cold and indifferent way some might even doubt if there was a heart in this man at this precise moment.

"This is despicable...This is unacceptable."

She looked at her husband who looked away she felt disappointed by him then she looked at the northern nobles who surely did not want to antagonize the new king more than necessary especially after their suzerain had dragged them to play the neutrality card.

Then she turned her head towards the last vassals of her father who were now only a group of girls women and children all the noble men of fighting age had been sent to the wall and the older ones directly beheaded.

"You're taking revenge, you're taking revenge, it's only a vengeance directed against me."

For the first time since the king appeared today a sign of emotion slipped onto the king's face the corners of his mouth slightly lifted but he quickly converged his expression and he said:

"You can bark as much as you want it will change nothing be sure of that but given that you are my aunt I will not take the lives of these traitors they will be sent to the night's watch."

She sighed and a tear fell from her eye before she nodded her head and sat back down fearing the king would change his mind and kill her entire family."

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