
Aegis Schnee The Juggernaut Of Glyphs

One soul seeking other yet will they find each other in time or will they become bitter enemies? I Don't Own RWBY! Or any work mentioned in this fanfic! The picture is from there: https://cz.pinterest.com/pin/591238257315362510/

Nisiris · その他
345 Chs


Aegis sighted to himself in relief as another day's paperwork was finished, it was already a week that Aegis left Salems castle, and things were quite strange, for one, both Cinder, Emerald and even Salem chose to travel with him back to Schnee mansion where they now live.

Salem, because she wants to look more deeply into my work on both the serum and god killing weapons, but to Aegis it felt more likely that she chose to come because she was bored and with Cinder gone she would be left alone, so she chose to come with them, now she locked herself inside the guest room from where she used her crystal ball to control and supervise her Grimms.

And that was another boon for Aegis, now that Salem agreed to cease hostilities with him, the attacks on his facilities fallen to just some stray Grimms that were driven by instincts, another matter was that Salem agreed to take care of the mutant problem in the underground, but to Aegis, it felt that Salem felt contested be these flesh mutants and so wanted to see who is better, her Grimms or the experiment mistake?

One thing Aegis was glad for is that the flesh mutants aren't intelligent, or more likely sapient and like Grimms, are more driven by instincts, but where Grimms have Salem the flesh mutants seem to lack leadership or the hive-mind.

And lastly, Salem agreed to let Aegis scientists and engineers look into Grimm pools in the hope that they found a way to counter the brother's divine powers, Aegis knew his people would find something there, what it would be? That Aegis didn't know but he was patient and so was Salem, and both of them wanted gods gone.

Aegis left one battalion and airship with them as Grimms weren't a problem and soldiers were there just to let his civilian subordinates feel at ease.

Still, a lot of people were quite antsy with the immortal witch present, his servants more so, but all of them were professionals and trusted Aegis judgment so they didn't show their discomfort to Salem who even if she saw that just ignored them as she saw them as uninteresting.



Ah there was another reason why Aegis felt strange.

Cinder and Winter who came back from the academy for vacation sat on both of his sides.


Aegis asked his older sisters, yes Aegis accepted Cinder as an older sister, after, even if Cinders action killed him in last life from what Cinder said Aegis still couldn't find any resentment inside him at her, after all Cinder was the reason he chose to withstand the torture in the shadow realm, to hate her would just make all of his pain and tortures he experienced there a meaningless, and for another matter is Aegis just felt that he couldn't ever hate his original big sister, there was that little voice inside his heart that just made him weak to familial love.

Cinder explained her entire past life, from their younger lives, to his death and to her pursuit of magic to bring him back, Aegis knew she left some of the pieces of information but he chose to let her take time before she chose to tell him it be herself.

Another matter was that Cinder recognized Harriet's magic, and even her previous name, Potter, Cinder spat that name as poison, she called them hypocritical idiots, and both Aegis and Harriet chose to stop asking for more information, whatever the Potter ancestors did to Cinder was enough for her to curse that name for hours, but once she calmed down she hugged Harriet and said that she is Schnee and not Potter so they would be alright.

Harriet just nodded, but Aegis saw little stars in her eyes as she looked at Cinder and called her being cool, Cinder just laughed and promised to teach Harriet more magic she used in her past life, Aegis just asked Cinder to not raise any undead army to with Cinder smiled and nodded as she said she no longer need to use necromancy now that he is with her again.

Another strange encounter was between Pyrrha and Cinder who looked at each other and said they could feel that they evade something terrible, in short, both Cinder and Pyrrha were confused by a strange feeling to which Salem cursed under her breath about bitchy Fate games.

Otherwise, all of the family welcomed Cinder into the family, and when Weiss saw Emerald standing in shadows with a sorrowful expression, she walked to her and whispered something into her ear that made Emerald's face into doubting one that changed into a smile, and to resolute.

When Aegis asked what Weiss said to her Weiss just said women matter and Aegis wisely chose to let it be as Weiss said that Emerald would join their family as a sister, to which already everyone were already used to and welcomed Emerald too who tried to look strong but once Cinder hugged her started to cry.

Aegis who enjoyed the family that again became bigger smiled, but he could see Salem look at his family with a longing look, Aegis knew what she missed, but there was nothing he could do, Aegis just walked to Salem and gave wine goblet to which Salem faintly smiled and drunk.

It still baffled Aegis, the enemy of mankind for more than thousands of years was nothing but a broken woman who this entire time run on revenge flames, Salem didn't care for mankind, the sole reason she wanted to erase them was to spat into gods faces, but now Aegis told her his mind, she changed her tactics and accepted his help, all for the reason to watch how the brother's pay for their actions.

That was a week ago, and three days ago came Winter who after meeting Cinder smiled, both Winter and Cinder were gone for the entire day, but once they came back it both of them became stuck to Aegis, normally Aegis would think that they fought for his attention but no, if something were said about their smiles it was that both of them liked each other.

Winter who took Aegis's arm into her boobs smiled as she saw his eyebrow twitch, she still found it funny how Aegis could ignore their attempts that normal men would already explode, another point for their brother's patience.

Winter at first didn't know what to think about Cinder, at first she was worried about her position, but once she spoke with Cinder who previously saw her too as an obstacle, they found out that both of them hurt Aegis, and both of them loved Aegis, well Winter loved him more than brother and Cinder said she still need to think about it, but one thing they both did agree was that the Aegis happiness was foremost, and after a day of conversations they both became close...

"Come with us, and there is a thing I want to try."

Winter said as both she and Cinder took Aegis's arms and led him from his office.

"Ok, ok, no need to pull me."

Aegis laughed to which both older sisters ignored as they enjoyed the feeling of his arms.

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