
Adventuring With Wishes

Your average otaku has had it enough with the monotony of middle-class life. What does he do? He challenges Truck-kun! *While staring at the weird scene* Creator: So this is what the Author chose...oh well...time for my vacation...SEND IN TRUCK-KUN! I do not own any of the characters here except for MC! I am only writing for fun and messing up the plot lines(Literally) This is a multiverse Fanfic and I am just a new writer trying to fill the boredom in life COVER PHOTO IS NOT MINE! retrieved from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/644437027905891659/ By JenRos If you want it taken down please message me, thanks

ForgeCoffee · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Welcoming the Todoroki's

When everything was settled and Shoto was already healed of all his existing ailments, Alexander and Rei's family went home.

Alexander has also already assured them that their stuff has been transferred over already, all thanks to the system but they didn't have to know that.

But Alexander told Rei that they should wait for him on the rooftop first as he wants to speak to Touya alone for a moment. "Don't worry, I won't do anything I just want to make sure his mental health is alright", he said for the worried mother.

"Okay, we will wait for you on the rooftop then", Rei said and casually walked out with her kids. With Alexander and Touya left in the room, Alexander spoke first to break the silence,

"I know that you are already questioning why you are born...since that bastard of a father of yours wanted an offspring who can become No. 1.

But with the appearance of your younger brother, his attention went to him, added the fact that your quirk is too much for your body to handle."

Touya who has been listening was shocked at the fact that he knew everything that has been happening at the Todoroki Household but was immediately angered at his body's inability to handle his quirk.

Alexander who could already tell from the teen's expression of the bottled anger,

"Look, you have been trying to do what your father does, which is basically releasing fire all throughout the body. It works for him but not for you.

It's not his quirk, it's yours, when it comes to quirks you should never copy another's technique, you should only get inspiration from it.

For example, your Blue Flames are hotter than Endeavors but you always try to match the amount, which was already wrong! More doesn't always mean better."

He advised the teen in front of him who was looking at him with wide eyes and then responded, "So, what can I do now?"

"If your body can't handle it for long then why not become strong through technique? Incorporate martial arts into your quirk, imagine kicks with fire and other stuff, you get my point?", Alexander said to the teen who was basically trying to copy his father.

"Anyway, in the meantime why don't you spend time with your family? That's all I got to say...let's go, your mother is probably already waiting", Touya who was listening to Alexander couldn't help but agree to everything he has said up till now.

'I unknowingly copied what my father did huh? Anyway...let's spend time with mom, she would definitely love that', Touya thought to himself as he followed Alexander back to the roof where the Jet landed.




When the two appeared on the rooftop, Rei breathed out in relief but she also noticed that her eldest son Touya seems a bit calmer than usual, 'I don't know what Mr. Alexander said to him but I am thankful nonetheless', thinking to herself.




Soon, the jet landed within the premises of the Morningstar's, when they arrived they were greeted by all of the employees of the residence to welcome their guests.

Of course, the five daughters and Rem and Ram were also present within greeting, the children immediately went after Fuyumi, Natsuo, Touya, and Shoto asking them to play.

Rei and her kids although thankful for the help did not expect to be greeted so warmly, in fact, Rei expected a rather cold one as the Morningstars didn't owe them anything.

The children of Rei simply agreed and went off to play with the kids of Alexander, but Rem and Ram were angrily staring at their husband.

""Oni Form!"", they both said loudly as three white glowing horns with a hue of pink appeared on their forehead, when it was released trails of pink lightning formed around them mainly at the horns.

Without saying anything they rushed at Alexander at speeds that no one could follow...well...except Alexander, their launch was strong enough to cause spiderwebs onto the ground.



For Rem and Ram, time seemed to have gone slower as if almost everything came to a halt, when they neared they readied their own attacks.

Ram came charging with a dropkick while Rem rushed in with a punch aiming for his face and Ram aimed for the body.

Alexander who looked at this could only sigh and let his body be blown to whichever part of the country he will land in.



Rem gave a punch that sets his trajectory up while Ram with her dropkick gave the power to blast him off, and just like in anime, Alexander was blasted off while disappearing in the sky with a twinkling star afterward.

""Hah..."", they both said and immediately turned their heads toward Rei who was startled by what just happened.

"We're sorry for our husband", Rem said with a slight bow but not low enough to disrespect their name.

"Right, we apologize on his behalf of our husband, it must have been scary when that trouble-causing man just came in and started causing a ruckus.", said Ram apologetically.

Rei who heard this immediately waved her hands and head, "No, no, no, even though it was scary at first but due to him, he was able to get the children out of the Hellish place", she said and tried bowing in a 90-degree angle.

But before she could she was stopped by the two, "Please do not bow, he didn't do it looking for anyone to lower to him, he just did it that's all", Ram said nonchalantly.

"And plus, you're a mother who was holding everything together, it must've been hard, yes?", Rem said softly as she hugged the already stressed-out mother.

Rei who heard and felt the hug reciprocated it, she was already reaching her "BOILING" point and had thoughts of leaving the family as she started talking to her parents about it since she kept seeing her husband in them.

AN: (See what I did there? Boiling point? She threw boiling water at Shoto...no? Well, fu-ck you! Anyway, I still find it weird how Shoto got burned by hot water since...literal FIRE spouts out of that side, yknow?)

Meanwhile, as the three women were chatting, our beloved Alexander was still shooting off into the air as he positions himself as if laying down comfortably.

Then he suddenly remembered something, "RIGHT! The little vampire still needs help...though I think I should let her be taken under the care of the Hero, Vlad King, since he would know better how to take care of her and guide her.", he said as he zooms through the air already slowly tilting down.

'System, teleport me to where Himiko Toga is', as Alexander said this he immediately halted his speed fearing that he would still continue to move after being teleported.

Appearing in the middle of a forest area, Alexander was somewhat surprised he would've expected the inside of a house or something, but not a forest.

Then he heard slow breathing like rhythm, he looked around and there he saw Himiko sleeping under a tree wearing house clothes.

'Was she abandoned already? Easier for me then!', he thought and pokes the little girl on her round cheeks, "Uww...", the little girl stirred but was still asleep.

As he kept poking, the girl started to slightly open her eyes, "D-daddy?", she said in her half-asleep voice.

'Okay...maybe I will adopt her I guess', Alexander thought instantly captured by her surprising words.

The readers reading this could only say, "What the fu-ck?", as they read about Alexander being captured by mere words.

Himiko still not knowing who she addressed her daddy as just raised her two little arms to be picked up, thinking maybe she would be picked up like last time when she was younger.

Alexander...of course picked her up and just started to fly into the air, which startled the little girl awake when she felt the winds brush on her face.

"M-mister, who are you?", she said a bit worried about who just picked her up.

Alexander just looked at her and said, "Your new daddy of course! Would you like to come home with me?", he asked with a smile.

The little girl didn't know what to say but just nodded and started to drift off to sleep, "Hah...always works...warm my body at the right temperature and they just slowly fall asleep, works wonders with the kids", he said to himself like a proud parent finding out a life hack.

"When can I get a son I wonder?", Alexander spoke loudly to himself.



Make sure to check my other Fic!

Nine-Tailed Fox in MHA

