
Adventuring With Wishes

Your average otaku has had it enough with the monotony of middle-class life. What does he do? He challenges Truck-kun! *While staring at the weird scene* Creator: So this is what the Author chose...oh well...time for my vacation...SEND IN TRUCK-KUN! I do not own any of the characters here except for MC! I am only writing for fun and messing up the plot lines(Literally) This is a multiverse Fanfic and I am just a new writer trying to fill the boredom in life COVER PHOTO IS NOT MINE! retrieved from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/644437027905891659/ By JenRos If you want it taken down please message me, thanks

ForgeCoffee · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

The Birthday 1


After receiving my task, I immediately headed out to complete it and deciding to go for the reincarnators first. Contemplating for a bit whether to use a car for appearance or just run it.

Deciding to just run and finish it quickly, I made my way to the Lionheart Estate as they too were outside of the city.

Running over to their Estate to what seemed like teleportation for others, after arriving I door belled instead of just barging into their house and create unnecessary trouble.

*Ding* *Dong*

What received me was a maid who was just in her mid-twenties, "Good day, do you have business with the Lionheart Family?" she asked.

"I am here on behalf of the Morningstar Family to send an invitation", as I said so I took out a black leathered invitation letter with gold linings and a wax seal of the family, the three dragon heads.

The maid hearing the Family I serve for was stunned and was about to invite me in but I raised my hand, "Formalities are not needed, I am only here to give an invitation letter, and seeing you received it I shall bid farewell, Good day!"

Running to the next family and disappearing from the maid who immediately ran back inside to give the invitation.

Heading towards the Hado Family I was immediately greeted by the gate of the residence. Door belling to make my presence known, and what stepped outside was a blue-haired muscular man, Akio Hado.

The man immediately noticing me and appears to know of my appearance, "What does the butler of the Morningstar Family have business with my family?", he said in a wary tone.

I do not blame the wary guy, for all news about the Morningstar Family is deadly...deadly for those who try to underhand us and try to play us like a fool.

And befitting of his status as the Number 10 Hero, he is privy to information especially the kinds of things they need to watch out for.

And not to me or Master Alexander's surprise we take one of the top spots, being dangerous only when threatened...as they have already experienced it with the HPSC's previous President.

Handing him the invitation letter and explained it in detail although it will still be mentioned within the letter, "You and your family are being invited to a party, the contents are within the letter, and do please contact us if you are not able to come."

I said my farewells and headed for the Uchiha Family, from the fanfic he was supposed to come from, his real father had an optical quirk that lets him see at the cellular level which made him a top-notch Doctor even now.

Hence, it wouldn't be weird or suspicious to invite them as they would have enough social standing to be invited to the Young Ladies birthday.

After my thought, I was already in front of a house and doorbelled as usual. When the door opened the person that came out was a spectacled man with black hair and a white lab coat.

"Ah, Good Day, Dr. Uchiha. The family would be inviting you and your family to a party and the content of it will be within the letter.", I said to him.

Though he did not recognize me he sure did recognize the Morningstar Crest, but before he could speak I ran and headed for Japanese Times Studio.

This time however instead of properly introducing myself, I teleported to the office of the Director of the studio instead. As showing myself in the front door would just cause trouble since my face is recognizable to these stalking leeches.

Appearing before an old man, the one who manages the entire Japanese Times Studio, he seems to be shocked of my sudden arrival. Before he could misunderstand further I talked.

"You are being invited to the birthday of Master Morningstar's daughters, you will only have ONE job and that is to introduce them into society PROPERLY, The Family does not want anything extra.

And that will be all, there will be other big names in there but they will not be your focus, your focus is on the birthday got it?"

I said to him and simply handed him an invitation letter, after which I simply disappeared from his sight.

I went to all the planned invitees place of living and did it the same way how I gave the letter to the Lionheart, without appearing in front of them.







The family of four were having lunch quietly when a maid knocked continuously onto the dining hall's door, this disturbed the quiet atmosphere of their lunch.

"Come in, and please knock softer next time.", Gilbert who was sitting at the middle of the table gently reminded the young maid.

"Sorry!", the maid bowed and immediately went to hand the letter. When Gilbert saw the crest on the waxed seal he immediately turned serious.

"Did whoever gave the letter to you state what it was for?", he asked the maid.

"No, Sir. He only said it was an invitation letter and when I saw the crest I immediately rushed here but not before inviting the man...Though he only refused and left.", the maid said in one blow and no stutter.

"Well, that explains your furious knocking and you may go, thank you", Gilbert ordering the maid to leave so that he can read the contents of the letter with his family.

Alesha who was sitting on the elbow of the table asked, "Who's it from, Dear?"

Hearing his wife's curious tone he just answered without hiding anything, "The letter came from the Morningstar Family and they seem to be inviting us to something."

Hearing the name Morningstar made her take the situation a bit more serious, well no one can blame anyone as the Morningstar Family or rather Alexander does not like threats.

And when it comes to threats he nips it from the bud altogether, no mercy. Though they do not mind for anything else like business competitions or whatnot, but when the threat has something to do with their lives then...bye.

This has caused the Morningstar Family to gain a reputation wherein it's best to just not talk about them, as they have returned every malicious deed with force no matter who the person was.

Gilbert decided to open the letter to remove all the sudden weight placed on him, when he opened the letter a thin platinum card was inside that simply read:

[Your family is invited to the Birthday of the Young Morningstars]

"They have this habit of short and straight answers...even for the employees", Gilbert said as he read the message within it.

"Why do you think they're hosting a big party for the children?" Alesha asked, curious for the sudden invite as they do not have close ties.

"It's most probably an introduction for the children to society, if you were to look up on the internet there's barely any pictures of them and their names are not known.

And I think there's no ulterior motive too, maybe he is also trying to introduce children of their age to them, like our baby and his sister Angelica (older, like in the Ff) here."

Gilbert said of what he thought of the upcoming celebration.

Meanwhile, the baby who was attentively eating his liquid food was now listening on to it, 'That Morningstar Family again!?' he thought.

"Well, let's just enjoy and pick out proper gifts!", his wife suggested happily as she is an avid shopper...just finding reasons.




The Uchiha Family-

"Honey!", the man of the house shouted.

"What? Did we win the lottery?", his wife joked while supporter her baby who was already standing.

"The Morningstar Family invited our family to a birthday party, and it seems they're going to be introducing their children to society or more likely their names", Fujiwara said his thoughts for the reason behind it.

His wife who was listening was shocked that they were even noticed by the Morningstar Family as even though her husband's an amazing doctor, she never knew that his achievements have reached that sort of reputation!

The baby, Madara, who has been listening is interested once again as this time he will be able to finally witness the 'mysterious' Morningstar Family that was never in canon MHA!

'I'll finally be able to meet them and see how great this Europe's Number 1 Hero is.', Madara thought as throughout the months he has been able to see news on the TV pertaining to his company.

"Let's go pickout a present for the five daughters then!", the wife said in joy...another avid shopper?




The Hado Family-

When their father finally came back from answering the door he returned to the living room where his family was sitting around playing with baby Sayo who seemed rather strong for her age.

"Dear, who was that? And what's that letter on your hands?", Akinari Hado asked curiously.

"I do not know the details of it but in short it's an invitation letter." Akio (Dad, from the Ff) said as he began reading the single detail of it...

"Well...it's an invitation for a birthday party for the All-Father's children is what this is all about." Akio said with a hint of surprise.

"Birthday PARTY!", Nejire shouted in glee as birthday parties for children in general are the sort of events they like to attend anytime.

"Well, let's prepare for the event then.", the father said and they simply all nodded.




Japanese Times Director's Office-

A man was sitting in front of his desk thinking who is the best person to send as he fears that whoever he sends just might do something not needed and end up missing.

"Hah...I'll head over with just a single camera to not attract too much attention" he said to himself and he just plans on making a post about the event, as bringing a crew might ruin the event which is his top priority to not do.

"Now, what suit should I wear?", he said to himself before pondering for hours on end.





Alexander was talking to his daughter trying to know what they want for their party. But so far he only has a sleeping Yin on his laps and floating children around him, while the twins were busy giggling at him too.

"Rem, Ram, what do you think is fit for their birthday?", Alexander asked as he was curious of the opinions of his childrens' mothers.

The twins who heard this settled their laughter for now and began thinking,

"Nee-sama, wouldn't children be eating liquid baby food?"

"You are right, Rem, this brute probably thought of only giving sugar to the children"

"Haha...", Alexander could only scratch the back of his neck and laugh as he was caught redhanded.

"I guess my children are the only one strong enough to eat sweets.", he said proudly as if giving sweets to 1 year old children was something to be proud of.

"Sweet!" x4, the children who heard this while floating around began focusing their attention at Alexander. While the sleeping Yin was starting to regain life into her sleepy eyes.

"Sweets are unhealthy for the children.", Rem and Ram said together with arms folded, as they keep seeing Alexander spoil them with sweets.

"Let's just leave it to the Chefs then or do you want me to summon a Chef from a different place?", Alexander asked the twins, who were suddenly intrigued by the idea.

"He is going to do his crazy ideas again, Nee-sama"

"Um, he is crazy too after all."

Alexander can only sigh at their antics but from their expressions it seems he has gotten his answer already.






"Alright, I'll summon...till the next chapter", said Alexander with a smug expression.





