
Adventuring With Wishes

Your average otaku has had it enough with the monotony of middle-class life. What does he do? He challenges Truck-kun! *While staring at the weird scene* Creator: So this is what the Author chose...oh well...time for my vacation...SEND IN TRUCK-KUN! I do not own any of the characters here except for MC! I am only writing for fun and messing up the plot lines(Literally) This is a multiverse Fanfic and I am just a new writer trying to fill the boredom in life COVER PHOTO IS NOT MINE! retrieved from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/644437027905891659/ By JenRos If you want it taken down please message me, thanks

ForgeCoffee · アニメ·コミックス
35 Chs

Name it for me~



[We bring you breaking news! Number 1 Hero of Europe and Number 2 Hero of Japan went head to head against each other!

The clash between the two heroes happened during the quiet afternoon of Musutafu, witnesses say that the All-Father started the altercation first by blasting through the gates of the Todoroki Household!

When the two went head-to-head the temperature throughout the local area increased drastically! Heroes were forced to retreat a considerable distance away, and could not intervene with the battle.

The heat coming from the All-Father was high enough for the ground beneath him to turn molten, it was very surprising to such an event happen.

When they started exchanging flames, it looked like Endeavor was creating the flow of the fight, only to find out that his flames didn't even affect the All-Father!

Shortly afterward, the All-Father went on the offensive and ignored the flames that were being thrown at him, and went complete physical!

The All-Father manhandled the Number 2 Hero into the ground, when the fight was over, the All-Father went into the Todoroki Residence, and came out with the family of Endeavor.

When allowed to be questioned, it was revealed that Endeavor physically abuses his family and that they will be under his protection, and if the Hero Public Safety Commission wants to interfere they were told they are welcome to try!

After some more questions, the All-Father also stated his reason for his sudden departure from UA, saying that there aren't any interesting students after Eraserhead, Loud Cloud, Midnight, and Present Mic graduated under his teaching.

With the short interview later, the escort 'aircraft' of the All-Father came into view, showing the clear advancement different from the rest of the world!

That is all for this Breaking News, till next time, Thank you!]






More cheering and drinking happened in Europe, having a blast of how their Number 1 Hero thrashed Japan's Number 2 while going away Scott-free!












The large doors of the Morningstar household busted upon, showing Alexander...with a child.

Rem and Ram who saw this just facepalmed, "Is this the supposed sister for the children? Please tell me that you didn't kidnap anyone's child", Ram said with a tick mark on her forehead.

"No worries! She was free for the taking, abandoned in the woods and I saw her sleeping, so I couldn't just leave her there, no?", he reasoned with a huge grin on his face.

"Nee-sama, with her abandoned it is perfectly okay, right?"

"100%, Rem"

The attitude of the two sisters immediately flipped the moment she was free for the taking, since who would abandon such a cute child?

While Himiko was still within Alexander's arms he immediately ordered the system to change the power of Himiko into [Shapeshifter] since it was a better upgrade compared to the previous one where she needed the blood of others.

But with all the talking and stirring around it was inevitable for Himiko to slowly but surely wake up, eyelids openings slowly to reveal golden irises that bumped her cuteness level up to a factor.

Quickly snatching her from the hands of Alexander, the twins looked at the child within their embrace, "Do you like desserts?", they asked a question that all children like since it will comfort them.

When Himiko finished rubbing her eyes, she nodded with a small smile forming on her lips, probably already wondering about the dessert.

"Okay, but before the dessert, can you tell me your name?", one of the twins asked in curiosity...due to the fact that Alexander didn't even introduce the child.

Alexander who was just standing right behind them could only laugh and scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

"U-um...Himiko", she said in her little voice that made the twins want to pamper her even further!

"Would you want to be part of our family?"

When the little girl heard this she was instantly happy, remembering what her parents said as they left her in that forest and said that they aren't family anymore.

"R-Really?", she asked making sure that what they were asking was actually true. And when the twins nodded in assurance, they were instantly hugged by Himiko.

""Your new name is Himiko Morningstar"", the twins said in unison wanting their new daughter to know of it so that she wouldn't use her old one.

'Tch, whoever owned that name is disgusting'

'What disgusting people'

The two started to curse whoever was the previous parents of Himiko since whatever the problem was, abandoning them in some forgotten forest is just a whole different kind of sin.

What soon happened next was Himiko being introduced to her five siblings, the Todoroki Family, and the two friends that the siblings had over.

(If you forgot, it was Sayo and Momo)

With Himiko being an addition to the family, she has also started going to school with her siblings and Shoto, but of course, Alexander has already explained her new quirk to her.

Himiko shapeshifted into different people first, but with the power just being newly given to her, she could only copy the faces of people for now, and not entirely restructure her body yet.

And to further mess up the timeline, Alexander ordered the system to suggest something into Izuku's mentality, which is to actually train his body instead of just proclaiming his want to be a Hero with a Notebook on quirks.

At least with this slight change in mentality, the boy would actually do something productive in his life rather than analyze Heroes all day with ZERO progress on achieving his dream of becoming a Hero.




Two years have passed since Himiko was adopted and a lot has happened since then, the first thing to note is that both Ram and Rem were pregnant, and are due within a few months.

Good news also happened for the Todoroki family that has been living under their roof too, Alexander decided to train Touya in incorporating his flames while using martial arts, with a side of meditation too to calm his once broken mind.

And with everything in place, even though Touya started a year late, he was still able to attend UA High that he wasn't able to achieve in the original manga.

Touya being trained by Alexander on how to better incorporate his quirk into a fighting style of his own actually placed first in the UA Sports Festival, with Endeavor watching on the sideline and didn't even try and talk to the kid.

The Family of Alexander and Rei's watched Touya win first place in glee, although the moment Rei's children saw Endeavor, they became quiet and subconsciously moved to a further spot.

Surprisingly enough, Endeavor didn't create a fuss or anything of the sort to try and get into contact with his family, Alexander didn't bother with the guy as all he knew is that Rei and her children are under his protection.

Could the man be reflecting upon himself? No one knew, no one cared, plain and simple. The man has just left too big of a mental scar upon his family for them to care enough about him, well except for Fuyumi since she is kind-hearted in nature.

One thing to note during the months that passed is that the children of Rei began calling Alexander "Uncle", since his actions were like that of the sort and he didn't mind being treated as such.

Though he was just praying to himself, technically a God, that the children of Rei do not call him Dad as that would be weird for their own mother and Alexander too. Since he only wanted to help the family, not get the woman.

After a few months, Rem and Ram were giving birth at a hospital that the family owned, Alexander even offered to the twins if they wanted a painless pregnancy but immediately turned that down saying that they want to experience this feeling.

-Scene When Giving Birth-

In a large hospital room, two women were giving birth, their screams were so loud that their husband had to reinforce the room they were in so that their screams wouldn't escape.

""ARHHHHHH"", the twins screamed in pain as they held the hands of Alexander for support, they unknowingly activated their 'quirk' as three glowing horns appeared on their foreheads, increasing their physical strength to untold limits.

The female doctor was constantly being protected under Alexander's influence, or else the shout from Rem and Ram could've ruptured her eardrums and made her go unconscious.

"Haha...Dear, if I wasn't strong, my two arms would've been torn off cleanly by the two of you...haha", he joked a bit trying to ease the two but he only received a death glare from the two.

The only reason that the two were in so much pain is because they are giving birth to literal Gods, and Alexander has missed this fact, since he resetted the strength of his five daughters to zero when he took them in.

Moments later, two beautiful babies could be seen, and with the initial slap to the butt the babies began crying. After the long painful ordeal, the twins were relieved and were already wanting to embrace their babies.

Alexander who saw their tired state restored their lost energy, effectively making them feel wide awake rather than the feeling of fatigue just moments ago.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Morningstar, your newborn babies are two handsome boys!", the doctor said as she finished clamping the cords of both babies and wrapped them in cloth.

When Alexander heard this he was in glee, since he wanted a son, and prevented himself from knowing the gender of his future children while still in the womb. Though even if the child was born a girl, he would love them all the same!

'We just hope that Alexander's reckless attitude doesn't rub off on the babies', the twins thought in unison after remembering all of Alexander's actions in everything he does.

Though they were taken out of their thoughts when the babies were handed to the two of them, revealing their appearance, though not much can be said for their appearance yet, but the two took their mother's respective hair color while taking the special features of Alexander, studded-stars on the hair.

The two embraced their babies tightly and both received a kiss on the head from Alexander, "What should we name the two?", he asked as he loving looked at his boys.

"Nee-sama, I'll name him..."

"Rem, I'll name him..."

(You Decide!)






(Anyway, sorry if I forgot to update this! I was trying my best to let the other Fic catch up! Do check it out, CHEERS!)

Other FF: Nine-Tailed Fox in MHA

PS: Next chapter will be a time skip, since I don't want to forcefully extend this part. BTW, do you guys want Alexander to help All Might in his first fight against All For One?