
Adventures Of The Fateweaver (Dropped)

When Eden, a child confined within a corrupt hospital for his entire life, finally takes his last breath, Fate takes pity on him and transports him into a world somewhat resembling his own. But, naturally, this world includes devils, dragons, and gods living alongside humanity. Fate, being a "benevolent goddess", provides her new champion with tools to defend himself, such as a magical sword with a sinister and violent history, and a magical house that conceals wondrous secrets spanning the multiverse.

Vex_900 · アニメ·コミックス
78 Chs

Chapter 7

As Eden enjoyed his breakfast in his lavish dining room, reminiscent of something a Victorian noble might possess, he noticed the entrance of someone he recognized – his good friend Keita Amano.

"Good morning, Amano. I've got extra servings in the kitchen for my breakfast, but if you're looking for something more Japanese, it'll just take a moment," Eden offered.

"No, Eden, it's fine," Amano responded, heading into the kitchen to plate his own meal.

"So, Amano, how did things go?" Eden inquired.

"Well… she invited me to the gaming club," Amano admitted.

"And?" Eden pressed.

"And what, Eden?"

"I mean, did you manage to get her phone number?"

"Eden, how was I supposed to do that? I mean—"

Eden's incredulous expression cut him off. "Alright, Amano, answer me this: do you think Tendou-san likes you, in general?"

"I guess, since she invited me to her club."

"Okay, and do you want her to like you even more?"

"I've always wanted more friends," Amano admitted, his cheeks slightly flushed.

"Then just act like yourself with a bit more confidence," Eden advised.

"A smidge more confidence, got it," Amano muttered to himself. They spent the rest of breakfast discussing Golden Tricks until it was time to head to school.

"Amano, text me later and let me know how it goes," Eden said as they parted ways.

After about five minutes of walking, Eden spotted two familiar figures – both resembling him and each other. The two blonde girls had more Western features than Japanese. His stern sister Nina, with her hair slightly braided, wore a blue sweater that matched her blue eyes. Her glasses added to her serious demeanor. The other sister, Yuna, was shyer around others but more outgoing at home. Unlike Nina and their mother, Yuna had green eyes which he inherited from their father . She looked more her age compared to Nina.

Yuna spotted him first and ran over. "Eden, you really should have come over last night. We were planning to make Lemon Cake for your birthday."

"Sorry, Yuna. I'll make it up to you," Eden promised. As she walked beside him, Yuna held onto his arm and led him toward their other sister.

"Eden, do you remember what Mom said when she allowed you to live alone?" Nina asked sternly.

"Yes, Nina. I'll try to visit more. Also, you guys are always welcome at my place."

"Really?" Yuna's eyes lit up.

"Absolutely. I'd love to have you over," Eden reassured them. Since moving out for high school, his relationship with his family had become somewhat distant. Although they lived together previously, he had often teleported to the mansion to use the training facilities. However, upon entering high school, he had decided to live there.

During their walk to school, he listened to his sisters chat about their activities. "Well, I'll see you later. I've got something to do after school, so I won't be able to walk home."

Before they could respond, he was already gone. Casting the spells {Blind Spot} and {Classmate A}, he quickly distanced himself from his sisters. He cared about them, but they had become quite clingy since he moved out, and he knew they wouldn't take it well if he didn't walk home with them. Blind Spot was self-explanatory, while the other spell was his own creation. Classmate A resolved his main issue at school – people wanting to engage with him. Eden didn't dislike people, but he preferred solitude and didn't want to join various groups. The spell allowed him to blend in with the crowd if someone unfamiliar noticed him. The spell only had one problem if someone already knew Eden then the spell would not work on them that's why he also casted Blind Spot since Classmate A would not work on them.

It didn't take long to reach his classroom. Honestly, he wasn't a fan of attending school, viewing it as a significant waste of time. However, he had two reasons compelling him to be there. Firstly, both of his sisters attended the same school, so if he skipped, they would surely notice and report it to their mother – something that had already happened, leading to a scolding from his mom. The other reason was his mother's friend and also someone he had called a aunt for most of his life, Shizuka Hiratsuka, who happened to be a teacher here. Eden had already received a lecture from Hiratsuka-sensei for skipping class. She had warned him that the next time, he'd be required to do community service. Thus, he needed a way to skip school without getting caught, something that was entirely feasible if he exercised caution.

Today, he had to be present in the morning since his sisters would notice his absence. However, his plan was to teleport out for lunch with Asia and then meet with Rias. This strategy seemed foolproof, and just to be doubly sure, he intended to use his modify memory on his teacher, ensuring they would remember him being present in the afternoon.