
Adventures of a Goddess

A random person suddenly got infinite power. What will she do with it? Note: I'm just writing this cuz I'm bored... It probably won't be good.

Mr_SlimePB · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

Chapter 10

(Mc Pov)

A month has passed since I had become an official genin ninja.

In the past month, I bought a huge amount of land and built a mansion on top of it. I also created a beautiful automaton maid, she can can clean, be a bodyguard, and do whatever I tell her.

The automaton maid is created using high-tech science and magic technology.

The energy core is made from a neutron star combined with a dragon god's core.

A neutron star, even if it's smaller than the sun, is still big so I used space magic to expand the inner space of the automaton to fit it.

The result is something close to a god killing machine.

It's already a miracle that the machine can hurt a god as the god I'm referring to are those who can control the laws of the universe.

No matter how high science and technology is, but all of it is built on the foundations of the law of the universe.

So technology will crumble down if for example, the laws of physics are changed.

This is her stats.


[Name: Automaton Maid (Code name: Murasaki)

Strength: 99 Qa

Defense: 99 Qa

Endurance: 99 Qa

Mana/Energy: 99 Qa

Speed: 99 Qa

Luck: 10 (A/N It really isn't alive but… since it has intelligence then I'll assume it's luck is normal.)


[Time and Space Magic] lv. 99/100

[Reality Manipulation] lv. 10/100

[Maid skills] lv. Max

[Emotions] lv. Max

[Absolute Control(Self)] lv. Max (A/N It means to be able to fully control her strength.)

[Energy Manipulation(Self)] lv. Max

[All Martial Arts] lv. 80/100

[Magic Eyes] lv. 81/100 (A/N Allows her to see mana, and many more.)

[Light Magic] lv. 99/100 (A/N From the core of the dragon god.) ]

Her stats may be quite insane, but this is just peak [Divine Master Realm], nothing too strong.

The most important thing is that she is cute!

Even though she is called an automaton maid but the only thing different is having two cores in her heart, the rest is basically human– if you ignore her stiff face but that just adds to her cuteness.


Besides building a mansion, I also did a lot of mission of Team 7.

Mostly D-rank missions as the hokage said "For experience."

But I don't think cleaning the toilet as a mission is considered experience or am I the only one who thought that ninjas are supposed to be assassins?

Anyway, after doing missions, sometimes I had a few dates with hinata and konan.

Going to the dango shop and the ramen shop, but mostly the barbeque shop.

Meat is definitely my favorite.

There was a few times when sasuke tried to get close to me but each time I 'lightly' slapped him without touching him.

Physics doesn't really apply to me.

He would always be sent to sakura or the hospital for treatment, sometimes sakura would thank me for helping her get close to her "Sasuke-kun!".




(Mc Pov)

Present day.

It was just another time when we finished a D-ranked mission, we were commissioned to find a cat called "Mr. Fluffy" by the daimyo's wife.

In the original plot, it should've taken a few hours to catch the cat, and I feel quite lazy, so I let my other teammates to catch to cat.

For what I was doing? Of course laying on hinata's lap, Konan also didn't join the mission and stayed with me and hinata.

After a few minutes, sasuke caught the cat with his EMS still activated.

I didn't know that he had to use his EMS for a simple mission, I guess he's getting quite weak.

Or maybe it was plot working in the background.

Walking to the mission center with hinata and konan, I followed the rest of my teammates there.

Arriving there, The hokage was about to give another D-ranked mission when Naruto shouted.

"No! No more D-ranked Mission!! I had enough of this. Grandpa Hokage! I want real mission!!"

Woah, it looks like he exploded in anger.

The Anbu next to the hokage looked angry and even had his kunai ready.

As for the hokage, he looked like he expected it and said.

"Ok, Naruto. Here is a C-ranked Escort mission."

Naruto, hinata, and sakura looked excited for the mission while sasuke and Arthur looked excited for a completely different mission.

The start of the wave arc.

"Grandpa Hiruzen, Are we going to escort a princess? A wealthy merchant? Or a noble?" asked naruto with stars in his eyes.

"No, naruto. He'll be arriving here any second now." Replied hiruzen.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps can now be heard as a drunken old man walked in.

he looked kind of like a farmer with a pointed hat.

He then said.

"Are these brats supposed to protect me? They don't even look like ninjas."

When naruto saw him, his excitement disappeared completely.

I guess reality crushed his fantasy.

The old man then walked out from the room.

After he left the room, we were briefed into the mission details.

The old man's name is Tazuna, the mission is to protect him while the bridge is being constructed.

Waving my hands, I teleported with hinata and konan to my mansion.

When arriving at the mansion, I saw an emotionless beautiful girl with dark blue hair and dark purple eyes, and she wore a maid attire.

"Welcome home, Master." Murasaki greeted monotonously.

My beautiful automaton maid named Murasaki greeted me.

Even though her voice didn't carry any emotions, her eyes were a bit different.

If by carefully observing her eyes, a tinge of happiness can be seen in her eyes.

'Ah~ A cute maid waiting for me, kind of makes me feel satisfied.' Shaking the thought out of my head, I looked at the maid with satisfaction and I hugged her as a reward for watching the mansion.

After that, I brought Murasaki to the bedroom as hinata and konan went to cultivate.

The two were directly teleported to 'that' planet while I had my sweet time with Murasaki.




(Mc Pov)

The next day.

I woke up and found myself hugging Murasaki while on my left and right is hinata and konan.

I then found that hinata's cultivation broke through [Spirit Profound Realm] and to the first level of [Earth Profound Realm] while konan's cultivation reached Peak [Spirit Profound Realm].

Waking the three up, I went to the bath and cleaned myself up.

After that, I went to the kitchen and found Murasaki cooking breakfast while hinata and konan already wearing their clothes.

I don't know how they got here but I have to say, they're quick.

Saying goodbye to Murasaki, I teleported to the Konoha gate with hinata and konan.

When I arrived there, I found everyone waiting for me and surprisingly, kakashi came early.

We then began traveling to the land of waves, I walked with hinata and konan while looking at my surroundings.

The trees rustled as the wind blows against the leaves while sounds of wild animals running around the forest. It was boring.

After a few minutes, we saw a puddle of water on the ground.

Sasuke and Arthur became alert while hinata and konan ignored it.

Suddenly the puddle disappeared, revealing 2 chunin ninjas who immediately attacked 'kakashi'.

When kakashi was 'dead', they turned their attention to us but then sasuke placed them in genjutsu instantly.

He may not be too proficient with it but come on, they're just chunin ninjas, no big deal.

It happened so quickly that the weaker ones of the team didn't even react, the weaker ones I'm talking about is obviously naruto and sakura.

They may have failed as a bodyguard but at least they didn't panic.

Anyway, kakashi came out from his hiding as he showed an eye smile and said.

"Good job, sasuke, Arthur."

Sasuke showed a proud smile and Arthur nodded.

After the body is disposed of, we continued on their journey.

As we got closer and closer to the land of waves, kakashi suddenly shouted.


When everyone ducked, we dodged a huge butcher sword which was lodged at a tree in front of us.

On top of the huge sword is a man with his face covered with bandages leaving only his upper portion of his face, visible.

When kakashi saw this ninja, he said.

"Zabuza, the demon of the hidden mist."

Zabuza released his killing intent and said.

"Kakashi of the Sharingan–"

Before anything else was said, konan shot a paper shuriken at Zabuza.

The strength contained in the shuriken is able to take care of anyone below kage-level, so Zabuza substituted himself with a water clone.


The water clone turned into water after the shuriken hit it, the water clone is different from a shadow clone.

It has the strength 1/10 of the user, so it shouldn't easily be destroyed.

After thinking for a bit, I decided to stretch my muscles and fight Zabuza for a bit. So I leaped towards where he is.

When he saw me coming towards him, he got the butcher sword and tried to slash me.

Using my omniscience, I saw all the attacks coming before they even attack me, basically future sight.

Dodging all the attacks gracefully, I flicked his sword with a single finger.

A single flick from an ordinary god can basically destroy a planet while from the void is basically multiple universes gone.

But with total control over my strength, it would only break his sword to pieces while the air pressure resulting from the aftermath will only rupture a few of his internal organs.

Is it too much?

I don't think so.

When the rest of them arrived to where I'm at, they saw Zabuza laying on the ground who is bleeding.

"I swear that everything she does is so exaggerated." Mutters Arthur and sakura.

I can hear that you know?

Just because you're muttering doesn't mean I can't hear you.

Sheesh, they are such rude people.

As kakashi is about to pick Zabuza up, a ninja with a mask flickered in front of him and said.


But I ignored what he is saying before using my skill [All-Seeing Eyes].


[Name: Haku]

[Gender: Female]

[Information Close]

'Damn, Haku is a girl? Hm, she is quite cute…' thinking of this, I snapped out of my daze and instantly teleported in front of her.

My weird action caught the confusion of everyone while hinata and konan didn't look surprised. I then hear then mutter.

"Another sister?"

"Yes, Another sister."

Smiling at her, I whispered in her ears.

"Haku~ would you like to come with me? I'll save Zabuza if you do."

She looked at me with hesitation but looking at the dying Zabuza, she decided to accept it.

"Senior, please save Zabuza-sama first."

Opening my palm, a ball of light appeared. That light is basically like the light of god but stronger, it would be able to heal all kinds of injuries, illnesses, poisons, and curses.

When the ball of light touched Zabuza, it began healing all his injuries. When kakashi saw this, he facepalmed and muttered.

"Why are you saving the enemy?"

The others only looked in wonder as a dying person somehow became healed instantly.

After a while, Zabuza was awake and saw that he's still here, he turned around and saw haku with her mask taken off.

"Haku? Why are we still here?"

Looking at Zabuza, I clapped my hand, getting his attention, and said.

"Zabuza, in order to heal you, haku promised to follow me."

"What!? Wh–"

"Okay, enough this is final. Then I'll be going now."

After finishing my 'conversation' with Zabuza, I was about to continue my mission with Team 7 when Zabuza grits his teeth and suddenly said.

"Let me follow you!"

I and haku was in disbelief we I heard this as Zabuza is supposed to be a bloodthirsty ninja before naruto did 'talk no jutsu' to him.

So turning around I found him still on the ground, and I asked.

"What did you say?"

"I said let me follow you. At least I should accompany him."

When hearing this, I thought for a moment before I suddenly remembered my mansion is quite empty.

I need a proper bodyguard, not for the protection but for being cool.

A tough looking bodyguard is more intimidating than a harmless looking maid.

But did he say 'him' towards haku? Well maybe he didn't know.

"Fine, You'll be my bodyguard." After saying this, haku is filled with joy while the rest just looked at this spectacle.

Zabuza, the demon of the mist, became my bodyguard, an intimidating bodyguard.

Our mission continued, with the addition of Zabuza and haku.

Tazuna was a bit afraid of Zabuza but seeing sakura and naruto fine with it, he decided to roll with it.




(A/N Minor Revisions…)