
Adventurer In The Multiverse

Lucifer dies to save a little girl from an accident. Now GOD gives him the chance to reincarnate in the Marvel Universe. He will be the strongest, he will travel worlds, he will obtain all that there is to obtain "Now that I'm here all those cosmic beings beware, I'll soon stand on top!" -------------------- Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of characters from the Marvel Universe or credit regarding the existence of this characters or content.

Eroevolution · その他
26 Chs


Shadow porting over to Afghanistan with his suit in stealth mode, Lucifer arrived precisely at the Ten Rings main base, watching as the group of scum held Tony blindfolded, gaged and bound while they recorded a video for Stane.

As he observed the ongoing events Lucifer placed a hand under his chin and pondered 'So what should I do to pass the time?'

Yes, wait, Lucifer had to regretfully wait a while, before ultimately getting Tony out, otherwise, the guy's indifference for human life and misery would never be curved, while also destroying the future events Lucifer was aware of. So he sat there, remembering each guy who ruffed his brother Tony up in one way or another and as he thought about it a cruel idea began forming in Lucifer's mind.

'So it is said, that by fire and metal, man shall be trialed' the phrase floated to the top of Lucifer's mind as an insidious smirk formed on his face while a blazing invisible flame began to form in front of him, which he subsequently extinguished after confirming no one detected any change.

'I'll be the nightmare these idiots see every waking moment' he thought while rubbing his hands together 'This will definitely be a fun week'

Having thought up to here, Lucifer waited till nightfall to finally begin tormenting the group of scum, not forgetting to stealthily approach tony and heal him moderately, while placing several barriers both on himself and in the shrapnel in his heart, guaranteeing it wouldn't kill Tony and that his life wouldn't be threatened while captive, since he couldn't really remove it otherwise hid risk changing to many things, such as Tony's rediscovery of element X, his endeavor for clean energy, which was one of the main points brought up in The Avengers, among other plot details. Sure it wouldn't really mean anything if they did change, since Lucifer could at this point cope with anything unexpected but then that would just serve to waist some of Lucifer's better laid plans, forcing him to make new ones, which would just be to annoying for Lucifer to do, since he already eagerly awaited knocking Thanos socks off in the most brutal and gruesome fashion.

'Damn hippie' Lucifer thought as he remembered Thanos' ugly mug while walking over to the nearest barrack.

Walking in Lucifer, finds a number of sleeping and snoring jackasses sprawled all over the cave, at the sight Lucifer's face turned a bit odd at first but it then slowly mellowed out, as gentle arcs began marking his face and he adopted a compassionate, seemingly benevolent countenance as a silent, almost motherly exclamation left his mouth "Aww they look like angels".

Taking a minute, Lucifer slowly raises his fingers and points forward, setting off an invisible and sweltering heat wave that started burning the fuckers from the inside, without so much as a blister appearing in the outside.





Were the parade of subsequent screams that the squealing pigs let out.

Not even seconds later, loud footsteps could be heard as a group of men came barging into the barracks, who as one would expect were nonplussed as they watched their comrades scream and squeal while groveling in the ground.

After several seconds, one lackey finally decided to approach the nearest pig and asked "Hey what's wrong?"

Hearing a voice near him the piggy grasped at the person's leg and begged as if for dear life.

"WATERRRRR!" Was the raspy voice that came from the pig's mouth, who was hoarse due to the heat and all the screaming.

Hearing the guy's desperate plea the lackey shouted "Hey bring water!! Hurry!"

Rushing out the group of men brought a couple of liters worth of water and alcohol for the agonizing pigs.

Yet as they gave them water an outstanding phenomenon took place, as from the pigs mouth large amounts of steam came out, which in turned awed the men who came to rescue.

Stunned by the sight, the most astute among them was too late to stop what would become an unforgettable sight.


Was all he could say before the men doused the pigs with alcohol, which was a fatal mistake.

As soon as a couple of milliliters of alcohol downed the pig's mouth, their bodies erupted in bright blue flames and the pigs evolved into flame humans.

Flailing and wailing as they approached their nearest comrades who tried putting out the flames with water, or smacking them with any fabric around.

Unfortunately no matter what they did the flames were inextinguishable and as more time passed the number of those burning increased, since the ones in flames would latch onto those without, seeking help. Forcing the rescuers to abandon their comrades to their fiery fate while barricading the barracks entrance with anything they could get their hands on.

Just as the remaining guys were relaxing, a sudden darkness enveloped their surroundings, isolating them from each other and as if not enough, they then began hearing scratching and moans everywhere around them.

One of them then began screaming as a bony hand clutched his leg, exerting force to pull him as though trying to drag him with it.

As he stared at it some more, he noticed other hands began emerging around him, filling his surrounding with emerging corpses, woman, children's mutilated men and more.

Horrified the man began crying and screaming, while throwing a fit like a little child, clutching his head in between his legs, for he recognized the corpses as those he had raped, killed and tortured.

"Stay away! Don't get close! NO!!!"

He screamed as the corpse slowly dragged closer, moaning curses towards him.



"You don't deserve to live"

Horrified the guy clutched his head and banged it against the floor.

"Wake up! Wake up! Get me out of here! God help me!"

He screamed while crying, getting bloody while wishing it all a dream.

Yet his focus was captured by the hand that held him since the beginning since it wasn't just a hand anymore, but the body of a beautiful lady, as beautiful as an angel and seemingly his salvation.

As she spread her arms open, the man rushed into her embrace weeping loudly while staining her white silky blouse.

Calming down a great deal the man looked up, enraptured by the beauty his most primal instincts took over as he pushed her down and teared her blouse off, exposing a plentiful chest.

Unfastening his belt he said with abated breath "I'll reward you for the comfort beauty, I'm sure it will be an honor for you"

Bucking his hips wildly, the man revealed in his ecstasy with closed eyes, as he approached his climax he opened his eyes and said.

"Here's your rew..."

Yet his words were never meant to finish, for below him was now a corpse, gouged flesh, holes and burns littered its maimed body. While it's eyes that stared at the man, were cold and glazed, with a milky white color, like those of a dead fish.

"Did you enjoy my body?" It said in a sweet voice to the man that was on top of it.

As though the straw that broke the camel's back, the man's eyes rolled back and froth began forming on his mouth, as he fell into unconsciousness.

Staring at the similar happenings around him, Lucifer joyfully smiled, happy at the punishment these men were enduring.

Turning his gaze to the corpses, he observed as the tipped their heads in gratitude, to which Lucifer answered "you're welcome". Turning his gaze to the criminals once more, Lucifer revealed an unsatisfied expression. So waving his finger, Lucifer made the corpses dissipate into smoke and drill into the criminals head, causing them to once more begin screaming in agony even in their dreams.

True to his words, Lucifer gave no quarter to this groups of rapist, murdered and war mongers, even in their sleep, they would not be safe anymore.

Turning around Lucifer happily hummed as he walked away.

"Truly an interesting week"

I'm alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eroevolutioncreators' thoughts