
Adventurer In The Multiverse

Lucifer dies to save a little girl from an accident. Now GOD gives him the chance to reincarnate in the Marvel Universe. He will be the strongest, he will travel worlds, he will obtain all that there is to obtain "Now that I'm here all those cosmic beings beware, I'll soon stand on top!" -------------------- Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of characters from the Marvel Universe or credit regarding the existence of this characters or content.

Eroevolution · その他
26 Chs


There really weren't any more surprises after that. I just quickly found how to put it away and bring it back out, sadly that was as far as I could get as Elizabeth was already a couple of meters away from the door, yes, that's right I could sense her, but let's leave further exploration and clarifications for later.

The ride back home was not really that exciting, Elizabeth just served as the chauffer, while we exchanged some idle conversation, yet it did serve to answer the question of where was I, turns out I lived in New York and well, while this information alone really served no purpose, for it was not where I was? That really mattered, rather, in which dimension, in which reality, in which world I was and thankfully a big sky scrapper with the name "STARK" on it, resolved my doubts.

But you know the best thing? I literally lived across from this building, right in front if I might add. My building, yes mine was just as tall as the famous STARK tower, yet is was gave a bit of a more classical look, than Stark's, it was additionally outfitted with as much silver platinum color, as it could fit and the sherry on this metaphorical cake, had to be the giant golden star logo, the hang on the top of the building.

Did I mention I was rich? No, you say? Well turns out I had other property besides just this, just as much as the Stark's did in fact. Turns out, my father's where old friends of the Stark's, but not just friends but rivals, in science, love and more, well I do say parents but it was mostly just my dad, Maria Stark and my mother Claire Starfold, well longtime friends. Incidentally my father name was Richard Starfold, a man of science, a self-made billionaire, who like stark, aided the country in the second world war, as a man who supplied high tech armor and other defensive improvements. I would later be told by Elizabeth, that in those time my dad would tell hers "If I can bring just one more man back from that hell, then I can smile even if I were to die today". That was my father, a great man.

Incidentally it would seem the rivalry with Howard Stark, stemmed from the fact my dad made the armor, while Howard mad the weapons, so there was always the ongoing struggle of who was better, the spear or the shield, my father would build it, then Howard would break it, then my father would build again, Howard wouldn't be able to break, then Howard would build, in an almost never ending cycle, the two would try and show each other up, yet this struggle pushed science well over a decade into the future.

However enough about them, I soon neared my apartment, in which my new home was at the tippy top.

Exiting the elevator, a shrill escaped my mouth "Amazing!" and indeed it was, as I was suddenly transported into a bourgeois era room, a wide window that stared at the horizon, with long silky white drapes adorning it, the colors in the room lead by brown and reed, with a touch of pure white here and there, while in the middle of the room over a very soft red carpet, some ebony wood furniture, with a wine red color adorning the cushion, I swear I could almost see the high class room sparkle. It all denoted the previous inhabitant's fondness for the refined and classic, yet the details were enough to not seem obnoxious, the ambient curt and refined, as the fragrance of sandalwood permeated the air. What's more 'This is just the living room!'

I was informed by Elizabeth, there was even a lab where my dad used to work, in the floors below, similar in concept to the one Tony had in his Malibu home, back in Iron man 1. She said dad used to use it when he didn't want to go to work and laze around, but to me it all denoted the symptoms of a true workaholic.

"Young master, you might want to take a bath now that you are here, to wash of the hospital air about you, while I make you Lunch" Said Elizabeth as she pats my head to get my attention.

"I will do that then Elizabeth, thank you" I agree with her suggestion, as a couple of minutes alone would do me wonder to be able to figure out, just what were my next steps going to be.

Turning around I start walking to the bath, when I remember that I don't actually know where it is and I stop, while turning back to look at Elizabeth.

Seeing me stare she chuckles and lightly teases "Could it be you don't remember the way to your room young master? Here I thought you were walking away will knowing this"

I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment, as she was right "No, I don't remember" was all I could say back.

"It the second room to the right, just down the hall" She says while pointing right behind me.

"Oh right, right I remember, I was just playing" I say while running away, while in the background I can hear I light laugh from you know who 'God so embarrassing'.

Finally finding my room I took no time to observe, I just jumped strait into the bath as soon as I found it. But as I did I couldn't help but once more been blown away by the level of riches this family had and lets not go into details, let's just go with one word "Big".

It was huge, painted in the iconic silver platinum, it was styled after modern day Japanese bathrooms, complete with a tub large enough for four 'WTF! Why is the tub so big? It's not like I'm going to bathe with lots of people, or am I?' where some of the thoughts I had coursing through my head at the moment.

Calming down a couple of minutes later, I decided to not be bothered by this rich mentality things anymore, after all it was my life now and I would have to grow accustomed to it.

I proceed to wash myself, before entering the tub in a full out Japanese anime style and as the cold water finally touched my skin, my chaotic mind finally drew quiet, and now, now I could begin planning. 'So my first step will be to find out in which point of the timeline I'm in, whether events go as in the movies or comics, or both, can't take advantage of my knowledge without knowing where I'm at now can I? After that I can pester Elizabeth to find me a martial arts instructor, to supplement my present weakness for close combat and combat experience, this should also give me an excuse to work on a special diet and training regimen, without Elizabeth's opposition, to help strengthen this vessel. I guess the hardest part would be to learn to control what I can do, true right now I can only do minor acts of pyrokinesis, but with all the knowledge in my head I'm sure I can work around all this. I should also learn the sciences of this world and maybe make some tech? Well it can't really hurt to have extra safety in this world, especially if that purple bastard wants to erase life, like in the movies. Thankfully I can feel I'm smart, just don't know by how much, guess we will have to find out? Finally I have to take some time to find out what how to work that black blob thing. Damn I have so much to do! I have best get started, time to eat and advance' taking a while to plan and account for diverse situations I was finally ready to get out of my bath and start my path to power.

So I rose, from the tub, ready to get out, when I was stopped in my tracks by a bell like voice and a knock coming from outside the bath.


"Young master, I'm coming in, I shall help you wash"

Yo! Author here.

Dang that was a long sentence, I couldn't work around it though, so I just had to leave it as is.

So what up? Enjoying so far? Ready for the next chapter? Will bath time be extended?

Find out more in the next episode of D... Upps wrong anime

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