
Adventurer In The Multiverse

Lucifer dies to save a little girl from an accident. Now GOD gives him the chance to reincarnate in the Marvel Universe. He will be the strongest, he will travel worlds, he will obtain all that there is to obtain "Now that I'm here all those cosmic beings beware, I'll soon stand on top!" -------------------- Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of characters from the Marvel Universe or credit regarding the existence of this characters or content.

Eroevolution · その他
26 Chs


I extend my hand and greet "It is a pleasure to finally meet you mister Stark, I have heard a lot about you"

"Ah yes, hello" Tony says while completely ignoring my hand.

Turning back to Elizabeth he says" Listen, why don't you ditch the kid and then you and I can"

"Mister Stark, I had thought you came to say somethings to young master today, did you not?" Says Elizabeth in icy tone.

"Oh yes, yes. You are right, my offer still stands by the way" Tony says, ignoring Elizabeth's tone.

'The nerve of this guy! Can I roast him? I really, really want to roast this guy now' I think, while my mind is in a bit of fury at seeing this clown show and getting totally ignored.

"So, uh kid, my sincerest condolences, I know it might not be easy, but you got to get threw it with any luck you might even end up being as awesome as me someday, you know?" This idiot says while stroking his ego while he is at it. Got to admire that trait, must take years of work to get to that point.

"Anyway I'm here to just offer my support you know, anything you need, any time, that sort of thing. You now I'm free after this by the way, we can totally… after this… you know?"

Just as I'm about to go full fury of god, brimstone and blood on this guy, an idea goes off in my mind, causing me to smile wickedly.

"So mister Tony, you really mean anything, Because…"

"Ok kid, kid stop, don't call me mister Stark, mister Stark was my father, call me, call me…"


"No! I'm not that old, call me…"


"No, what do I even look like…"


"What are you Japanese now? Call me..."

"Old dude"


"How about gramps?"

"Can't it be something that totally doesn't make me feel like the ghost of Christmas past?"

"Then how about brother?"

"Brother, huh? Never had one of those. Ok what the heck, just call me that or Tony is just fine"

'That was fun. Part 1 complete' I smile cheerfully and respond. "Then brother tony teach me something"

"Like what?" Tony says a bit intrigued

"I was sinking around the lines of chemistry, physics, programing, engineering and such, basically the things you know"

"Sorry kid I don't have the time, how about I buy you a…" A bit startled at the strange request, tony immediately turns me down, seemingly appealed at the idea at having to spend so much time with someone other than himself, so he hastily responds while taking a sip of wine.

"Oh poor me! It would seem Tony Stark is too busy a man to spare a couple of minutes to teach me, I guess he is not a man of his word. Typical white collar they say they will do something yet they don't deliver" I say in an over the top manner, while using some wards, here and there to get the job done.

"Kid, no need to guilt trip me I just…"

"Don't worry brother Tony I won't think less of you just because you are unable to teach me something"

"That's fine kid, I…"

"No, no, no need for apologize brother I can surely find someone better"

"Good, but I mean I could…"

"Yes I mean what was I thinking, brother probably doesn't have the skill, like they said in that magazine a while back "Tony stark, truth or hoax?"

"Fine! You want me to teach? Want me to teach? Let's go pretty boy, let's see what you can learn"

'Success! The old Jedi mind trick works every time'

"Then let's go Tony, a couple floors down are my labs, all the toys, let's see what you can teach" I say, while we both walk to the elevator, leaving everyone agape with what just happened.

- - - - - - - - - - -

'Best decision, ever'

Now a couple of months have gone by, already been three years since the day I have awakened in the hospital, marking me as an eight year old boy in this time.

"Kid, come on, do as I say, add more capacitors on it, it will improve its average life span, while diminishing the necessary voltage, as they work in conjunction whit the circuits" A voice can be heard from a computer screen.

"I heard you Tony, as I have the last hundred dozen time you have said it. Come on trust me on this brother" I say while soldering a piece on the motherboard in front of me.

"Oh come on, your soldering the wrong part, who even taught you how to weld" Tony's voice could be heard once more from the monitor in front, scolding as though I bigger brother to his younger sibling.

"Ah, I remember you did" I say taking of my goggles and staring at the monitor "What? Jealous I'm about to outdo you with my invention?"

"Pftt! Please, I could take that and make a hundred better in a week?" Tony says with confidence.

"Oh, can you know? I'll see you in week then" I say, while waving off.

"Bet on it kid, don't stay up to late now and drink your milk" Sounds Tony's voice arrogantly.


"Hahahaha, that's what they say kid, adios"

"Damn! What a big brother I got" I smile, while putting on my goggles and welding again.

That's right, Tony has officially become my full time teacher over the months and often teaching me through videoconference, when out of the country. Not only that, Tony did not hold back, while teaching me everything he knows, I swear I could almost see Howard Starks ghost in him as he demanded the best from me, often throwing away "Half baked" things I made, though they were clearly perfect. You know he kind of growed on me, the bastard, enough to even consider the guy a true brother and undeniably so does he, despite his enormous ego that is. Can't say he doesn't care though, the guy threw me a hell birthday party, even gifted me a collection of cars, with a silver flamed Hot Rod, said I have to have good taste to be his brother. He even taught me how to make weapons and explosives, at one point, albeit behind Elizabeth's back. That's another one that has had a noticeably change in this three years, often teasing me back, not being one-sided anymore, as it used to, can't say I don't enjoy it though, bath time got even better, yet no lines have been crossed yet, I guess more time then?

"Sir the Shadow Star Corps, have successfully infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. and a handful of HYDRA bases, they will begin transmitting information periodically, subject (Super soldier serum) has been noted as high grade priority and will be notified upon acquisition. Hell's kitchen shadow information network has been successfully stablished, sir now has a virtual hold on all the happenings of crime. Progress on the exploration of pyramids and diverse human relics has had no further notification. No space anomalies has been noted to date. Progress on project F.R.O.S.T is at 35% percent and advancing, still waiting on the acquisition of the casket. Integration of the concept of (magic) is at 100% percent, proceeding to practical application. Lastly I am pleased to report that sir's holographic cellphone endeavor has been run through all possible scenarios and is 100% percent optimal for mass production. Congratulations sir." Says a sexy voice in the room, as though a high specs secretary.

Not stopping my work I proceed "Thank you M.I.N.E.R.V.A. How goes the the synthesis of element X and the miniaturization of the arc reactor project?"

"Synthesis of element X is at 38%, with slow and steady progress as you requested sir, while progress on the miniature arc reactor is stalled at 34% sir, after the acquisition of arc reactor blueprints and your designs, it is expected to have a breakthrough in the next two months"

'Damn, to think Tony built it in a cave, with a bunch of sticks and leftover parts, freaking monster.' I sigh. That's right, I created my own AI. To tell the truth, it was the first thing I made after learning programming from Tony and time has proven me wise. It has allowed me to save effort on the furthering of my diverse projects, while also keeping track of it all, not to mention the aid it has provided in establishing my very own intelligence organization, the Shadow Star Corps, courtesy in part to wolverines training.

"Notify me open reaching a 100% percent, do that for any other project as well, especially element x" I say.

'Why live in the present, when you can ahead?' I think and smile.

"M.I.N.E.R.V.A show the update on that project. Also, be sure to notify the Corps to find a doctor named Maya Hansen, I want all the information regarding her research, be sure to put the information on a folder in the secure storage, under the title (EXTREMIS) when you receive it"

"Acknowledge sir. Displaying update on project, at present it is only at 24%, still awaiting power source"

Suddenly a 3D hologram displaying an advance armor being assembled appears in front of Lucifer, who stops welding and looks up to watch.

'Finally, the first one is almost born!' Lucifer thinks while displaying an immense grin.

"Also sir, your companies' present status is still optimal, Elizabeth has done a fine job as acting CEO, however it is as you fear. The Shadow Corps have none the less compiled all the evidence you will need, once you are ready, you may proceed"

"Thank you M.I.N.E.R.V.A, continue monitoring all news and don't let up on your hacking protocol, you are to continue practicing that until stated otherwise"

"Yes sir"

"So, those old idiots are still at it, I guess I'll let them play around, for a few years more"

Yo! Author-kun here.

The suits appearance is based on the Crisis 3 suit, which is from a game developed by Crytek.

Unlike that suit however, lucifer won't have to switch in between modes, will be composed of nanites similar to Tony's future suit, while also having the Big Times Spiderman suit's abilities.

Once more I hope you enjoy.

Eroevolutioncreators' thoughts