
Adventurer In The Multiverse

Lucifer dies to save a little girl from an accident. Now GOD gives him the chance to reincarnate in the Marvel Universe. He will be the strongest, he will travel worlds, he will obtain all that there is to obtain "Now that I'm here all those cosmic beings beware, I'll soon stand on top!" -------------------- Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of characters from the Marvel Universe or credit regarding the existence of this characters or content.

Eroevolution · その他
26 Chs


"Those greedy old fools, they have been at it for the last five years, constantly trying to strip young master of what is his and making those passing comments, where they not necessary to keep young masters company alive, they would have long since eaten the balls I would have cut of them" as she rides the car home Elizabeth can't help but let out a huff and a sigh at the same time.

"At least Luci… Young master! At least young master is at home and can sooth my woes" She thinks, but stops herself as though she delved into an improper territory.

"Madam Elizabeth, you will be arriving shortly, I shall notify sir Lucifer" M.I.N.E.R.V.A's voice sound in the car.

"Thank you M.I.N.E.R.V.A, you are as always helpful" Elizabeth says, relieved by the usefulness of the AI invented by her master.

- - - - - - - - -

"So she will be here shortly, huh? Prepare dinner for two and tidy the house please" Orders Lucifer as he exits his training room, which exudes a faint smell of something burning.

"Anything I should be made aware of?"

"Only that madam Elizabeth has had a long day product of the boards endeavors, to be noted, they have grown increasingly daring and their plan is ready to be implemented, sir."

"Oh! Then… I guess it is time to meet them" Lucifer says, while deep in his eyes a cosmic fire seemed too lit.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Early in the morning, Starfold company main building.

A young boy could be seen walking in the halls, as though inspecting every inch of the expensive peace of real state, his gait firm and with filled with purpose, as he flaunted an expensive white suit with golden tie combo, while carrying with him a crimson briefcase, his most memorable feature however, was his dashing appearance which inevitably caused jealousy and spite on the men who saw him, while in women infatuation and desire could be felt.

Not being able to resist a strict looking lady in standard office ware approached the boy "Are you lost hun? Who are your parents, I'll take you to them, ok?" Said the woman what she believed a firm tone, yet even she did not notice how deep in her eyes only tenderness could be seen.

"Yes miss, I'm actually looking for the…"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In an ample conference room, the board of directors where gathering, as the organized documents and reviewed records, one of them says.

"Did that insufferable maid not come today'?"

"No, it would seem, not" Says a balding man close to the head chair.

"Finally, I say we must rid ourselves of her, like we did the…"A yellow teeth, balding man from the board, begins to say, before.


"Excuse me sir's one of your sons is here to meet you" A strict and mature woman's head pokes threw the door and says.

The group looks at each other, as though asking "Yours?"

After about a minute of awkward silence and getting no further in such a discussion, the man closest to the head chair speaks "Let him in"

Bewildered at such a reaction, the woman bows her head and escorts the boy inside, while she herself remains outside shutting the door.

Silence reigned, as all men in the room stared at the boy who stood at the door, with awkward expressions.

"Greetings young heir" Finally recomposing himself the de facto leader speaks up. "May I inquire to what we owe your presence here today?"

Taking his time in answering Lucifer stares at the men in the room, as though an eagle that has found its quarry.

Slowly opening his mouth, Lucifer says in a melodious and childish tone.

"You know I have been getting reports from different sources, one being my brother Tony, stating how you seem to be corrupting my company's original intent. Delving into weapons dealing and manufacturing, while also smuggling weapons to underdeveloped countries to fuel terrorism" pausing, while taking in the faces in the room, letting the facts think in to their mind. "Yet I refused to believe it, thinking to myself that the people in this room, who worked alongside my parents for years, would have at least some morals and humane thought in them, more so considering the atrocities that have been committed do to such actions, wouldn't they?"

"So if you ask why I'm here today, I would answer that today I came to inspect my company and see what my mighty directors are really up to" as each word leaves Lucifer's mouth, the iciness within them climbs, causing those of weaker will to let out cold sweat, while the nefarious thinking of ways to deal with this.

Suddenly a laugh is heard as the yellow teeth, bald man suddenly snaps.

"Your company? YOUR COMPANY!" He scoffs "It has been our company since five years ago and weren't it for you and that little wench, maid of yours, we would have made this company so big, Stark would weep at our success. So why don't you go back and suck on that little sl…"

"Mister Creedy" Lucifer says as all emotion drains of from his face and he stares intently at the man. Suddenly in a Lucifer speaks, unconsciously realizing a voice which carried both might and authority, as though God's own, he says "That wench, as you called her mister Creedy, is my most beloved person and to be clear, one of her is worth more than an infinite number of you"

"So fuck off" Lucifer screams while staring deep into his eyes, as Lucifer's green eyes begin to shine as though twin stars, while granting onto the poor bald fool a wondrous illusion, in which his soul burned with the fires of Lucifer's wrath for two millennia, while in reality only three seconds had gone by.

"AHHHHHH!" Sounds the old things agonizing scream as his head falls on the desk and his mind drifts into a coma, of which only God knows if he will wake.

"What have you dome to him?"


"Help is!"


Various shrills go of in the room as the man stand up and vainly try to get away from him. Sadly for them, Lucifer controlled the only entry and exit.

"I came here with the kindest of intent, bit you didn't seem to care" Lucifer smirks "Now let's get down to business shall we?"

"W-W-What do you want!?" Shouts the leader.

"I want you to…" Lucifer says until he is caught of

"AHHHH!" Suddenly two men begin running towards Lucifer, chairs in hand.

Closing in they were about to swing, when a briefcase appears in front of the guy to the right.


The goon falls, causing the guy on the left to flinch, just as a palm comes from bellow, connecting on to his chin.

Staggering backwards, a roundhouse kick greets his temple knocking the goon across the room, while also loosening his grip on the chair, which then begins to fall.

Grabbing on to the chair as it is about to touch the ground, Lucifer spins and smashes the chair right on top of the first goons head, just as he was getting up.

Now with both goons incapacitated, he dusts of his sleeves and straightens his suit, while letting out a disappointed sigh.

"I was going to give you a chance, spare you of any further punishment, even exonerating you from my parent's seeming demise, at the hands of you and your employer's ploy, but I guess you can't straighten the crooked" Says Lucifer in a plain tone.

"So as to save myself time and make it easier for myself, I shall give you two choices, sign here or end up ass your friend over there in the chair" Lucifer says in a tired manner, while distributing contracts he pulled from his briefcase across the table to the people in the room.

"Y-Y-You knew?!" Was the mad shrill of the leader, as he pointed at Lucifer.

"Yes, mister Burns, I did know, nothing surprising really, this whole room is stained with the stench of your sins, so I figured you did, however the question was who was your backer? But I guess it is a minor matter, for first I shall administer your judgment" Says Lucifer in a matter of fact way.

"You will try! Freak!" Screams Burns as he slides his hand under the table and pulls a gun.

"Oh, no, a gun, what ever will I do?" Lucifer teases as he plays along and raises his arms.

Now feeling secure with the gun in his hands, Burns gloats "See this? This was originally going to be used on that slut Elizabeth, but seeing as you are here, may be you will be its first client, may be will even use you as ransom, while making sure our guys get to have some fun with her, eh boys?"

Feeling in control, some in the room proceed to laugh and howl profanities. While only the most discerning ones wisely choose to remain silent, as they all stared at the boy across the rooms, who's head was lowered and hands where trembling.

Invigorated by his associates baking, Burns smiled evilly and taunted "What do you say now boy? Where those famous kung-Fu moves you just had? Lost all your valor just because you have this pointed at you? Don't worry we will take good care of your slu…"

"AHHH!" Yells burns as he drops his gun, which for some reason turned red hot.

"Not to worry mister Burns" Lucifer raises his head and smiles icily at Burns "You will make your ancestors proud… because you are most certainly going to burn"

Suddenly Burns combusts into flames while letting out an unforgettable and heart wrenching scream. Causing those around him to push him forward, while back away.


"Don't worry none will hear you, the room has been isolated" Lucifer let's out an unemotional voice.

"HELP MEEEE!" Screams burns.

"Don't worry mister Burns, once your body is consumed, I will make sure your soul burns as well, for about a millennia or so" Lucifer once more states


"Now gentlemen, if you would please sign" Says Lucifer while now looking at those men cowering in the corner.


Sounds the footstep of those men as they dash to sign the papers, even pushing in between themselves to be the fastest man at the table.

"Oh, remember, if you don't want to greet mister Burns ancestors like he does, respect Elizabeth for me ok? And no word of what happened here to anyone, make it seem as though this two suffered some accident. Also, wake those two up and make them sign as well, am I understood?" Lucifer says in a low town to all in the room.

"Thank you for your cooperation and soul, gentleman, it will be a pleasure having you work for me" Lucifer says as he exits the room. Just as he is almost past the door, a glowing black sphere shoots from Burns body and lands in his hand.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back at the Starfold building, Lucifer's lab.

Lucifer sat in a dark corner huddled up, absorbs in his thoughts as he stared at the black orb in his hands.

"Sir are you ok?" M.I.N.E.R.V.A.'s voice suddenly sounds in the quiet room.

Snapping out of his thoughts Lucifer grasp the sphere in his hands and responds "I'm fine, I just need to get back to work, is all" as he once more looks at the sphere in his hands.

"M.I.N.E.R.V.A give me an update, at what progress are we on our most recent endeavors"

"Reporting, sir. Doctor Bruce Banner has been called in to work under general Thunderbolt Ross, as per sir's prediction, all research is being monitored by the S.S.C, as per sir's instruction. Initial phase of project TRACE, has been commenced, initial mapping of neighboring planets, has been recorded successfully and is growing, in due time we will a detailed understanding of our coordinates in respect of the universe at large, phase two has yet to begin, no clues have been found as to the whereabouts of targets, however sir will be notified once we do. Construction of the miniaturized arc reactor and synthesis of element X have been accomplished, as has been the elaboration of nanosuit mark seven, as per sir's designs, waiting on sir's instruction for field test. Also, congratulations sir on gaining full control of the Starfold company" M.I.N.E.R.V.A's usual efficient report is given.

"So all is finally in motion, interesting…" Reminiscing on all he has achieved since his reincarnation, Lucifer loses himself in thought.

Surviving the baptism from hell, waking up, meeting Elizabeth… Stick, Logan, Tony, Pepper, Happy, all worthy people, that made up for what he never once had in his past life, for all the loneliness, for a life without laughs, all worth… giving his life to protect, like that little girl he saved was.

Gripping his fists, Lucifer end's his walk down memory lane, while once more awakening his determination to decimate all threats that may come to earth.

Taking a moment to recompose himself, Lucifer utters as he places the sphere on a nearby table "Open armory and start analysis on this sphere immediately"

Turning around he walks to a secret wall in the lab, causing it to open. Now in a wide room, filled with gadgets and spare parts, Lucifer walks to its center, where an advance mechanical suit is popping out of the ground, while inside a glass cylinder container.

Stretching his hands, the nanites begin to flow to him, flowing up his arms, across his torso and down his legs, until he is finally encased inside, while simultaneously arc reactors encasing element x appear on each shoulder and on his chest, glowing in a neon blue light.

'A cloak might be necessary for all initial endeavors, don't want tony getting inspiration to build a suit and sell it as a weapon. Though I doubt I will be caught by any cameras or satellites, one can't be too careful' as this thought crosses his mind, some nanites sprout form his back, forming a long furry cloak on him, that covered all the mechanical components, but most importantly the arc reactors.

'Convenient' Lucifer mentally praises as he pulls the hood on the cloak up, hiding the suits helmet.

"Initialize suit field test, prep all systems and monitor all readings"

"Yes sir, all systems are go, monitoring, protocols revised and working as intended, video recording activated and will be latter added to field test file, you are green to go sir".

Lucifer smirks and says

"Then let's get started"

Yo! Author-kun here

Think Jon Snow's fur coat, from game of thrones.

F-F-F-First kill kill kill kill

Although, the guy is a good boy, you might not want to be considered a bad guy by good old Luci

Hope you enjoy.

Eroevolutioncreators' thoughts