
Adventurer In The Multiverse

Lucifer dies to save a little girl from an accident. Now GOD gives him the chance to reincarnate in the Marvel Universe. He will be the strongest, he will travel worlds, he will obtain all that there is to obtain "Now that I'm here all those cosmic beings beware, I'll soon stand on top!" -------------------- Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of characters from the Marvel Universe or credit regarding the existence of this characters or content.

Eroevolution · その他
26 Chs


A month before Lucifer's fifteen birthday, a couple of months before Tony is kidnapped.

That memories of that day were still clear in Lucifer's mind, as he stared out the classroom window, a place Elizabeth could finally force him to go to, with her new authority over him, as she worried he would never learn to make friend. A small smile hang on his face, while he immersed himself in the pleasure of remembrance.

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Slowly touching Elizabeth's flawless face, enraptured by the gaze with which she gazed at him, one of love and care, Lucifer found it increasingly hard not to jump the final line, as it all grew increasingly blurry as his instincts blazed.

Yet it would seem fate had it against Lucifer that day, for an alarm snapped them out of there reverie.


"Madam Elizabeth it is time to go to work" The AI informed.

Sadly after that time interruptions were common. Forcing the two to forgo the action a while longer.

However, that's not to say there weren't any improvements, after the thin paper barrier that had held them back broke, events like the renewal of bath time, an increasingly tempting moment for both, were in effect.

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Back in the ongoing class, Lucifer scanned his fellow students of Midtown High, who dutifully noted away. Reflecting back on his decision to enroll here Lucifer let's out a playful smirk 'Midtown High…Something fun always happens here, or should I say someone?' He thinks.


An alarm goes off as Lucifer is notified by his AI on some new milestone in the long list of pending things to do.

Casting an illusion on his immediate area in a discreet manner, a projection of Lucifer paying attention and taking notes comes to life, as the real Lucifer flicks his wrist, causing his wristband, which's technology was fashioned after the Kimoyo Beads from Wakanda, to project a holographic screen which detailed the full progress on most of Lucifer objective.

Seeing what's on display Lucifer was initially astounded, then his smile grew ecstatic.

[Heart-Shaped Herb obtained]

[Required Vibranium amount obtained]

[Helen Cho's regeneration cradle designs obtained and optimized]

[All test's on artificial enhancements successful]

[Captain America found and ready for defrost, when ready]

And many much more notifications popped up on the screen, yet what truly made Lucifer happy, were the following words.

[Klyntar meteorite found, present scans show the specimen has no affiliation with either of the two Klyntar faction, ready to be retrieved when ready]

'It must be Christmas' He thought as his eyes shone with pure glee.

"Let's go take a look" He says as he closes his eyes.

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As Lucifer opened his eyes, he could see the endless space before him, as he looked down he could stare at the ethereal shadows that made up the body of the Shadow he was possessing, looking around he found the meteorite, a deep shade of black that contrasted even the black background that was space.

Stretching his hand towards the meteor he noticed some tendril began to stick out of it as though imitating Lucifer's action, making him stop his hand.

[It's best we don't touch it, huh? M.I.N.E.R.V.A arrange the teleportation and send it to the B47 lab, arrange for an isolation containment unit, I don't want this to come in contact with anything and wait until I'm there to begin our analysis on it] He ordered.

[Understood sir, charging, teleporting in 3…2…1]

A black flash and the meteors is gone, nodding his head Lucifer observes the space around him once more and closes his eyes, returning his conscience to earth.

Once more in the classroom Lucifer smiles and thinks 'It's going to be one hell of a birthday'.

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Back at home, Lucifer anxiously gets to work, diving straight to the B47 lab, he exits the elevator and stares at the meteorite housed inside the containment unit, which oddly enough was proven to be not a meteorite after some scans, but instead a large clump of biomass formed by the Klyntar species for its newborn.

"M.I.N.E.R.V.A take a small sample and start working on analysis for composition, structure and response to stimuli" Lucifer said, while thinking 'If in another universe they could create an artificial simbiote, then there is no reason I can't do the same and better.'

"Understood sir, commencing extraction" M.I.N.E.R.V.A responded, as a small needle poked the meteorite and suck a couple milliliters worth of simbiote mass.

"Remember to keep all instruments locked on the targets bio signal, activate isolation measurements for the room and take extra care with the sample you have extracted, we can't afford even a molecule of this escaping the confines of this room'

"Understood sir, initiating all confinement measures, vigilance level has been pumped too full alert" The AI intoned, as rows of sigils and sound based defenses sprouted in the vicinity of the room.

"Good, good. Oh, M.I.N.E.R.V.A how comes along the progress on construction of the regeneration cradle and modifications of the Extremis enhancement serum?" Lucifer said, as he followed along the test performed on the simbiote sample with his eyes.

"Both are coming along just fine sir, the cradles construction is marching along exactly as planned, implementation of the details you have devised procced in equal favorability. Extremis modifications have also seen improvement and progress is just a bit behind schedule. Yet I would see myself intoned to remind you sir, that you could finish everything with a wave of his fingers" The AI spoke, obviously finishing with a bit of annoyance in her tone.

Chuckling, Lucifer answered "Overreliance on certain elements cans cause flaws to be brought about M.I.N.E.R.V.A, besides the slow and steady peace of all our endeavors prove more gratifying than instant success, not to mentioned there may be those whose might may rival my own in the future, branching out and exploring all possibilities proves more fruitful than a loggerheaded pursuit of only one line of action. All in all I guess my answer would be, where's the fun in that?"

"Duly noted sir" The AI intoned as it resumed work on the diverse tasked entrusted to it.

Observing the diverse tests the simbiote was put under, Lucifer cheerfully smiled as the thirst for the experiences to come seeped from his blazing eyes 'Soon you purple bastard'.