
Adventurer In The Multiverse

Lucifer dies to save a little girl from an accident. Now GOD gives him the chance to reincarnate in the Marvel Universe. He will be the strongest, he will travel worlds, he will obtain all that there is to obtain "Now that I'm here all those cosmic beings beware, I'll soon stand on top!" -------------------- Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of characters from the Marvel Universe or credit regarding the existence of this characters or content.

Eroevolution · その他
26 Chs


In an infinite void, lit up by ever vanishing points of light, there lay a wandering soul, with shut eyes and a tranquil look.

This was Lucifer, your seemingly average, everyday guy, who had just recently given his life to save a little 4 year old girl and her little pup, from falling debris.

Suddenly a deep sounding voice, that seemingly came from the beginning of all, bellows.

"Lucifer, awaken!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Startled awake by what I can only describe as a lion's roar, or thunders booming echoes, I find myself in the seemingly endless nothingness of space, peering around I'm quick to notice how space bends in favor of a direction, as though twisted, looking over I'm shocked and awed by the mighty figure I have just noticed.

In front of me was a giant man, he sat on a throne made of crystal gold, surrounded by bright spheres of light, which seemingly orbited him autonomously, his stocky build denoted power and his posture authority, yet there was something about him which soothed my anxiousness.

Looking at me with a gaze that was both kind and piercing, as though my everything lay bare to him, he said "You've finally awaken Lucifer".

"Y-Y-Yes I have sir" I stammered as I answered.

"No need to be frightened child, you are here to be rewarded, not punished" he smiles and explains.

"Rewarded? Who? Me?" I cry out in shock.

"Yes, you. Are you not aware of how great a deed you have done today? You deserve a reward and that is why you are here." he says plainly, never loosing that warm smile he has.

Taking a minute to recall the series of events that have transpired. I was once more reminded how while walking down the street on an average everyday life, I suddenly noticed some loud banging overhead, turning up I was able to see how some workers were hammering their life away, creating a ruckus as they did.

Seeing enough, I was about to turn away when I noticed some steel beams, a couple meters up were starting to fall, hastily looking down to see where it would likely land, I see a little girl no more than 3 or 4 years old, admonishing her little pup for wandering away. With no time to warn her, I ran over trying to make it in time and as if the heavens heard me I successfully pushed her away… regretfully at the cost of my life.

Snapping out of it I once more look at the being at my front, who has up to this point only silently observed me.

Taking a breath, I look straight at him and say "Well yes I recall saving a little girl and her dog, however I would believe that saving someone in need doesn't need a reward, more so when I'm already dead." While saying the last bit, I couldn't help but be a little bitter, I mean, how often do you help people only for life to screw you over? I mean really?

As I was having a little rant all alone in my head, I just but missed something which probably has never happened before and it was the look of astonishment, latter pure delight and finally relief present in that beings face, which probably no one has ever seen.


Awoken from my thoughts, by the loud laughter of the being in front of me I can't help but be confused as to why, yet I knew better than to say anything, so I waited till he stopped.

Finally stopping, the being looks at me with the widest smile till now and says "You are correct Lucifer, helping others need no rewards, but you will be rewarded for needing no reward and for your untimely death, now child make a wish, any wish and I will then transport you to a new realm in which you may live to your hearts content"

At this I'm pleasantly surprised, it would seem I get to live again, however I couldn't help but notice a strange pattern, so I asked. "So will it be like one of those reincarnation novels, where the MC gets to traverse worlds, fighting demons and gods, while becoming OP?"

At this the being couldn't help but put on an awkward expression and said "If that is how you wish to live, then you may, this life completely up to your desires, now take your time and make your wish"

Now armed with this knowledge I no longer hesitate and begin a serious pondering on what is the most beneficial wish to make, on what it is I need, what could make me the strongest? After all, it would be a shame to just die as soon as I was reincarnated do to being too weak.

'A system? No, no to long winded. Same with cultivation themed abilities. So what then? A cheat? No, no I would only get one, not enough, but then what…' I thought and thought, while gradually an image came to mind, an image I had always associated with myself, the one I thought most fitting even when I was but a child and then it hit me 'That's it, why not ask for the powers of one who is already incredibly strong to begin with!'.

With my wish clear I raised my head to meet the beings gaze, which has not left me since I awoke here and proceeded to make one of the most significant choices of my life "I wish for the essence of Lucifer, the fallen angel"

At the mention of this name, the being adopts a serious disposition for the first time and as if pondering over a very serious issue, he turns silent, seemingly troubled over the magnitude of my wish and its implications.

Noticing his change I was about to apologize for I had thought I overreached "I'm sor…" however I was cut off by a wave of his hand and the shock of his next words, which carried such might, as though the heavens themselves decreed.


Yo! Author-kun here, writing my first novel, ever.

I'm a complete novice at this so constructive criticism is well received.

Hope you enjoy.

Also, I invoke the English is not my first language trope. (Have mercy).

Eroevolutioncreators' thoughts