
Adventure time: Am I Finn or Fionn

Life is in fair, and I always knew that, why do I say this, will my past life sucked and I wish I didn't have to live to it, then again I got a new life with this one, in Adventure time of all place not bad, but why is this adventure time world so different, did the dragon lie to me, what ever, I am now Finn in this new world or Am I Fionn

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · テレビ
11 Chs

What to pick

Fiin looked at his note. "Magic system from fate will be my first try, then i can try the one from The Beginning After The End, and final Cultivation, so yeah I havr plan A, B, and Plan C, just i hope i don't need to go to Plan C".

Finn's plan was solidified, and he felt a surge of confidence knowing he had multiple strategies to explore. With his notes and the different magic systems mapped out, he began implementing his approach.

**Plan A: Fate Magic System**

He started by adapting the concepts from the Fate magic system. This meant working on:

1. **Magic Circuits**: Creating a theoretical framework for how humans could potentially have magic circuits, even if it's not immediately apparent.

2. **Magecraft**: Adapting the concept of magecraft to fit the world's existing magical paradigms, integrating it with practical applications.

**Plan B: The Beginning After the End Magic System**

Once he had a working model for Plan A, he moved on to incorporate elements from *The Beginning After the End*:

1. **Mana Control**: Developing techniques for mana manipulation and control, ensuring that they align with the physical laws of the world.

2. **Elemental Affinity**: Introducing a system where individuals could harness and shape elemental magic based on their affinity.

**Plan C: Cultivation System**

Finally, he prepared for the possibility of using a cultivation-based approach if needed:

1. **Energy Cultivation**: Designing methods for cultivating magical energy or essence, and how it could be channeled into magical abilities.

2. **Progression**: Creating a progression system where practitioners could enhance their magical abilities through rigorous training and cultivation.

Finn's plan was to test each system methodically, ensuring that the final result was stable and effective. He hoped that by the time he reached Plan C, he'd have already made significant progress with Plans A and B.

Finn then looked at his finger with each rung. "And once I am done I am going to brove all those mages wrong, but what else do I do, how will they know.....A Kingdom".

Finn's thoughts turned to the broader implications of his mission. Proving the mages wrong and demonstrating that humans could wield magic was only part of the challenge. He needed a grand gesture, something that would clearly showcase the potential of human magic and establish his credibility.

**Establishing a Kingdom**

He considered the idea of creating his own kingdom—a place where his innovations and magical theories could be tested and demonstrated. This would serve several purposes:

1. **Proof of Concept**: A kingdom would provide a concrete example of his magical advancements and how they could be integrated into daily life.

2. **Recruitment**: By establishing a kingdom, he could attract skilled individuals who shared his vision, including both magic users and non-magic users who were willing to learn.

3. **Political and Social Influence**: A kingdom would give him a platform to influence the broader world, challenging existing norms and practices in the magical community.

**Steps to Establish a Kingdom**

1. **Research and Development**: Continue developing the magical systems he was working on and test them thoroughly.

2. **Alliances**: Seek out allies who might be interested in his vision. This could include influential figures, skilled mages, or even beings from other realms.

3. **Resource Acquisition**: Secure the necessary resources, including land, magical artifacts, and funding, to build and sustain a kingdom.

4. **Infrastructure**: Design and build the infrastructure needed for a functioning kingdom, including magical academies, research facilities, and defensive measures.

5. **Public Demonstration**: Organize public demonstrations of the new magical systems and technologies to showcase their effectiveness and potential.

**Vision for the Kingdom**

Finn envisioned a kingdom that was a blend of advanced magic and practical applications, where the boundaries of traditional magic were pushed and redefined. He wanted it to be a beacon of innovation and a testament to human potential in the realm of magic.

With his goals clearly outlined, Finn set about making his vision a reality, knowing that the road ahead would be challenging but determined to prove that human magic could surpass the limits set by the current magical community.

Finn picked all of his notes, but only the one if the kingdom, he had to show to his mother, he left his room and started to run where his mother domain was, in a different very magical place, was Danu her eyes was close as she was contect to the world, as Primordial mother goddess she was connected to all Ireland/Ooo, she was seeing all the children while at the same time talking to other Primordial Mothee goddes Like Gaia, Tiamat, Parvati, as then she hurd the door opens

Finn came to the room and looked at his adopted mother. "Mother I wanna make a kingdom".

At that Moment Danu just moved her head and looked at 7 yearold kid like he and grown anothee head. "What?".

Danu's expression was a mix of surprise and confusion as she processed Finn's unexpected declaration. She had been deeply immersed in her connection with the world and the primordial goddesses, and the sudden interruption by her young adopted son caught her off guard.

Danu raised an eyebrow, her voice tinged with both curiosity and concern. "A kingdom? Finn, you're only seven years old. What are you talking about?"

Finn took a deep breath, determined to explain his vision clearly. He held up his notes, which detailed his ideas for establishing a kingdom that would showcase the potential of human magic. "Mother, I've been studying magic and its applications, and I've come up with a plan. I want to create a kingdom where I can prove that humans can use magic effectively, just like the other races. This kingdom will be a place where new magical systems can be tested and demonstrated."

Danu's eyes narrowed as she glanced over the notes, skimming through the detailed plans Finn had written. She saw the ambitious vision he had crafted, including the infrastructure, magical advancements, and the societal structure he proposed. Her surprise gave way to thoughtful consideration as she recognized the scope of Finn's ambition.

"This is... quite ambitious, Finn," Danu said, her tone softening. "Creating a kingdom is no small feat. It requires not only magical knowledge but also resources, support, and a lot of planning. Why are you so determined to do this?"

Finn looked up at her with unwavering resolve. "I want to prove that humans can wield magic just as well as any other race. I've seen how the other mages dismiss human potential, and I want to show them that we can achieve greatness too. I believe that with the right resources and support, we can build something truly remarkable."

Danu took a deep breath, considering Finn's words and the potential impact of his proposed kingdom. The thought of supporting such a bold endeavor was both exciting and daunting. "Creating a kingdom would certainly make a statement," she said slowly. "But you'll need more than just a vision. You'll need allies, resources, and a plan to overcome the challenges you'll face."

Finn nodded eagerly. "I know, Mother. I've already started making plans and gathering resources. I just needed to share my vision with you and get your support."

Danu smiled, her maternal instincts mixed with pride and concern. "Very well, Finn. I will support you in your endeavor, but remember that creating a kingdom is a massive undertaking. You'll need to be prepared for the challenges ahead and ensure that you have the right guidance and resources."

As she spoke, she felt a surge of energy from the world, a sign that her son's ambition was resonating with the very fabric of their reality. Danu placed a reassuring hand on Finn's shoulder. "I'll help you get started and provide guidance, but it will be up to you to see this vision through. Are you ready for the responsibility?"

Finn's eyes shone with determination. "Yes, Mother. I'm ready."

Danu nodded, a mix of pride and concern in her gaze. "Then let's begin. We have a lot of work ahead of us."

Finn gave a worm smile. "Yes let's start motehr".

Danu just sigehd and looked at her. "Not yeat my little baby boy, you just need to wait".

Finn just looked at her. "With then when".

Danu just sighed. "Maybe when you are 12". She said that more as joke, little did she knew that would be taken seciresly by her son. "Just wait 5 more years only then".

Danu's words, meant to be a gentle reminder, were taken to heart by Finn. His face lit up with determination as he absorbed the news.

"Five years, huh?" Finn said, his voice resolute. "I'll use this time to prepare, learn more about magic, and plan everything out. I want to be ready for when the time comes."

Danu chuckled softly, finding amusement in Finn's unwavering commitment. "That's the spirit, Finn. Use these years wisely. Prepare yourself fully for the task ahead. And remember, building a kingdom is not just about magic—it's about leadership, diplomacy, and understanding the needs of your people."

Finn nodded vigorously. "Understood. I'll work on all of that. Thank you, Mother."

Danu placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Good. I'll be here to guide you along the way. But remember, the journey will be long and challenging."

As Finn left her domain, energized by the newfound clarity and purpose, Danu watched him with a mix of pride and concern. She knew that Finn's determination was genuine, and she hoped he would be able to navigate the complex path ahead.

In the coming years, Finn would immerse himself in his studies, refine his magical skills, and gather knowledge about governance and diplomacy. His dream of creating a kingdom would remain a constant source of motivation, and with the support and guidance of Danu, he would be well-prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead.

For now, Finn's focus was on learning and preparation, while Danu continued her cosmic responsibilities, keeping a watchful eye on her adopted son's progress.

Later that day Finn meet up with his friend Aine and another one, a new demi god that lug had, yes Lug the sun god has another demi God chile this boys had dark blue hair and red eyes, as he was good with a sword and spears and then was his name Finn had to question was Lug had names him that.

Aine spoke to the Boy. "This is so Cool isn't it Setanta".

The boy was names Setanta, yes he had the same name as Lug strongest child, Cu Chulainn or as kid name was Setanta, to horner his son Lug names his new boy after the same name.

Setanta just smirked and looked at Finn. "That is awasom Finn, not only are good with Magic, sword and spears now you playing on making a kingdom".

Finn beamed with excitement as he introduced himself to Setanta. "Yeah, I've got big plans. I want to prove everyone wrong about what humans can achieve. And I want to build a kingdom that combines magic, technology, and everything else I can learn."

Setanta's eyes sparkled with interest. "That's ambitious. My father, Lug, has always spoken highly of the potential in all his children. It seems like you're aiming to push boundaries too."

Aine nodded in agreement, clearly enthusiastic. "Finn has been working hard on his magic and his plans. We've been talking a lot about different ways to build a kingdom and how to incorporate all sorts of advancements."

Setanta crossed his arms, a thoughtful expression on his face. "If you need help with combat training or strategy, I can lend a hand. My skills with weapons are pretty solid, thanks to my training."

Finn's eyes lit up. "That would be amazing! I could use all the help I can get. Besides, a kingdom needs strong warriors and leaders, right?"

Aine clapped her hands together. "And I can help with magical training and research. I've been learning a lot about different magical systems and how they work. Together, we could make a great team."

Setanta smiled, clearly impressed with Finn's determination and vision. "Then it's settled. We'll help you with your plans. Just remember, building a kingdom takes time and effort. It's not just about having magic or strength but also about leadership and creating a place where people can thrive."

Finn nodded, his determination solidifying. "I understand. I'm ready for the challenge. With both of you by my side, I know we can make something incredible."

The three friends began discussing their plans more in-depth, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to the table. As they brainstormed and shared ideas, Finn felt a renewed sense of purpose. With the support of Aine and Setanta, he was even more motivated to turn his dream into reality.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones, also today is my birthday and hope people have a nice day