
Adventure time: Am I Finn or Fionn

Life is in fair, and I always knew that, why do I say this, will my past life sucked and I wish I didn't have to live to it, then again I got a new life with this one, in Adventure time of all place not bad, but why is this adventure time world so different, did the dragon lie to me, what ever, I am now Finn in this new world or Am I Fionn

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · テレビ
11 Chs

A frustrated Goddess

Morrigan sighed as she looked down from her vantage point, observing the trio of Finn, Aine, and Setanta. The name "Setanta" had initially caused her concern, stirring memories of Cu Chulainn, the legendary hero. However, seeing that this new Setanta was simply another child of Lug, she felt a wave of relief.

As she continued to watch, her thoughts drifted to her Book of Fate. The book had been her constant companion, and its pages had been filled with ever-changing prophecies and destinies. She flipped through the pages until she came across a tick mark indicating an upcoming significant event.

"Oh, for the love of everything," Morrigan muttered, her frustration evident. "Not again."

She traced the mark with her finger, and the text revealed a new twist in the fate of Finn. It seemed that despite the apparent calm, there were still numerous variables at play that could significantly alter the future. Her concern grew as she saw potential disruptions that could arise from Finn's ambitious plans.

Morrigan shook her head and put the book away. "I suppose I'll have to stay vigilant. The fabric of fate is rarely straightforward, and with Finn's determination and the introduction of Setanta into the mix, things are bound to get more complicated."

As she prepared to leave her perch, Morrigan cast one last glance at the trio below. "I'll have to be ready for whatever comes next. This world is full of surprises, and it seems like Finn is just the beginning."

Morrigan then looked at Finn. "You boy are my worst nightmare, I use to be writing fates if everyone, now I hate my Job of Destiny".

Morrigan, in her crow form, let out a piercing scream that echoed across the realms. The sound was so intense that it reverberated through the heavens and the various kingdoms below. Gods and mortals alike were startled, looking up in confusion and concern as they heard the cry.

The gods, gathered in their celestial realms, exchanged worried glances. The noise was not just a crow's cry but a powerful manifestation of distress and frustration. They wondered what could have caused such a reaction from Morrigan, who was known for her stoic and often enigmatic demeanor.

In the mortal realms, the inhabitants of the kingdoms—particularly those in the immediate vicinity of Morrigan's scream—looked around in alarm. The kingdoms' leaders, including the rulers of the Candy Kingdom, the Fire Kingdom, and the Ice Kingdom, convened to discuss the mysterious disturbance.

In the heavens, Danu and other primordial deities sensed the disruption and took note of Morrigan's unusual behavior. Danu, having a deep connection with the other primordial beings, was particularly concerned. She pondered whether this outburst might be related to Finn or some new cosmic event.

Back in her secluded spot, Morrigan, still in crow form, settled on a branch, exhausted from her outburst. She took a deep breath and tried to regain her composure. The burden of overseeing destinies and dealing with the unpredictable nature of Finn's existence had taken its toll on her.

"Why did I ever agree to this role?" Morrigan mused, her voice a mere whisper now. "Fate is a tangled web, and sometimes, I wonder if it's worth the struggle."

She perched quietly, watching Finn and his friends from afar, trying to reconcile her frustration with the inevitability of change and destiny.

Meanwhile in a different places, will in bar Dugda, Lugus and Lug were drinking.

Dugda jusy looked at Lugus. "So should we check up on Morrigan".

Lug drinked his drink. "How about no, don't you remember what happened 7 years ago, when we went to check up on her, she was really pissed that day, I wonder why she is the one who writes fate".

Oh only if these gods knew that Morrigan can't control fate anymore, she went from writing it to now just seeing it.

In the bar where the gods gathered, the atmosphere was one of casual camaraderie, a rare moment of relaxation amid their divine duties. Dugda, Lugus, and Lug sat around a table, their conversation flowing as freely as their drinks. The dimly lit room was filled with the soft murmur of their voices and the clinking of goblets.

Dugda, a more serious figure among the gods, broke the casual chatter. "Should we check up on Morrigan? It seems like she's been a bit... off lately."

Lugus took a slow sip from his drink, his gaze thoughtful. "How about no," he replied. "Do you remember what happened seven years ago when we went to see her? She was furious. I can't even begin to imagine why she's so worked up this time."

Lug, sitting beside them, nodded in agreement. "Yes, she was incredibly agitated. We've all got our own roles and responsibilities. Besides, Morrigan has always been the one who writes and oversees fate. If she's upset, it's probably best to let her handle it in her own way."

Little did they know, Morrigan's role had shifted dramatically. Where she once shaped destinies with her pen, she now merely observed the threads of fate, unable to influence them as she once could. The gods' assumption that Morrigan was still in control of fate added another layer of irony to her current predicament.

In the meantime, Morrigan continued to watch Finn from her perch, her frustration palpable. She knew her inability to alter destiny was a significant change from her previous power, and it was a source of deep dissatisfaction. The gods' lack of awareness about her diminished role only deepened her sense of isolation and frustration.

As the evening wore on, Dugda, Lugus, and Lug continued their conversation, blissfully unaware of the true extent of Morrigan's struggle. Their focus remained on more immediate concerns, leaving Morrigan to wrestle with her frustrations alone.

Meanwhile with Morrigan she was on the floor, as she was tired and crying like a anime character, it was noting serious she was just so frustrated by everything

"So why did you decide to come to the land of shadows over anything".

Morrigan head move to see a woman, this woman is an extremely beautiful woman, with her body proportions being described by Mash as being "just about perfect". She has long purple hair and red eyes, and wears a full-body outfit that highlights her curvaceous body, with metallic shoulder pads. She definitely was woman any guy would want, Morrigan just looked at woman the only person she call a 'friend?' will only because there domain was so close to eachother

Morrigan just looked at her. "Shut up god slayer".

The Woman just looked at her friend. 'i have name you know it is 'Scathach', queen of the shadows.

Scathach then stopped and looked at Morrigan. "So how much potential does this Finn have".

Morrigan just lipted her head. "A fucking lot why".

Scathach then had a grinn. "A lot you say, I think I finally found someone to put out of their Immortality".

Morrigan just looked at Scratches. "Didn't you say that about Cu Chulainn, how is that going, oh right your still alive".

Scathach's grin widened at Morrigan's comment. "Yes, Cu Chulainn was quite the challenge, but Finn—if he's as potent as you say—might just be the one to test my skills. Immortality can be quite the burden, and I do enjoy a good challenge."

Morrigan's eyes narrowed with a mix of concern and curiosity. "You're planning to challenge him directly?"

Scathach shrugged, a playful glint in her eyes. "Not directly, perhaps. But testing his limits, seeing how he fares against the challenges of fate and destiny... that could be quite enlightening. Besides, it's been a while since I've had a real test of skill."

Morrigan sighed, shaking her head. "You always did have a knack for finding the most dangerous amusements. Just don't forget that Finn's potential isn't just about raw power. He has a drive that might surpass even the greatest of challenges."

Scathach nodded thoughtfully. "Oh, I'm aware. That's what makes it interesting. It's not just about the fight; it's about seeing how he navigates the trials that come his way. If he's truly exceptional, it'll be worth every bit of effort."

Morrigan watched as Scathach turned to leave, her mind racing with the implications of the goddess's words. "Just be careful," Morrigan called out. "You might find yourself tested more than you expect."

Scathach's laughter echoed as she departed. "Careful is for those who fear the unknown. I prefer to embrace it."

Morrigan just looked at friend. "And how to plan on him trying to kill you".

Scathach answered her voice a mix of lapter and excitement. "Simple, I will train like I did Cu Chulainn and then I will see if he will be the one to finally kill me".

Morrigan's eyes widened in disbelief. "You can't be serious. You're actually planning to let him kill you?"

Scathach's grin broadened. "Indeed. If Finn is as extraordinary as you claim, then he might be the one who can finally surpass me. It's a chance to test not only his strength but his will and strategy. I've grown tired of the endless cycle of immortality and seek a worthy opponent to break it."

Morrigan shook her head, trying to grasp the full extent of Scathach's intentions. "You're willing to risk your own life just for this challenge?"

Scathach nodded, her excitement palpable. "Why not? It's a way to bring real meaning to my existence. If Finn can truly overcome me, it would be a testament to his greatness and a thrilling end to my own saga."

Morrigan sighed, her frustration giving way to a begrudging admiration. "You're as reckless as ever. Just remember, if you push too hard, you might push him into becoming a force you can't control."

Scathach laughed softly. "That's the thrill of it. The unknown is always exciting, and the possibility of an unexpected outcome makes it all the more worthwhile."

As Scathach disappeared into the shadows, Morrigan watched her friend with a mix of worry and respect. The path ahead was now more uncertain than ever, with Finn's potential and Scathach's plans intertwining in ways that could reshape their world.

Meanwhile with Finn as he was eating his food with Aine and Setanta as then Finn felt a chill down his spine

Finn took his last bite. "Why do fell like in the future I am going to trained to the bone by a crazy woman".

Aine and Setanta exchanged puzzled glances at Finn's comment. Setanta raised an eyebrow, "You feeling okay, Finn? What makes you think that?"

Finn shrugged, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling. "I don't know. Just a weird hunch. Anyway, we should focus on our plans for the kingdom."

Aine leaned in, curiosity piqued. "You've got something in mind, don't you? What's your next step?"

Finn nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "Yes. I'm planning to start the groundwork for the kingdom soon. I want it to be a place where magic and technology can coexist, and where humans can finally prove they're not limited by their lack of inherent magic."

Setanta grinned. "Sounds ambitious. Count me in for whatever you need. I've been itching for a challenge."

Aine gave a supportive nod. "And I'll help however I can. If there's anything we can do to get things moving, just say the word."

As they continued their meal, Finn couldn't shake the feeling that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges. Little did he know, the very prophecy that seemed like a distant worry was already set in motion.

Setanta then looked at Finn. "So what kingdom other then a magic one you wanna build".

Finn thought for a bit. "A Kingdom of Knight, Magic and Technology".

Setanta's eyes widened with excitement. "That sounds incredible! A place where tradition and innovation meet. But integrating all those elements will be challenging."

Aine nodded in agreement. "Definitely. You'll need to balance the old with the new and ensure each aspect complements the others. Have you thought about how you'll structure this kingdom?"

Finn leaned back, considering the complexities. "Yes, I envision a kingdom where different districts or regions specialize in different aspects—one for advanced technology, another for magical study, and a third for traditional knightly training. Each area would support and enrich the others."

Setanta smiled. "That could work well. And having a clear structure might make it easier to manage the integration of these different fields."

Aine added, "You'll also need strong allies and a good governance system to make it all come together smoothly."

Finn nodded thoughtfully. "True. I'll need to start building alliances and planning the governance structure carefully. It's a big task, but I believe it's worth it."

As the conversation continued, the three friends began to outline their vision more clearly, each adding ideas and suggestions to shape Finn's ambitious plan. Little did they know, their efforts would soon attract attention from powerful figures and bring unforeseen challenges, setting the stage for a grand and complex journey ahead.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones