
My drawings are real?

Well I'm either dreaming, or I really did just get transferred into another world. Hmm, I don't see any forms of civilization, or life I'm general. All that I can see for what seems forever is mountains, mountains so big that they seem to reach the heavens. Well I best start looking around this foreign scape and see if I can find something to eat, I'm starving. Wait... Omg my sketchbook and pencil, I won't be bored now that I have this. Well since I am so hungry and my portal I drew seems to have brought me here... Maybe that means if I draw some food it will be real. To test my theory, what should I make? Oh I know, I could really go for some schnitzel. Alright here it goes... What? Nothing happened? Well that sucks, I really thought it would work. That night Klondike went to bed hungry dreaming about schnitzel after searching for what seemed like an eternity for food to no avail. Sniff, sniff? What is that amazing smell? It smells like schnitzel. I think the smell is coming from my sketchbook. Well I guess I'll go ahead and open it- what the fuck? It really worked. I have schnitzel, but why didn't it work yesterday when I drew it? Wait... I dreamed of the schnitzel last night if I remember correctly. Maybe I have to be thinking of the drawing coming to life after I draw it. After Klondike scarffed down his meal he got hard at work drawing something to test his theory. Well let's think here for a moment. What is something I really think would come in handy? A sword maybe, no something more like an axe, or maybe a whole ass house. That's it I'll draw a house. Klondike finished drawing a beautiful log cabin. To find out if his drawing will come to reality or not, don't miss out on the next chapter of the adventure of Klondike.