

Site Survey

after adi took his younger sister to school, now he is thinking of finding a good location where he can build his father's hangout and also a food court, so now he casually makes the speed of his motorbike on the side of the road

While looking at a location that he feels is good, there are several requirements that he makes, first the location must be good, in this case, the flow of people and also access must be easy, then close to the house and the location must have a decent area

So that there will be enough parking space for those who have a vehicle to eat and are not confused about parking their vehicle while eating

And for the location as I thought, there are several candidates but he still doesn't know whether the look he chose will be sold or not, so now his job is to survey

Not far from the location of his sister's school, and after re-entering the main school in the area there is a fairly large land with a range of 700-1000 m2, judging from its location right on the side of the road

And being near a bank branch and also several shops, this looks very good but adi doubts that this location can be said to be good, the owner is selling it, but then instead of doubting he chooses to ask

Stopped at a small grocery store Adi parked his motorbike and bought some snacks while chatting "Sir, do you know who owns the land across the street?" Pointing to an empty lot overgrown with bushes

For a moment the seller was stunned and then he realized what Adi meant "know de, why ?" ask the seller

"Do you know sir, do you think the land was sold or not?" Adi is back asking a question

"I don't know about that, but I know the house, if you want to know if it's for sale or not, just go into that side alley, then look at the black house, it's the one who owns the land, you can ask," replied the seller.

"Oh, yes, thank you, sir, but if I may ask, how much is the price here, sir?" ask the price of land there for comparison

"When it comes to the price here, it's around 300-400 thousand per meter," replied the seller again

"Oh, that's all right, that's okay, okay, thank you, sir, said goodbye and continued the survey, the area around Adi's house, especially on the side of the road, was quite expensive compared to the location of his house which was in an alley, which was around 100-200 thousand

This price is classified as a relatively cheap price compared to the capital city area, because Adi lives in a satellite city so the land price is cheaper, compared to there, (this price refers to the land where the author lived in 2005-2010, about where he lives). no ask ok hehe)

Adi turned again and then continued his journey towards his house while looking at the right location for the next target, the distance from his sister's school to his house was only less than 5 kilometers so this range became the target that Adi had to determine in choosing a location.

Thankfully he got a location close to his house under 2 km or even within 1 km, and it's a really good hang if adi can get it

Now Adi is walking within 4 km of his house and there is still no suitable location, once there is a building built, although he can ask if it will be sold

However, this is included in Adi's second option, because he wants an empty land for construction, not one that has been built and then he uses it.

as for choosing vacant land, because he has his plans and plans for the place he will build, as a rebirth in an era that is arguably more advanced.

Adi who looks at the buildings around him at this time is very clear to him, where he used to see buildings with modern and neat designs, now he has to see buildings in the early 2000s and mid-2000s, clearly a different contrast

So that the design and concept that he has are more advanced compared to the current era, and that is an advantage that he has so it is clear that he knows where he has to maximize

This time Adi again found a location that he thought was good, with an area of ​​​​500-600 m2 of land, this land is near a T-junction with the base being nearby as well as several shops and clinics for medicine.

Seeing this, he realized that this is a clear location for a place to eat because almost everyone knows that it is close to a T-junction or crossroad, so the flow of people can be guaranteed.

Parked the motorbike near the vegetable seller on the side of the road, Adi again bought some vegetables as material to ask questions, after buying some vegetables and fruit to ask questions, only then Adi asked the lady who was selling "because it was a bit late so there Few customers at the vegetable seller so that it makes it easier for Adi to ask questions

"Mam, I want to ask you for a ride, do you know who owns the land next to the clinic?" Adi asked about the location he was interested in.

"Oh, that land, you know, it has a landowner near here, why are you interested? Many people ask," replied the vegetable seller's madam.

"Yes ma'am, my boss is interested, I was told to look for it and I saw the location was appropriate so I asked about it" Adi replied, the reason he made the boss's excuse was to make it easier for him to communicate

Because obviously with age and also the appearance it will not be convincing to buy a land that is large enough in the eyes of others

"Oh for the boss, what I know is that there is interest from the landowner to sell it, but some people have offered to give up, saying the land is too expensive," replied the mother.

"Oh, how much did the skipper ask for?" Adi asked back

"the owner asked for 500 thousand he said" replied the mother

"Yes, it's pretty expensive compared to the others," said Adi, because he also knew that the range of land in the area by the side of the main road was only 300-400 and if the owner asked for 500, it was a high number because it exceeded the market price.

"Well, if the boss is interested, you can go directly to the landlord's house, the land behind this elementary school is the level of the house," replied the mother.

"Oh I see, okay ma'am, thanks for the info, I'll say goodbye first" Adi replied and then continued his journey

And when he visited the two locations, it was clear that Adi was able to know the price and market price of the land in this main roadside area, so when he got to the third location of the land he wanted to buy.

Adi already knows the range he has to prepare if he wants to buy it.