
Adventure In The Multiverse

Shusui a 24 year old man is walking outside his house for the first time after 4 years, suddenly a brown clay pot fell out of nowhere directly on his head which instanly killed him After that he met a man who introduced himself as the one who created all things and also the one responsible for that clay pot that killed him "This is all an accident" The man sighed heavily while massaging his temples "I'll just grant you 5 wishes, and I'll send you to any world you like, I know this might sound like the ones in the novels, but this is the first time I will do something like this, you see I recently read something like this, and this happens, this is ridiculous" The man said to Shusui

FREEZEEEE_ · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 11: Entrance Exam

Third Person's POV

The next day

Alexandria was quietly waiting in the entrance of the forest, she was sitting on a small chair while drinking her morning tea

After a while when she emptied her cup, the amazons arrived a total of 10 person stood in front of her

"I want to talk to the Sword Immortal Shusui-sama" Suzzy said while looking at Alexandria

"Master already talked to me with this, He will let you and the others to join us, but in one condition" Alexandria said

"I will give him anything that he wants, even if, even if he wants me, I will still agree" Suzzy said

"You overestimated yourself, Shusui is mine to begin with" Alexandria said while looking at Suzzy angrily

"the condition is that you and the others will be under my team, the 2nd Division of the Sword Pirates called the Black Scripture, I named it that way because I love the color black, master likes it very much too" Alexandria said

"That is, if you pass my trial" Alexandria said then she looked at the girls

"Are you prepared? Once you embarks on this path there is no turning back" She added, the amazons looked at her then all of them nodded their heads

"Very good well then, you should enter the forest, those who can reach our village the next day will be allowed to participate my trial, my only advice for you girls is that, you should bring a lot of courage, you will need it, See you tomorrow girls" She said and with that she entered the forest and she vanished

The amazons who are left on the entrance of the forest looked at each other then Suzzy took a deep breath and she looked at her 8 friends that grew up together with her

"Are those conditions okay for you guys?" She asked them

"We will accept the condition princess" The 8 girls said as they knelt on one knee

"Are you really going to abandon the island and come with me to face the trial, this is not a joke, you saw what that shiny cute rabbit did to us last night, and base on the information that the elders gathered, that rabbit is still a child and based on strength she was just a low ranking guard in the town, once we enter the forest there is a high probability that we will meet the stronger beast that lurks inside" Suzzy said

"That's why we decided to follow you princess, we don't believe that you can pass this test so we will do everything for you to pass" A girl with a black and white hair said to Suzzy

"Yes we will help you princess" The others said too

"Zesshi, you guys" Suzzy said then she smiled

"Then we will pass this trial together" she said, then she looked at her teacher, they hugged and said their goodbyes after that the 9 girls entered the forest and left Gloriossa alone at the entrance, she sighed after a while she prayed for their success and they left

When she left, three people suddenly came out of nowhere, this is Alexandria, Gerard and his older brother Caesar

"you found a good group with a lot of potential, luckily I just broke through and Master approved my leave, tomorrow I'll set sail to recruit my own team" Caesar said jealously

"Master said that I could set sail too, Gen-san will leave tomorrow too while Neeko and Meeka will stay here to build a school, they will train their own team there" Gerard said

"then who will take over the patrolling duty after my turn?" Alexandria asked

"Master said that he will take over it, as he was bored sitting down and browsing in the shop, he said that maybe he can recruit someone while guarding the island and too" Caesar said

"Anyways are you sure that you are going to put them against the trial of the sword?" Caesar asked, as a sword user Neeko, Meeka, Alexandria and him already know what that trial is

"I asked master to adjust its level a little for the 8 girls, as for Suzzy's trial it will be the same as us, her talents and potential needs to be awaken, master said that he don't want a dead weight on his ship, so I set the standard high, as you know I took his word very seriously, I will make the 2nd Division the strongest in the Whole ship" Alexandria said

"you're not sure about that, my 1st Division will be the strongest division under master" Caesar said

"You guys are wrong its my 3rd Division that will achieve those things, you guys can only battle for the lower ranks" Gerard said with a smile

"you don't even know how to sail how can you be so sure about that?" Gen arrived then he heard the 3 kids quarreling about being the strongest commander and strongest division under Shusui

"Your team is Directly under master right?" Alexandria asked Gen

"Yes, he gave me the role of being the leader of the a information gathering specialized team, you can say that my division is like the Cipher pol of the world government, by hierarchy my position is the highest on us, I'm only below the master" Gen said with pride

"What about the cat sisters?" Gerard asked he was still training when Shusui announced about the divisions so he only have a small information about the divisions on the ship

"their division is just like mine, Neeko's division will be focusing on the Medicine department, while Meeka's Division will be focusing about R&D, so far the master said that he will recruit three or five more party members, right now we have 3 division commanders, and 8 potential members of the 2nd Division Black Scripture" Gen said

"master also said that he wont give you guys a ship as you can fly, its your problem to solve about your ship, and he added that cutting a treasure tree Adam on the island is forbidden" Gen added as he laughed

"hey that's unfair you have your hover-board right? Then I will request something like that to Master too" Gerard said

"Idiot your Extreme Yang Physique energy will melt the hover-board, what energy will you use to power it?" Alexandria said while looking at Gerard

"that's true, I forgot about it, then should I fly? That's an inconvenience you know" Gerard said again

"That's your problem, if you use your brain a little then it can be solved, fortunately I don't need that hover-board" Caesar said while smiling smugly

"That hover-board is my signature vehicle after all, and it was given to me by master as a gift, so I cant give it to you" Gen said

"I will go to master and asked this about him maybe he can tell me something" Gerard said and with that he walked towards the entrance of the forest

"Your little brother is really a big idiot, he can develop those terrifying skills but when its not about fighting he became like this" Alexandria said while sighing

"His talent is a lot higher than mine, its just that his imagination is quite limited even after reading manga everyday I'm really worried about him when he set sail, but master prohibited me to guard him secretly" Caesar said while sighing

"Every bird have to live their nest for a while and learn to fly on their own right? Have confidence on Gerard" Gen said

"I'm not worried about his well being Gen-san, I'm worried about the things he will do, without anyone to see him he will definitely wreck havoc on the seas" Caesar said, and when the two heard it they just sighed too

"Fortunately its the elders job to clean up the mess of the young ones right, I'm the youngest in the team so if that problem arrived it will not be my responsibility" Alexandria said with a smile then she looked at Gen

"well, I just hope he wont overdo it" Gen sighed heavily and he looked like he aged quickly for 100 years when he thought the possibilities of what will Gerard do, Caesar and Alexandria looked at him then they laughed

Suzzy's Team Side

They are slowly walking inside the forest while looking at the map that they bought in the town, fortunately they never met a beast that the residents told them

"its too quiet" Suzzy said as she looked around the area

"Were approaching the outer level of the forest, and the beast or animals here are quite docile, but even with that its really too quiet" a girl in ponytail said

"Stay close and alert, were now entering the inner side of the forest" Suzzy said

When they stepped in the inner side of the forest they were met by a group of 14 Iron back monkeys

"Its a group of Iron back monkeys, and by the looks of it they will not let us have an easy way to pass" Suzzy said as she looked at the branches of the trees

Iron back monkeys average height is 7 feet, they are muscular monkeys with silver rocks on their backs that act like an armor, they are very ferocious and very territorial

As Suzzy said that the monkeys quickly charged towards them

"here they come get ready" Suzzy said as she unsheathed her sword the other girls took out their weapons too

Suzzy blocked the incoming fist of the monkey and she grunted as she was pushed back

"Don't block their attacks these monkeys are very strong" She said as she parried the attack of another monkey and she jumped back

The other girls quickly dodged the attacks, overall nobody got injured, Suzzy looked ahead and she saw the monkeys are looking at her group and now they have giant clubs as a weapon

"This is just the Inner Forest, raise your weapons if we can not pass here then we better head back" Suzzy said as she looked at her friends

The girls gritted their teeth as they looked ahead of them where the group of monkey are waiting for them

4 hours later

Its already noon and the inner part of the forest are still loud with sounds of explosion and roar of beasts

Alexandria is quietly looking at the girls who is currently running towards the core zone of the forest where the sword village can be seen

"It will take them at least another 12 hours of running to reach our home, 16 hours if they walk" Gen said while looking at the girls too, he was quietly sitting on the top of a tree

"did master sent you here?" Alexandria asked

"Nope he didn't, I just want to see for myself what they are made of, for you to even go and tell master that he should lower the standards of the trial is a miracle, so I want to see it for myself what did you saw in them" Gen said

"then what did you see, I saw you are watching them for almost 2 hours" Alexandria said

"Well their teamwork was good, and their comradeship are solid too, master did a great favor for assigning them to you" Gen said

"hmmmm are you jealous Gen-san?" Alexandria said while giggling

"What? I'm not, I'm just curious when I heard master telling that you finally found something worthy of your time that you even pleaded for them" Gen said

"Well, I saw my younger days in her, when I was still a princess, headstrong, stubborn and cocky, that's why I thought them a lesson, their teamwork is good, but that girl lacks leadership, if they can pass this entry test then there is a high chance that they will pass the trials too" Alexandria said

"That Amazon Princess? I heard from master that you are quite well behaved when you arrived here" Gen said

"That's because I woke up from my dream, and reality slapped me hard to mature early, after my kingdom fell and all of the residents are killed by a buster call, as the only survivor in the whole kingdom, I saw the harsh reality" She said

"the training that I was too lazy to do before and all those things that they force for me to learn are really needed to survive this world, before arriving on this island, I saw how the slavers treated the slaves, many of them are killed on the spot while some of them are raped, abused and the others chose to bite their tongue to end their misery, luckily we were struck by a huge storm and we landed here that time I saw Caesar and Gerard, the two of them are kids that are just a little older than me, I saw them slice those slavers like grass and their eyes are full of determination to help us, the same thing I didn't have before" Alexandria said as she looked at the girls who successfully ran away from the group of angry beasts

"Looks like fate is in their favor, if they stick to the road suggested in the map then my previous statement will be correct" Gen said as he looked at the girls who are sitting down and currently patching their self

"all of us have almost the same experience, luckily Master is there to took us in, well then I'm going to return, I need to pack my things up, be sure to make some extra lunchboxes for me tomorrow alright?" Gen said then he turned around

"So that was your plan all along huh" Alexandria said while looking at Gen who just laughed at her

The Next Day

It was already 6am in the morning and Shusui was busy checking his farmland, after all farming is not a joke, then he suddenly saw a group of girls being chased by a giant crocodile running towards the entrance of their small Village

"Oi oi oi, Security!! there is some riot here!" He shouted like a bystander while pointing at the girls and the giant crocodile chasing them

Then Goldy came out of the shed while holding a ninjato katana, The Giant crocodile swung its tail towards them and before the girls are smashed by the giant tail, Goldy blocked it for them

The girls was shocked when they saw the pure black shiny rabbit with a golden ring on its head that was holding a sword like a human being

The impact of the two clashing together is very big, the air from the impact made the girls flew away and they landed on the entrance of the village

Shusui stood up and he looked at the giant crocodile in front of the Village, when the crocodile saw him the croc stopped moving like the time stopped it

It started to sweat a lot which surprised the girls, this is the first time they saw a crocodile sweat, like it just came out from the water

"you can leave now, remember to repair the road okay?" Shusui said then the giant crocodile nodded and it quickly started repairing the road that was damaged when it was chasing the girls, after that Shusui looked at the girls and he smiled

"We met again Pirate Princess, welcome to the Sword Village" Shusui said to the girls