
Advent of Heroes

Liam, a 21 year old man, met an accident when he was a high school student. The diagnosis after the operation devastated him. With his wings broken, like a doll, moved through with his life with the help of his family. He went on until college fighting through life and starting again, but his injury started to show its fangs. He fell again another chance of his life until a light shone on him. He was one of lucky participant who won a deluxe capsule for the game called Advent of Heroes. Let's find out how Liam challenge the unknown and explore the world within it.

thegreatestdevR · LGBT+
43 Chs

Divide and Conquer Part 1

Chapter 36: Divide and Conquer Part 1

Morning breeze blew along side the road. Ray of lights coming from the morning sun lit the whole room. Buzzing sounds coming from everywhere. The whole city was full of life. A youth inhaled the fresh morning breeze from the top of a building, smiling melancholy with lingering thoughts for tomorrow.

Being cryptic wasn't his specialty but only them knew how fleeting every moment was. "What are you doing there?" a man asked the youth who was looking outside on a balcony.

"Nothing. I'm just admiring how beautiful the world is."

"Compared to hundred years ago, I believe beautiful wasn't a right description."

The youth only hummed and didn't refute the man's words. They have different opinions and view but from the start, they were not talking at the same topic.

"What will you do if apocalypse happen one day?"

"Depends. Was it an end fitting humanity or was it a new evolution of mankind? But, I know for sure that I'll strive to survive even if the world gave up on me. It might not be my answer before but I think… even if the end comes, I won't be despairing again like I used to."

Silence enveloped the two. They might not be on the same page but they knew that the conversation might not be meaningful but it held some truths to them.

A conversation that proved to them that their perception evolved or in a different meaning, they matured. The view they have differently from each other might not be of help to others but to them, this might be a proof of their existence at the present and how they changed since then.

"Let's eat. I was actually here to call you." The man chuckled and gave one final glance to the youth before coming back where he came from.

After eating breakfast, everyone parted ways and promised to meet at night after the second day of league.

Liam came back with Anthony. The youth was happy meeting a lot of people especially 'celebrities' within gaming community. Unlike Liam, who was still sleepy, the youth was bouncing up and down from excitement. He wanted to tell his teammates that he met 8 All Star Players like Liam and dine with them, he even slept with them. He was particularly close with Zigz, who was like his age, the two girls and Rain.

He wanted to strike a conversation with other but the two girls stopped him. He might get 'infected' with their stupidity if he even held 3 exchanges with those people who have 'sickness'. Of course, Anthony believed them especially he was weak with girls. He wanted to have 'real' big sisters who he can talk to and spend time with.

He was treated by others as 'special' especially within his school or people around him but he found comfort within the group. He felt he wasn't an outsider, the feelings who could only feel with Liam and Big Sister Nana. But, he knew that he might be able to talk to Big Sister Nana but he couldn't feel the 'comfort' he felt with Liam and the others.

Liam sighed helplessly but he had a genuine smile. He thought he understand Anthony but he saw another side of the youth. He was happy that the youth was happy.

"You should take a bath and contact others. I'll be sleeping first. I'll just pick you up later. If I didn't contact you, just come back to the hotel with others."

The youth listened very well to Liam. He knew that everything happened because of Liam and he also felt secured with him. He didn't mind being told by Liam since he first met him. He might be grumpy and silent at first but he could feel he was just not used to it.

The youth nodded eagerly at Liam and bid farewell skipping through his hotel room. Liam shook his head "It's good to be young."

"But you're still young." A voice came from Liam's behind. He was quite surprised, luckily, he was used to that because of his younger brother who was mischievous.

Liam turned and saw Allen. "Hey."

"You only came back." It was a statement not a question but he didn't felt he was being inquired.

"Yeah, sorry for the trouble."

"Nah, you're older than me and I know that you're the most responsible here. I believe in you."

"Thanks. Did you hear what I said to…"

Liam didn't continue because he saw Allen nodding. "Don't worry I'll take care of him. It's my responsibility from the start."

"Then, see you later."

The two bid farewell and Liam didn't take a bath. He stripped until he was only wearing an underwear and slept. He didn't sleep last night, unknowingly, he stayed up too late until it was dawn. He was too absorbed on his own thoughts and comfort he felt last night.

Like a wall breaking apart, evolving and taking its first step. Liam felt that his conviction evolved last night. So he needed rest to continue moving normally.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I believe everyone here is excited about the second event of the League. But let me give you a bit of a description of the second event."

"With everyone by my side with one goal, we'll conquer everything that stand on our way. Defeating countless enemies, moving forward, and leaving traces of our footsteps behind. Defending the glory we wished to protect and spread throughout the world."

"What do you think? Sounds exciting right? Well! We wanted to give you the same feeling that they'll feel once on the stage. Unlike yesterday, our team installed the capsule inside their booths. We also upgraded each booth so it could hold 7 capsules each country. Yes! 7 people from each country will participate. All of them!"

"Now do you know what event we'll have?!"

The crowds went wild and answered the host differently. Some said it was a royal battle, coliseum, and etc. But then, the words 'leaving traces of our footsteps behind' crossed in their mind so they asked 'what was the 2nd event?'. Everyone grew excited as every second passed.

They knew for sure that it will be more exciting than yesterday's event. Everyone chanted the country they're supporting. Some cheered for lower ranks but some cheered for higher ranks. But, amidst the chaos and noise, the players all were being briefed on the 2nd day event through the monitor on their booths.

Some were sad while others have excitement on their faces. Divide and Conquer. A game that passed its time but being revived. It was a strategy type kind of game that lost its power since years ago but now, the players all felt the power of the league.

They could tell how the company really thought it through that will not only satisfy the audience but the players themselves.

A competition that not only for themselves but also for their country. A fitting game for countries who wanted to rule the first league. Honor and power, not only inside the game but also outside. They could prove the power of their country and the strength of their selves.

While every team were discussing their plans with the given time they had before the start, on the Philippines booth, the atmosphere was solemn and gloomy.

"Liam's not here to help us."

Everyone all agreed silently. Unlike yesterday, they might be lucky because Liam experienced fighting a drake that led them to an understanding about the raid boss. But now, not only their teamwork wasn't perfect, they were also facing stronger opponents while being nervous on top of that.

"Guys, relax. Liam might not be here but his spirit is within us."

Silence descended the room but…

"You may rest in peace, Liam."

Dave cracked a bad joke but everyone loosened up and laughed.

"Right. Liam wasn't the only one who would carry Philippines back to our position. We are also citizens of Philippines and representative of our people." Shiela voiced her opinion. If you asked her if she was serious on bringing honor for their country then she would have laughed few days ago. But now, she would slap anyone who slander their country.

Philippines wasn't weak anymore. Everyone inside the room including the sleeping Liam inside the hotel, carried the very flag of their country not only in their mind but also in their heart.

Allen smiled at his teammates. They might not be a team before, but now, he could say that they were almost there. A step taken might be small or big but it was still a step closer, nonetheless. Like ritual before ceremony, Allen stretched his hand and everyone put their hands on top of each other.

"Philippines, go!"