
Advent of Heroes

Liam, a 21 year old man, met an accident when he was a high school student. The diagnosis after the operation devastated him. With his wings broken, like a doll, moved through with his life with the help of his family. He went on until college fighting through life and starting again, but his injury started to show its fangs. He fell again another chance of his life until a light shone on him. He was one of lucky participant who won a deluxe capsule for the game called Advent of Heroes. Let's find out how Liam challenge the unknown and explore the world within it.

thegreatestdevR · LGBT+
43 Chs

Blessing in disguise

Chapter 6: Blessing in disguise

[You have received a blessing, strength, vitality, agility, dexterity, intelligence +100]

[You have received a blessing, your health and mana has been recovered.]

[You have received a blessing, you gained a shield that will protect you one fatal damage]

Name: Liam Idanza

Race: Pure Human

Level: 8

Exp: 302/900

Title: Last Hero

Class: Squire

HP: 2,240

MP: 1,170

Stamina: 100/100

STR: 108

VIT: 108

AGI: 108

DEX: 108

INT: 108

LUCK: --


AP: 70

SP: 7

Active Skills:

Passive Skills:

Liam felt his world stop for a moment but moved again after. It was unexpected that he would receive a blessing. This quest was really hard. He didn't know how he triggered another quest. He was thankful and disappointed, at the same time.

He knew that it was designed to be that hard but he never expected that he would fail miserably after trying his best. He was conflicted whether he should be happy or sad about the turn of events.

Jack didn't give him any moment to adjust because he felt that his life was on danger. Jack pounced on Liam. While Liam with his adjusted status easily dodged the incoming attack.

Liam felt that he was as light as a feather compared to his sluggish movement before. If he could continue dodging Jack's relentless attack then he might have a chance on clearing the mission.

Jack swept his claws to the right and Liam blocked it. The sword gave a crunching sound. The sword wouldn't last long. The normal sword's durability wasn't high at the first place and with the battle lasting for a long time, it finally showed its last breath.

The fight wasn't going on for long it was only 30 seconds yet their exchanges exceeded the limit. This prove that the game wasn't like any other game.

They made you feel you were truly growing strong. It was unscientific. This was the most fitting word for it. Liam couldn't even breathe for a while because of the intensity of the attack. He only kept dodging and if there's something that he couldn't dodge then he would shift it far from his weak points.

Landing an attack on his weak points on his body might be converted to critical damage. Liam's stamina kept dropping. He was getting slower and slower. Liam's health was almost at its critical stage. Jack punched Liam and it landed on his stomach.

Liam flew away and hit the tree. He was panting and heavily wounded. He stood up and clutched his aching stomach. Liam's pain sensitivity settings was set to at least 70%. He really felt that pain from that one punch. He felt his insides being crushed by an unimaginable force.

"I better finish you off better my domain crumble. Goodbye, human fool." Jack howled and changed into full werewolf. Jack's werewolf was a brown colored fur and his eyes that was black was dyed red. The fur's end was also emitting red aura.

This was a skill called bloodlust. It was an innate skill of werewolves and their stat would be increased by 20 points when there's a moon and 50% if there was red moon.

The moon wasn't present nor there was red moon. It only gave Jack a 10% increase in strength, but that increase could be fatal for Liam.

Jack lunged and bit Liam. The intensity of the attack was really brutal. He felt dying all over again. 'I should lower the pain sensitivity settings later after this arduous battle' was Liam's thought while going through with the attack.

Fortunately before Jack finished the attack and decapitate Liam which would turn him into white light he was blasted off. Liam felt something touched his shoulder.

He couldn't checked any notification at the moment. He only felt relieved after the pain was lifted. Liam slumped onto the floor.

"You've done well. Now, leave everything to me."

Liam heard the robed man's soothing voice. Liam sighed and nodded. He looked at Jack's standing figure. He was totally wounded. The blast itself was loud but he never thought that Jack would be left bloody and heavily wounded.

Based on Liam's experience, Jack's skin was hard yet it was easily wounded by the robed man.

"Y-you! Who are you?!" Jack's trembling voice was heard then a shattering sound. Jack's domain was broken. And the light finally shined down upon the robed man's face.

Liam could only see the back of the man but he could see Jack clearly. Jack's expression was terrified. "W-why are you here?! N-no don't kill me!"

The robed man only spared him a glance before taking extending his hand. Blinding lights surrounded Jack like it was erasing his presence. "N-no!"

Jack was gone. The robed man looked at Liam and vanished. Before Liam could talk to the NPC and thanked him, he was gone. Arrived in a moment and gone the next. He wouldn't believe it if it was real life phenomenon.

Liam checked his notification and saw that he really cleared the quest. The next quest was also included on the notifications.

[You suffered a fatal damage! You are protected to a fatal damage once!]

[Quest Cleared! Received 20 Attribute points, 5 Skill points, HMQ Part 2A, and ???'s affection point +5]

[Hidden Main Quest Part 2A]

You have garnered ???'s interest. He wanted to keep testing you if you were the one he was looking for.

Mission: Find the truth about the Light stone.

Reward: ???'s affection +5, Light stone, HQ Part 3

Failure: ???'s affection -100, End of Quest

"Who was he?" Liam mumbled and took out the meat on his inventory. He was thankful that the inventory was really intangible. He ate the meat and recovered his spent stamina. He might die of hunger if he proceeded to trek the way back to the village.

Liam tried to recall what he experienced today. The battle was crazy. The exhilarating experience of true battle was really something.

They would truly become a hero like on a novel he read about cultivation. The blessing was still in effect. The man never revoked it or it might have an expiration time. Blessing and buffs were different. Buffs came from the power of the wielder while the blessing was through the power of God.

Liam might really hit it off big. When Liam was finally recovered he decided to go back to town, log out and sleep. He still needed 8 hours of sleep unlike those professional who was happy to have at least an hour of sleep.

They were truly sleeping when playing but it wasn't really sleeping because your brain produces a lot of workload that needed to rest.

Liam saw the morning light shined upon him. This day was truly eventful. He walked inside the village, went to the inn and log out. He never paid attention to anything. If he did, he would have seen the looks of the villagers that was casted upon him was shock and disbelief.

While Liam logged out, Rain also emerged from his capsule. He first checked the update about Liam and saw that he logged out. He then proceeded to the elevator and punched the highest floor.

With a ding sound, the elevator opened and a big spacious room was behind it. Rain looked at the door that hanged 'Director's Office'.

He knocked on the door and opened it up. Rain and the director wasn't close. Yet, Rain was unimpeded when he went to the office. The secretary was also standing beside the director and he could see that Rain was the one who visited the Director at this time of the night.

"Good job. You may go home now, Mr. Bert." The director said. The secretary bowed and left without sparing another glance to Rain.

Rain sat down on the nearest sofa and looked at the director. "Did you watch it?"

"Yes " the director's gaze was on Rain and there was a certain glow on his eyes. The director's temperament were different from ordinary people. If you looked closely, you would see that he has this warm look but cold aura underneath it.

"I think we found him."