
Advent of Heroes

Liam, a 21 year old man, met an accident when he was a high school student. The diagnosis after the operation devastated him. With his wings broken, like a doll, moved through with his life with the help of his family. He went on until college fighting through life and starting again, but his injury started to show its fangs. He fell again another chance of his life until a light shone on him. He was one of lucky participant who won a deluxe capsule for the game called Advent of Heroes. Let's find out how Liam challenge the unknown and explore the world within it.

thegreatestdevR · LGBT+
43 Chs

Arriving at South Korea

Chapter 32: Arriving at South Korea

Liam and the 7 representatives arrived at South Korea exactly 2:30AM. They were all escorted by the company's employees and were given each an All Language device.

It was in a form of an earpiece and a mic. It was small and could be clipped into their clothes.

Liam arrived at his designated room and slept all throughout the morning.

He woke up groggily. He washed his face and remembered that he needed to be at the lobby at 8AM.

Liam took a quick bath and went down using the elevator. He was at the 17th floor of the hotel. He didn't read the name of the hotel but based on the clean looking environment he was, it was a good hotel.

When he arrived at the lobby he saw Anthony waving at him. He was a teenager but didn't act one. Liam pat Anthony's head like petting a cat.

Anthony looked like a cat. He wasn't short nor tall. Filipino's weren't big at the first place but Liam was only half Filipino so he was tall. He was 6'1" while Anthony looked like a 5'6". Above average height for Filipinos.

"Liam, did you know why they scheduled for us to meet here early in the morning?"

"They might brief us on the program tomorrow."

"Yes, so behave and don't embarrass us." Dave stressed the 'behave' part. Anthony wasn't a normal teenage boy. He was quite 'special'.

Liam only nodded but didn't comment anymore. They have different competition. He was only there because they have the same country.

"Excuse me gentlemen and a lady, are you all from Philippines?"

"Yes! We are! We are!" Anthony exclaimed early in the morning. The agent smiled despite his ringing ear. The All Language device has a 2 seconds delay so they took a lot of time exchanging words.

Despite the empty stomach, Anthony still chirped like a chicken excitedly. They could only repress their hands not to smack Anthony's head.

Liam cleared his throat and stopped Anthony from speaking. "Can we eat first? We're all hungry. We haven't eaten since we arrived this morning."

"Of course, please follow me."

They all followed the agent and they arrived at the front of the hotel. The agent gave the key to the valet and waited for the car.

They all rode the car. The car was silent except for Anthony. Liam only nodded all throughout their ride.

The agent was also tired listening to Anthony. He wanted to throw his All Language device but he was at work so he could only suppress any emotions he felt while unintentionally hearing Anthony's random talks.

They were led to a restaurant with a private booth. They all ordered different food based on their intuition and the agent also didn't stop them. He only smiled and let them eat their fill. He left them and told them to pressed the button so he could fetch them.

The restaurant they were eating was also owned by the company with different foods based on their demands.

The group ate a lot. They finally felt at peace because Anthony stopped talking after eating his fill. It was a miracle. Anthony was famous to those who looked at face first before skill. Anthony was a skilled player but wasn't a top player with the same class.

They pressed the button and the agent arrived. "This way please."

They changed to a more comfortable place but still the same building. They only changed room.

"I am Kim So In. I would be your guide for 7 days. I will escort you every time. I'll be your driver and assistant. Please take care of me."

"Now, tomorrow, the league for countries would start at 10AM but all participant should be at the venue an hour before the opening because we have to prepare you."

"We also have a tailored made uniform for the representative. You'll wear it everyday for 7 days. We will give you 3 uniforms each."

"Do you have any questions for me?"

"How about the All Star Player League?"

"Tomorrow, Mr. Liam Idanza should go with us. You will meet every participant tomorrow and will be briefed on the mechanics of the game."

"Thank you Mr. Kim."

"Then, do you want to travel around?"


"Then let's meet up here if you want to go back. You could also order inside the hotel room. Just tell your hotel number and our company name with your name and country. Here's your temporary phone. My number is there, so just call me if you need anything."

The agent bowed and exited the room. They all picked one phone. It was all the same anyway. The only difference was the number.

"What would you like to do, Liam?"

"Hm, me? I'll walk around the place. How bout you, guys?"

"We'll do that, too. We'll relax our mind and play exceptional tomorrow. Bye, Anthony!" Shiela made her mad exit after that.

Like Shiela, no one wanted to be alone with Anthony! They wanted to enjoy everything! So they left Liam and Anthony quickly. They were sorry for Liam but he was the oldest among them. So they believe he would take care of the annoying cat.

Anthony also didn't leave. He was also waiting for Liam. Liam was like a big brother to him. He was an only child so he was attention seeker youth with not so intelligent brain.

Liam sighed and took Anthony out of the room. They descended the stairs and explored the Seoul. Luckily, the phone the company gave contained credits for their daily use or else… Liam wouldn't want to think about it.

The day was spent exploring and familiarizing themselves around the place. They more or less understand how wealthy the company was and how big the event tomorrow.

Liam finally have a time alone but, a knock made him snap on his stupor. He opened the door only to see a teenager looking at him pitifully.

"Hey, Liam. I am nervous tomorrow, can I sleep with you tonight?"

Liam frowned but still made way for Anthony. Well, they were both man and his brother also did it when they were young. He didn't think too much about it.

"So, I thought you'll have a meeting at 8PM?"

"Ugh! They said that they didn't need me! I just have to burst attack tomorrow! They're annoying!"

"Yeah, yeah, they're annoying. Like for real."

"Right?! Hmp. I'll show them my capability tomorrow! Let's sleep!" Anthony with his sleeping pajama leapt to the queen sized bed.

Liam could only sigh and turn off the lights. "Please don't snore."

"Pft! Hey! I'm a grown up. And I don't snore!"


Liam laid on the right side of the bed. He stared at the ceiling and heard Anthony's breathing.

"Hey, Liam."


"Do you think, I'm not good enough?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I feel that I'm not welcome in my team." Anthony's voice was like a whisper. It started loud then grew softer.

"Don't think too much. Just show them what you've made of."

"Yeah. You're right! My Big Sister Nana told me to show them what Filipinos got!" Anthony giggled at the end.

"I thought you're an only child?"

"I am! But, I do live stream because it's sad and I'm lonely. Then I was introduced to a game and get famous. But through it all, there was a number one fan I have. Her name was Big Sister Nana. She knew I'm an only child so she said I could call her that. She also changed her name because of that."

"Hmm… she truly cared for you."

"Right?! Hehe I'm actually here because I wanted to show her that I'm a big boy now!"

"Hmm, yes, you should sleep. So you could grow taller…"

"Tsk. You're just old! Wait until I am at your age. I'll be taller than you!"

"Sure. Just sleep."

"Hmm! C-can I hug you?"

Liam's eyes narrowed before looking at Anthony. He really act like his younger brother when they were young. "Sure."

Anthony giggled before yawning. After awhile Anthony slept like a baby with the occasional sound of deep breathing.

He could get used to it. Maybe, Anthony tugged his big brother side of him. Liam moved and embrace Anthony before falling into a deep slumber.

It might seems fast the relationship about Liam and Anthony but yeah, I have an experience like that. We clicked right away and comfortable with each other like brother. So yeah... Enjoy!

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