
chapter 3: Y/n daily routine

A/n P.O.V

Y/n was sleeping then she noticed cameras in her room she got scared and started tearing up and ran to the nearest room she could find which was hobi's and suga's room she jumped on suga's bed and suga looked mad.

Suga P.O.V

I was sleeping peacefully until a small weight person jumped on me I was about curse at the person until I found out it was Y/n she looked scared and was on the verge of crying , so I took Y/n into my arms and cuddled with her she stopped and I fell asleep with her.


"OMG!!!" jin said but kind of in a whisper/ yell voice, the rest of BTS came rushing in and see suga cuddling with baby Y/n. " how come he doesn't cuddle like that to me?!?" hobi oppa said, "idk?" kookie said.

Y/n P.O.V

I woke up to hear whispers around me and see that it was All the Oppa's staring at me," Oppa's~~ is thier something..wrong?" I said really cutely. BTS was in aww by your cuteness,"Jinnie Oppa~ please help me get ready" you said to jin,"Sure baby" jin said. Jin gave you a bath then found a cute pink jumper that was a dress with floral design. You went inside a van before you went outside jin put a pink mask on you with round gold glasses you LOOKED SO CUTE!! You came outside the van holding chimmy oppas hand a lot of fan girls we confused and one of them pulled you by the hair," OPPA'S PLEASE HELP MEEEEE!!!!!"you siad crying, jungkookie oppa came to the rescue and told the fan,"whats your problem pulling our baby sister's hair like that!!!" jungkook said mad and looked disgusted at the girl. The fangirls just stared and said," Y/N WE ARE SORRY ON OUR ARMYS DID THAT WE DIDNT KNOW WHO YOU WERE!!!!!" all of them said, jungkook carried you and you said" Don't worry unnies~ I'm okay, I hope that all of you stay good~!!!" you said cutely then did finger hearts to all of them the armys we like saying AWWWWW, and said that you looked pretty. You blushed at the comments, once you were inside jungkook put you in one of the makeup chairs with a booster seat, and one unnie was doing our hair the other one was doing your makeup. You practiced with your Oppa's while they were streacting Rm Oppa asked if you wanted to join you agreed and joined them stretching, they stretched their legs first so they went into a stratle pose they all made v shapes accept jimin who was in a kind of straight line then you went into middle splits and your Oppa's said,"wow!" and clapped their hand they asked you if you have any other things that invole your flexibility, you showed all of them you did the splits both ways, you did a scorpion(which was put you leg straight behind your back), you did a backbend, some flips(like kart wheels), then you did a backbend again but you put your chest to the ground and your hands we holding your ankles. You showed all of your flexibility and they were very impressed because you were only 5 and you knew how to do all of that stuff.

I will at least update/post 3-4 chapter each week and I will take weekends off!!!! THANKS FOR READING💜💜💜