
Admin of Girls' Chat Group

Don't expect for a perfect english sentence... A normal teenage boy with his Chat Group System.....and his harem.

Remg · アニメ·コミックス
90 Chs

Overpowered Loli

"Do you need to rest, Lan'er ? " Jasmine teased for the first time on her life. She look smugly to Allen who are struggling to keep up with her speed.

Having the inheritance of the Star God , even though it was the weakest among the other 12 Gods, but it was still the best when it comes to concealing and agility.

Allen clearly heard her even though they are miles apart from each other.

After comprehending Space and Time Law, his movement speed became his pride because he can teleport to any place as long he was been in there or have seen it even through picture. But even though he keep blinking dozens of kilometers away in one go, the loli are still in front of her.

Allen look back, and he could see a faint light following them. Allen know what that light is -- it was his wife.

By using Light Law. Yuechan could control light at her own will, just like her ice, and by ' hinting ' her some ideas like Kizaru's skill. Yuechan could also turn into light itself and travel in a speed of light, but Allen's instant teleportation are still much faster -- not much faster than the loli.

The three travels for more than a minutes before Jasmine stop making Allen and Yuechan who are late for a few seconds also stop.

" We're here. " Jasmine said to the two. She already used her divine sense to scan the whole Dragonic Ruins Realm, and finding the Divine Feathers Sect are easy for her.

" Really ?! We're already in Divine Feathers Sect ? " Allen reply to her sarcastically.

' Isn't that obvious ? There's a hundreds of thousands cultivators in front of us ! ' Allen thought while looking at the hundreds of thousands experts that are currently flying and looking toward them with fear, curious and many more -- well to Jasmine only.

" Can I ask your name and why did you come in our puny sect ? " An old man with a long white beard said cautiously to them, beside him are another 3 old man and 1 old woman.

Allen remember that they called themselves the big five.

" You don't have the right to acquire or hear this Princess' name. " Jasmine said haughtily to the old man.

Not just the old man, but also the rest of experts flinch when they heard her, but looking at the power that Jasmine subconsciously leaking from her body, they choose to remain silent.

" Then Princess...why did you come here in these puny sect ? " The old man said respectfully to her. He heard that she was calling herself a princess, so he also called her like that.

Jasmine didn't answer her, she scan the ' whole ' force of Divine Feathers Sect. " This Princess wanted to ask you. Which among you are the Martial Ancestor ? "

" This -- can't the Princess tell by our soul force ? " He ask confusedly. She was clearly much, much stronger than them, so she could obviously tell who are the Martial Ancestor among them.

Jasmine frown and pridefully said. " This Princess are not playing riddles with you. With your little cultivation, I can't differentiate if your ant or not in my eyes. "

The cultivators swallowed their anger, but not all of them.

" How dare you to call us an ant ?! Do you think -- " One of the disciple of Divine Feathers Sect shouted, gaining the attention hundreds of thousands experts.

But before he could finish his sentence. Jasmine already lifted her hand and a red aura began to gather on her palm, then a small red ball of energy formed. Jasmine pointed her hand toward the horizon and release the red ball of energy.

* BOOM *

A giant mushroom was formed, reaching through the sky.

All the cultivators used their own energy to cover themselves from the impact.

As for Allen and Yuechan, they are unaffected because Jasmine used her own divine energy to cover both of them.

But Allen, Yuechan and the other experts are all thinking the same thing -- so powerful !

When the smoke disappear. All of them could see that the sea of forest disappeared and replace by a giant crater that stretching more than hundred thousands kilometers radius. They sky turned dark and series of lightning are forming.

Even though it's not Jasmine specialty on throwing divine energy, but that ' simple ' technique are too easy for her.

" Your saying something, ANT ? " Jasmine ask, making the disciple to peed on his robe. If it was in normal occasion, they will surely laught at him, but they didn't because even them are also shaking in fear.

" We -- we 5 old bones are the only Martial Ancestor in these puny sect. What can we do for you, Princess ? " The old man hurriedly said, afraid that her next attack might be pointed at them.

" There is something that I have been searching. It's called Myriad Miles of Rivers and Mountains, do you it have in your possession ? " Jasmine ask them.

The five of them look to each other before shaking their heads.

Seeing this, Jasmine turned her head that Allen.

" It seemed that the item are not within the sect

. " Jasmine said to Allen normally.

The cultivators didn't find something special to Yuechan and Allen, that's why they ignored the two. But seeing the reaction of Jasmine, they now began to think that they are not also simple.

" Well... there's still another two sect that were not still searching for. " Allen shrugged his shoulder.

The old man heard them and politely ask. " Can I know which sect is it ? Maybe we could help you, at least let them prepare the thing that you've been searching, if they have it. "

Allen look to him and reply. " It's called Heavenly Note Sect and Sky Blaze Sect. "

" Then we will call them to ask wether they have it. " He said before pulling out a communication artifact.

Jasmine, Allen and Yuechan didn't wait for him immediately fly to the other sect.

~ hmm ~

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