
Arjun 's life

Once a day there lived a boy. His name is Arjun , he is a excellent and obedient boy. His friends were very bad and very jealous of him , they are also addicted to games. After a while Arjun' s friends came to him and told about the game . Arjun was not ready to hear. Next day his friends again telling about the game.Arjun refused but continuesly they are telling this.Arjun thought that "what is there in the game? I will play it and find" . Without the permission and telling to his parents, he played the game. He liked it very much , Day by day he was playing the same game after school. He also could not concentrate in his studies. This is happening for a year and he was addicted. One day till midnight he played the game in mobile phone, the next day morning, with the bright sunshine, he opened his eyes , but he could not see anything,he rubbed his eyes and again he could not see anything. His parents got to know everything about him as he played game. They gone to hospital,after consulting doctor ,they came to know a shock news, that was the boy lost his eye vision. When the parent's ask what is the reason,the doctor give reply that because of the laser from mobile phone is the main reason, he always looking at mobile phone. Arjun understood the dangerous mobile phone's laser and he thought that he will not touch the mobile phone here after in his life.He also understood that bad friends is not good for his life

Moral of the story : Don't be friends with bad people, and use mobile phone for only good purpose