
Chapter 5

A week had gone by since the Entrance Exam, and Izuku hadn't heard from All Might or got a letter from U.A and it was starting to get to him. Pacing while in his room -an activity he was finding himself doing more and more- muttering about how he did and how he could have done better. Pretty much he was torturing himself.

"If I hadn't taken time to help all those people I would have easily gotten at least 20 more points" Izuku said for the hundredth time. But who was he kidding, he would help all those people every single time, hypocritical or not.

"Izuku it's here" Inko said busting into his room. Taking it out of her hands and closing the door on her, Izuku tore it open. Instead of finding a letter there was a small, black disc.

"I am here" Shouted All Might in a hologram that came from the disc.

"Wha—" Izuku stop as he got cut off by the symbol of peace "I know you were about to scream or something because you already put it together. I am working at U.A as a teacher" All Might announced. It was true Izuku did know All Might was going to work at U.A, but he had realised ages ago. He hadn't said anything as All Might was probably going to work there because he was supposed to find a successor at U.A while he was working there.

"Now the time time for your results" All Might said after learning of how many he would have to make.

"You got 86 villain points. This alone is enough for the top spot on the exam but there is a second part of the exam, which is ... hero points". Izuku did wonder during the exam why it was only about fighting robots but he had thought that it was about societies' view of heros and their biases against 'villainous quirks'.

"You also got 104 hero points making a grand total of 190. Making you first"

"You beat me by 14 points" All Might admitted.

"So, Izuku Midoriya welcome to your hero academia"


Standing outside the enormous door -more than likely for any students with growth or high orientated quirks- Izuku couldn't help but freeze. He was about to go in and meet his classmates, after he moved schools and started to train he stopped getting bullied. But he was still the plain, friendless, Deku as he once was. Why would that change now?

"If your going to just stare can you at least move out the way?" Asked a yellow caterpillar. Probably a mutant type quirk.

"Sorry, I just am really nervous. They're all imagining me to be super cool or powerful or just amazing in general, but I'm not…I just me" Izuku said as he projected his worries onto the yellow caterpillar.

"Why you…?" The yellow caterpillar asked.

"I came first on the exam" Izuku explained.

"Oh… so you came first on the practical exam huh" the yellow caterpillar mumbled. But Izuku as a professional mumbler heard and said "and the theory part as well… Oh no, they're going to think I super smart too".

"You know acting like your not talented when you bet all of them is pretty insulting" the yellow caterpillar said.

"You're right and it's not like I want to insult them it's just I really am not talented. I'm just lucky (1)" Izuku said.

"Well you should go in anyway. The teacher will be there soon" the yellow caterpillar said imparting his wisdom on the nervous teenager all the while thinking 'so your Izuku Midoriya'.

Pushing the door open and walking in Izuku signed when no one recognised him, at least at first.

"Your the guy that help me from the zero pointer. Thank you so much I'm Ochaoc Uraraka" said the brown haired Uraraka.

"You also helped me" yelled the purple headed guy, sadly he got the attention of the one person Izuku didn't want to be noticed by.

"What are you doing here DEKU?!?" Bakugou screamed.

"I'm here to be a her—"

"Quiet!" The yellow caterpillar shouted over the class. "I am Shota Aizawa your homeroom teacher". This got the attention of class 1-A. Chuckling to himself he said "4 seconds, surprising good".

Then out loud he said to the class "take these, their gym uniforms we're doing a quirk apprehension test... but first we have to stop at the opening assembly."


Standing on stage Izuku didn't know what to say. He only got the top score and beat All Might by 14 points, that shouldn't mean he has spears in front of the whole school.

"Uh, y-y-you see I h-had to try v-v-very hard to get here. Not that any of you also didn't do your best" Izuku add so as not to offend anyone.

"But my quirk Hyper Adaptation makes it so I have no limits or it pretty hard to reach them, it also exhilarate my growth but that's it. I'm was destroy the robots with my bare hands, and you know a year ago I wouldn't have been able to. I worked my butt, -and I'm sure you did to- and I'm saying this for those who didn't get into the course they wanted. You have to play to your strengths, me, I can just keep punching metal for 10 months to be able to destroy robots. But what can you do?" Izuku left the stage but then remembered something.

Running back onto the stage he then shouted "almost forgot. Plus" and everyone knowing what he will say next said it with him.



Sorry about not updating yesterday I was having trouble making the chapter and I've decided to split the chapter so you should get the quirk test later today.

(1) Izuku has some issues. As he inherited OfA he feels like he lucked out, and his actual quirk just gave him the ability to always improved. By no means a bad quirk just that it is surprisingly bad in some regards.

https://discord.gg/AACwaPQ link to a discord for news and if anyone wants to put quirk/story ideas there that would be awesome.