
Chapter 3

I just realised that I have done this yet.

"Talking" "YELLING"


Quirks & Places


"EAT THIS" All Might shouted while holding a piece of his hair.

"What?!" Izuku yelled.

"To Receive One for All you must ingest my DNA" All Might explained.




"Listen, I remember when I had to do it…. it really wasn't that gross" All Might said.

"Fine" Izuku said still grossed out he hooked the hair from All Might and immediately put it in his mouth and swallowed.

"I must say you did that very well, when I did it I almost puked twice" All Might said honestly.

"I'm not out of the woods yet" Izuku yelled as he race to the water to puke.

"It will take a few hours for you to digest my hair so I would suggest to take the day off" All Might said.

"Ok, thanks" Izuku said.

"Well done Izuku" All Might said -rather nervously in all honesty-.

"You called me Izuku" Izuku said.

"Of course, you are my student and successor why shouldn't. I won't if you don't want to" All Might said.

"No that's fine as long as I can call you Toshin—" Izuku then had to run off to puke again after looking at All Might's hair.


"Izuku I would like you to meet Recovery G—"

"Recovery Girl, the youthful heroine. Some say she's the lifeblood of U.A as without her the school wouldn't be able to do any of the more dangerous activities. Can I have your autograph" screamed Izuku with fanboy mode on.

"Of course Midoriya but All Might wants to say something" Recovery Girl said.

"Ehem" All Might said gaining Izuku's attention -he also realised All Might was in muscle form. "Now as I was saying. Izuku Midoriya you have gone above and beyond my expectations and clean the beach in only 4 months. That in itself is an incredible achievement as you didn't use you quirk (1)" All Might praise Izuku.

"Thank you" Izuku said.

"Now you're probably wondering why Recovery Girl is here. One for All is extremely powerful, so powerful in fact if it wasn't for your training all your limbs would explode off your body" All Might said with a chuckle noticing how pale Izuku went in a matter of seconds.

"You'll be fine Izuku at best, it may take a week for you to adjust, if what Toshinori said about your quirk was all true" Recovery Girl said to calm Izuku down.

"Now let begin" All Might then said. Dashing towards Izuku, All Might attacked him with air pressure of a punch. Crossing his arms Izuku took the blow head on and was pushed back 10 meters, launching himself at All Might he reared his arm back for a punch. As the hit was about to land red veins of power lit up of Izuku's arm and when the punch landed All Might was shot away 50 meters (2). 'I think he just broke a rib' All Might thought to himself.

"Ahhh" screamed Izuku while holding his now broken arm.

"Come here" Recovery Girl said annoyed and then she healed his arm.


Six months had passed since Izuku had started combat training against All Might, during the first three months Izuku -with the help of Adaptation (3)- Izuku leant to manage 50% of One for All and then reached an impasse and could not improve the amount of One for All. Instead he focused on actual combat styles such as MMA focusing on Wrestling, Boxing and Muay Thai techniques. He also learned how to channel OFA throughout his entire body, causing the unused energy to leave his body as white-green lightning that have no effects +other than looking cool as!- (4). He also trained his other 'effects' of Adaptation. Now Izuku was standing in front of U.A and tripped. Quickly thinking Izuku used Attraction -although he probably should change the name (5)- to push himself away from the ground and Accidentally hitting a girl with brown hair.

"I'm so sorry" Izuku apologised.

"It's fine I'm ok" she said.

"Are you sure?" Izuku asked.

"Yes and we probably get inside now" she said while leaving.


So that the next chapter will be about the entrance exam. Please leave a comment and join the discord.

(1) Izuku's quirk Adaptation is partially passive so he did use his quirk but it only made it easier to wake up early, better/more stamina and stronger. All Might knows this but it's not like he can change this and his adapt is just accelerate growth.

(2) So just to clear this up, All Might held back against Izuku and was in buff-form so of course he didn't get pushed to far when he himself was hit.

(3) Saying it now I will occasionally called Hyper Adaptation, just Adaptation.

(4) I need ideas for past users quirk -if I think there is a cooler quirk than Blackwipe then I change that too.

(5) Anyone has a new name ideas for not-Attraction.

https://discord.gg/AACwaPQ link to a discord for news (honestly I'm not sure why) and if anyone wants to put quirk/story ideas there that would be awesome