
Adam's story

Free Book. Let's say that our relationship is too complex to explain in a few words, but if you are interested in snooping into other people's lives, then I would be happy to tell you about my life. Nice to meet you, my name is Adam and this is my story.

pedro_corti · ファンタジー
104 Chs

055-The Hexagon 8

Adam and the bear continued their long journey until they reached the lower floor, 3 of 5. Adam did not usually go that far from the cave, so he was a bit nervous, if he wanted to escape this time it would not be so easy.

—Okay, now we have to get to hex 8 of 18—the bear commented as he led the way down the hall.

The shelves on this floor seemed to be made of the same beautiful decoration of marble, silver and gold, the lamps were still the same little angels as always. However, there was a big difference that was bothering Adam, this floor seemed to be completely empty, he didn't come across anyone, and he didn't hear anyone's noise either, just in case he asked the bear about the situation:

—Do you know there's no one there?

—There are more people than on the lower floor 5 of 5—the bear answered to Adam's surprise—but not because of the main hexagons, they are in the secondary hexagons and frequently avoid these corridors.

—Why do they avoid them?—Adam asked; walking through the secondary hexes was lengthening the path unnecessarily— There's no point in doing that.

—Yes, it does—answered the bear sharply—there is a creature that kills them if they don't, so they seek to avoid it.

Adam was startled by the answer and quickly asked:

—Shouldn't we be leaving these halls then?

—Calm down, giant! —The bear complained, he seemed annoyed by the change of plans— The creature is slow, you could run and avoid it. As long as it warns you of it, since you can't see it. So you better follow me and keep your mouth shut until we reach our goal!

Adam got even more scared and looked around, but everything seemed to be normal. The bear looked at him as if he were a clown, he had just told him that he was invisible, why bother looking at the sides.

The two continued until they reached hex 8, when they entered, Adam was surprised to see the large number of people walking through the corridor of this hex. It seemed that more people lived on this floor than on all the average floors. But they all wore shabby white robes and seemed to ignore each other as they moved through the halls.

This hexagon appeared to be a residential area. These types of areas consisted of walls made up of doors stuck next to each other, which made the rooms look like very small squares. But the truth was that if you opened the door, the room was much larger on the other side. Adam knew this because on the middle floor there were also these hexagons and he had visited them while he was doing some exploring.

Unlike the wooden doors of the middle floor hexagon that Adam was familiar with, these seemed to be silver engraved with patterns of little angels. The floor followed the same marble decoration as the rest of the floors. The lamps were not little angels, but torches that illuminated with a green fire. For which, the corridors had a green color that was made more evident by the reflection of the silver doors.

Adam followed the bear to one of the corners of the corridor doors and saw the bear slip into a room below the door. Adam tried to follow him, but the door was blocked from the inside. The boy pushed a little more, but saw that he was useless.

*Click* A while later, Adam heard the door unlock on the other side.

The boy tried to open the door and this time he managed to get into the room, as soon as he got in he heard an order from the bear:

"Close the door, before someone else gets in!"

Adam obeyed and quickly closed the door. As he closed the door, Adam noticed that the room had an impressive rotten smell. It seemed that this was the living room: a lot of beautiful furniture could be seen, along with a very nice fireplace that lit with the same green fire from the torches.

Adam was completely surprised at how impressive the room was, if it wasn't for the rotten smell it would be a good place to live when he decides to read his magical books.

—I see you're surprised—Said the bear, looking at the boy looking around the room and touching all the furniture—Do you know why the lower floors look so impressive?

—No, I don't know why the middle floor is all wood, either—Adam answered as he opened the furniture out of curiosity.

—It's because of the promotions and the shelves— The bear answered with a calm voice as if trying to direct the conversation to a particular place—The shelf that controls this hexagon once had so many promotions that they used them to decorate themselves.

—And what happened?—Adam asked in surprise, remembering the people in rags outside and the lunatics on the upper floors.

—Nothing—answered the bear, looking at Adam's face seriously. He seemed to be trying to convey some hidden message, but the boy didn't understand—absolutely nothing happened, everything remained the same.

—I don't think a person who can't read can get promoted—Adam said, not understanding how they had done it.

The bear stared at the beautiful green fire in the fireplace, while he murmured:

—It is a mistake of the librarians to measure the times of the library based on their short lives, the lower floors belong to the shelves and not of any type: they are all magical.

Adam listened to the finger-sized bear, for some reason his alcoholic voice sounded very mysterious at this moment, the bear continued to deepen his voice even more:

—Looks like a bunch of librarians figured that out too, if you don't make it out of these floors in a black robe before you're 20, you're dead, kid.

—What?—Adam asked, unable to believe this bear.

—I'm telling you this because I want my fucking mushrooms! — Shouted the bear looking at him with violence; unfortunately it was just a pretty bear, his look did not cause much fear—What you are going to have to do next, you would never do, unless you know that your whole miserable life ends at 20 if you do not get out of these floors.

Adam was silent listening to the bear, although he was beautiful, his words were horrible and he was already taking out his yellow notebook because he didn't trust anything about the bear that he asked him to kill a person not long ago.

The bear looked at the fire again, took a deep drink and threw the bottle into the fire, making another appear in his hand and without turning around, he shouted to Adam:

—Listen well, asshole! You're going to go to the bathroom and look at what's inside. Then you will ask your godfather until your hands bleed from so much writing. When all the tears on your face are dry and your nose has no more snot left to dirty your robe. You're going to go back into the bathroom, so you can get the smell, so you can get the fucking box!