

Melanie Arya Parker's life takes a dark turn when she is kidnapped and thrust into a high-stakes training program for secret agents. Given the new identity of Adelina Arya Costa, she undergoes scientific modifications to gain extraordinary abilities and endures intense training under the enigmatic Mr. Fernando. Adelina and her peers are tasked with infiltrating and destroying the Mafia system from within. As the trainees navigate this harsh reality, they form strong bonds and work together to strategize and survive. However, the twelve heads of the strongest Mafia families discover Mr. Fernando's plans and retaliate by attempting to eliminate Adelina's group. To sidetrack their enemies, Mr. Fernando offers the women as brides to the Mafia heads or their heirs. Adelina is married to the cold heir of the strongest Mafia family. Living apart from her husband initially, Adelina eventually reconciles with him, and they form a united front against common enemies. The birth of children to each of the mafia heads' strongest families, who inherit their mother's abilities, adds complexity to the women's struggle against the Mafia. Years later, Adelina faces a new challenge when her husband disappears, and she discovers she is pregnant. She uncovers the truth behind his mysterious absence and, with the help of her friends, flees with her children to protect them and herself. Upon her husband's return, he embarks on a mission to find his family, while Adelina faces the challenge of protecting them and staying true to her mission. Along the way, Adelina uncovers shocking revelations about her past and her parents' ties to the Mafia, fueling her determination to honor their memory. The story explores important themes such as abduction, human trafficking, child abuse/ exploitation, mental health, suicide, forgiveness and resilience in the face of trauma. Adelina's journey is one of empowerment and self-discovery as she confronts difficult choices, balancing loyalty to her mission with her devotion to her family. In a world where only the strongest survive, Adelina and her group must navigate a treacherous path to liberate themselves and others from the control of the Mafia system.

Leeloo · 都市
36 Chs


Mr Sanchez pressed a red button on the table.

"Come take her out" he said into the microphone while the button was pressed.

"Where to this time?" Adelina groaned as those same men came into the room lifting her up by her arms.

"I'm sorry Adelina" Mr Sanchez smiled sadly.

"Sorry for?" Adelina asked as her eyes widened in confusion,

"Next!" His gaze hardened as he yelled into the microphone while Adelina was carried out of the room,

She was thrown into another room where she was immediately forced into a weird chair and handcuffed to it.

"Today is definitely not my day and what's with the rough handling, I'm literally just a girl" Adelina complained.

An elderly woman in scrubs walked up to her.

"Is this an electric chair?" Melanie asked.

"Oh no" the woman smiled as she shook her head, smiling at the woman's question like it was funny.

"Oh shoot but whatever" Melanie shrugged.

"I'm sorry darling" She apologized took her hands and some sanitary wipes.

"I'm starting to hear that too often, don't you think?" Adelina sighed as the woman cleaned her fingers before locking them in place on a metal pad connected to the arm of the chair.

The woman didn't respond as she walked over to a desk picking up a tablet.

"This might hurt a little" The woman smiled fondly as she tapped different things on the tablet.

"What's going to hurt?" Adelina asked as a the pad glowed green and something seemed to scan her hands.

"This" the woman said tapping something on the tablet.

Adelina let out series of bloodcurdling screams as it felt like her palms were being skinned.

The pain finally stopped but her flesh was still throbbing.

The woman tapped another thing and the pain Adelina felt was even much worse than before but thankfully, it was of a much shorter duration.

Adelina let out a loud yelp.

"Almost done" The old lady said dropping the tablet.

"There's more?" Adelina yelled as she struggled to breathe.

"What's your code?" The woman asked.

"057-25B-NYC" Adelina answered, grateful that the pain hadn't knocked the information right out of her head.

"And your name?" She asked,

"Adelina Arya Costa, with a y not an I" Adelina answered,

The woman put the information into a laptop,

The woman walked over to Adelina, using an ointment on her palms then wrapped it with a bandage, securing it with plasters.

"Now, for the last part" the woman said trying various plastic face masks on her face to find the mask with the size and shape of her face.

"Is it going to hurt?" Adelina asked,.

"No, not at all" the woman answered.

The woman walked to a corner of the room, pulling out a heavy looking machine with wheels.

"I do not like the look of this" Adelina said as the woman brought it to face her before leaning her chair back to the extreme so she was lying down.

She bent the upper part of the machine over her face,

"look into it" The woman ordered.

"I do not like the sound of that" Adelina groaned but she obeyed anyways.

The woman strapped her head and legs to the chair.

She used a weird device to hold her eyes open.

"What are you doing?" Adelina asked in fright.

"Keeping you still" the woman answered.

"If it's not gonna hurt, why strap me in?" Adelina asked as she started to doubt the old last.

"Stop asking so much questions" The woman complained as she walked towsrds the computer.

"Oouu, what colour is this?" Adelina asked as she smiled.

"It's Wisteria, you like it?" The woman asked, as she typed away at the keyboard.

"I'd prefer black, red or white, but this is okay" Adelina shrugged.

"I guess those are your favorite colors?" the woman stated.

"Yeah" Adelina smiled.

"If I put it on the screen, the intensity could damage your eyes" She informed her.

"Oh right" Adelina whispered.

"Okay, this might hurt, just a teeny weenie bit" The woman whispered.

"The last time you said that, it was very very painful old lady" Adelina answered in an angry and distrustful tone.

"It will be quick" the woman assured her before pressing a button on the tablet.

"Aarghhh" Adelina screamed, drowning the room in her guttural shout.

"See it's done" the woman smiled comfortingly as soon as the pain stopped.

"No offense old lady, but when I get out of this, I'm going to fucking kill you, what the hell did you just do to me" Adelina yelled.

"All I did was change the patterns on your palm and your eyes" The woman explained as she disconnected her from the machine before putting drops of ointment into her eyes.

"That's possible?" Adelina whispered in shock as the woman checked her eyes.

"Yes, with intensive laser treatment, it is" The woman answered.

"Does that change my eyes in anyway?" Adelina asked.

"Yes, every person had different patterns in their eyes, so I gave you a new pattern, the side effect is that your eye color may get lighter or darker" The woman explained.

"So, is mine lighter or darker?" Adelina asked.

"It got lighter" The woman answered as she prepared for the next person to come in.

"But why?" Adelina asked.

"Well, your eye and finger patterns are registered in the country's records so changing it makes you a different person?" The woman tried to explain.

"So do you mean I can't identify as Melanie Parker anymore?" Adelina asked.

"Exactly, Melanie no longer exists, you're Adelina now" the woman answered showing her a mirror.

She definitely looked different and prettier than before but she still loved being Melanie.

This was when the realization actually set in that things had changed so drastically in just one day.

"How dare you" Adelina growled as rage filled her system.

"It's not on me child, I have no choice, it's my job" the woman shrugged calling out for them to take Adelina away.

A new set of men came in releasing her from the chair before holding her arms.

Adelina got up, struggling in their grip as her braids came loose littering her face,

They finally kept her still, holding her arms firmly and she refused to walk.

"Fuck you" Adelina whispered to the woman as the men carried her away.

"The feeling is mutual, Adelina" The woman smiled as they took her out of the room.

"Psycho bitches" Adelina scoffed underneath her breath as she was carried away.

What else did they have in store for her?

She would rather die than find out.

They threw her into a dark and cold cell,

"Fuck you both" Adelina yelled at them as her bottom hit the ground.

"Fuck you too" One of them chuckled as they walked away.

"Boss is gonna like her" The other chuckled.

"Hello?" A voice called from the corner of the cell.

From this chapter onwards, Melanie will be referred to as Adelina in all the dialogues. Enjoy!

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