

Melanie Arya Parker's life takes a dark turn when she is kidnapped and thrust into a high-stakes training program for secret agents. Given the new identity of Adelina Arya Costa, she undergoes scientific modifications to gain extraordinary abilities and endures intense training under the enigmatic Mr. Fernando. Adelina and her peers are tasked with infiltrating and destroying the Mafia system from within. As the trainees navigate this harsh reality, they form strong bonds and work together to strategize and survive. However, the twelve heads of the strongest Mafia families discover Mr. Fernando's plans and retaliate by attempting to eliminate Adelina's group. To sidetrack their enemies, Mr. Fernando offers the women as brides to the Mafia heads or their heirs. Adelina is married to the cold heir of the strongest Mafia family. Living apart from her husband initially, Adelina eventually reconciles with him, and they form a united front against common enemies. The birth of children to each of the mafia heads' strongest families, who inherit their mother's abilities, adds complexity to the women's struggle against the Mafia. Years later, Adelina faces a new challenge when her husband disappears, and she discovers she is pregnant. She uncovers the truth behind his mysterious absence and, with the help of her friends, flees with her children to protect them and herself. Upon her husband's return, he embarks on a mission to find his family, while Adelina faces the challenge of protecting them and staying true to her mission. Along the way, Adelina uncovers shocking revelations about her past and her parents' ties to the Mafia, fueling her determination to honor their memory. The story explores important themes such as abduction, human trafficking, child abuse/ exploitation, mental health, suicide, forgiveness and resilience in the face of trauma. Adelina's journey is one of empowerment and self-discovery as she confronts difficult choices, balancing loyalty to her mission with her devotion to her family. In a world where only the strongest survive, Adelina and her group must navigate a treacherous path to liberate themselves and others from the control of the Mafia system.

Leeloo · 都市
36 Chs


Adelina sat comfortably in the plush seats of the car, admiring her perfectly manicured nails.

Her blonde hair and eyebrows framed her brown porcelain face perfectly,

Her hair was carefully styled into a casual low bun and despite her aloof demeanor, she listened attentively to Danielle's ongoing chatter.

Danielle was prone to jumping from one topic to another, and Adelina found it challenging to keep up with her train of thought.

It was like an endless loop and Adelina wasn't sure why Danielle was so hyperactive all the time but she managed to get used to it.

"Where was I again, Dede?" Danielle asked, as she tried to revert to the original conversation that they were having some minutes ago.

"You were at the part where bees stung a dog," Adelina answered enthusiastically, though she wasn't as invested as she was supposed to be in the story.

But she was masking it pretty well.

"Am I talking too much?" Danielle asked, with a hint of panic in her voice.

Adelina offered an encouraging smile. "Oh no, you're not. Please, go on," she said, trying to keep the conversation flowing.

The car continued its journey, eventually arriving at the Ricci estate. The driver expertly maneuvered the vehicle through the gates without arousing the suspicion of the guards.

"We've arrived," the driver announced.

"Thanks you," Adelina said as she gracefully exited the car.

"Be careful, Dede," Danielle called out, waving goodbye with an almost childlike enthusiasm.

At this, the car zoomed off.

Adelina waved back, a small smile on her lips, before turning her attention to the task at hand

. She quickly let her curly blonde hair down, tousling it slightly to create a windblown look.

Then she smeared mud on her high heels, making them appear worn and used. "I'm so sorry," she muttered, apologizing to her stilettos as she dipped the heels into a puddle of mud.

A deep voice interrupted her preparations. "Who goes there?"

Adelina's eyes adjusted to the bright flashlight shining on her face, and she squinted. She immediately donned a look of distress as she spoke.

"I'm so sorry, I got lost. Can you help me? My heel is broken," she said in a Greek accent, her voice trembling slightly for effect.

"Where are you from?" the soldier inquired, already taken in by her performance.

"Patras in Greece," she replied, pretending to stumble slightly.

A guard quickly rushed to her aid, steadying her.

"How did you get in?" he asked, his icy blue eyes piercing into her soul.

Adelina shrugged. "I walked?" she offered, feigning innocence.

The guard sighed, looking around as if concerned about the situation.

"Some people are going to lose their jobs tonight," An intrusive voice whispered into the woman's head.

Another guard shouted from a distance, asking for orders. Adelina felt raindrops land on her face and whispered, "My hair gets frizzy when wet, sir."

The guard's expression softened. "What is your name?" he asked.

"Vasílissa Sacca," she responded.

"Open the gates," he ordered, and the massive gates creaked open at his command.

As she inched her way in, Adelina struggled with her shoes, making her entrance seem more convincing.

"You don't want to take that off, Madam?" He asked politely,

"I really didn't want to walk barefooted, unless?" She answered,

"Unless what?" He asked her,

"Unless you carry me" she shrugged,

"I will most definitely not" He refused,

"Well don't blame me when I fall hard on my face on this gravelled floor" Adelina shrugged,

He was adamant at first till she looked back and batted her eyelashes,

"You would really let a pretty lady walk herself to fall, you Americans are strangely impolite" Adelina scoffed,

"Do they normally carry women bridal style in Greece?" He asked,

"Well, only if necessary, but I don't see how that, woahhh" Adelina yelled as he lifted her up pretty easily,

Adelina kicked off her shoes as he carried her in his arms. Soldiers walked alongside them, holding umbrellas to shield them from the rain.

Adelina couldn't help but smirk to herself. If this was Angelo, it would be too easy.

The door was opened by the soldiers stationed at the main door,

They bowed their heads respectfully,

Once inside, the guard set her down gracefully and motioned for her to follow him. He led her up a spiral staircase, stopping at a resplendent-looking door.

He knocked, and a husky voice called out, "Come in."

Adelina flinched at the sound. The guard opened the door for her and saluted at the capo.

The man she had followed stepped in,

Adelina looked at him warily, you could never imagine what would happen next at houses like these.

She feared that she might be sold again, because no one foolishly lets someone into their mansion easily.

"What's going on?" the mysterious voice asked.

"Come on, Vasílissa, he doesn't bite" the man said as he held out a hand towards her.

Adelina eyed his before she gave him a once over.

"Trust me, it's the only way to find your way home" he whispered.

So he wasn't Angelo, Adelina finally discovered.

Maybe this would be harder than she thought.

"Lord, please not an old man, let him not be old" she said in her mind while crossing her fingers as she took the man's hand.

The room was grand and beautifully decorated, with ornate chandeliers and intricate gold accents. The luxurious furnishings and decor exuded wealth and taste.

Her gaze shifted to the man seated on a plush couch. He was young and exceptionally handsome, not at all what she had anticipated.

The man extinguished his cigar in an ashtray, meeting her gaze with piercing emerald eyes. Adelina shifted uncomfortably on her bare feet.

The man glanced at the person who had brought Adelina in. "Don, she's here," the man announced, bowing respectfully.

"I didn't request for company tonight," the man on the couch said, folding his arms across his chest.

"She appeared, sir," the person who had escorted Adelina explained.

"Appeared, huh?" the man asked, his gaze shifting to Adelina, who seemed a few years younger than him.

He didn't look at her face first; instead, his eyes lingered on her body. Adelina knew she looked stunning in her silver dress, and it clearly captured his attention.

She was gorgeous,

He simply loved how the shiny silver dress accentuated her curves and rested in the right places,

Then he looked up to examine her face,

God, her face was too good to be true.

Everyone knew he liked blonde women, they were his usual arm candies at events.

He didn't even need to talk about how good the silver jewelry she wore looked against her brown flawless skin,

She didn't seem to be wearing makeup but since he had sisters he could tell she had used at least a mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss.

"You may leave, Giovanni," the man said, addressing the escort.

"Yes, sir," Giovanni responded before bowing and leaving the room.

Now, it was just Adelina and the man, alone.

"There's one thing I need to know," he said, breaking her train of thought.

"And what is that, sir?" she asked politely, her Greek accent evident.

"Is it fake?" he asked, adjusting himself on the couch.

"Is what fake?" Adelina responded, trying to seem puzzled.

"The body," he clarified, looking her directly in the eyes as if daring her to lie.

Adelina couldn't decide whether to be offended or amused by the question. Either way, she knew she had to choose her words carefully.

And if she didn't?

Game over.