
Across the Multiverse: With Spider-Man

Jon Brave, an ordinary person, mysteriously traverse the boundaries between diverse fictional universes. His journey begins in the Marvel Universe, where he team up with Spider-Man to combat cunning villains.As the portal guides Jon and his new friends through a series of unique and thrilling realms, they find themselves in the DC Universe alongside batman, uncovering the profound significance of the multiverse.Anime worlds provide vibrant adventures as Jon aids a group of young heroes in their fight against a formidable adversary. A detour to Hogwarts immerses Jon in the enchanting world of wizardry, and a futuristic realm leads to high-tech intrigue and rebellion against oppressive regimes. Disclaimer: i do not own this cover and all rights to it belong to the original owner.

Oliver_Roben · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs

