
"one more time with you "

You the only one could be mine

Lucas comes close to noana ..

Ren : hey can I borrow your book,it's very interesting.

Noana leaves from the place , Lucas and ren speaks to eachother..

Maryaret: welcome back home honey!

Noana : walks to her room silent....

Maryaret comes to her room,('honey what happened to you today ,is it everything is fine ')

Noana : yes mama , verything is fine a bit tired .

Maryaret walks away from the room , goes to the kitchen to prepare something..

Henry: honey ,noana listen today is the great day for us ,we need to celebrate it .our boss has promoted me as the manager of this new project and also he gave vaccination tickets for us to enjoy .. today I,m very happy

Maryaret and noana congrats to Henry, everyone are very happy...

Next day of school..

Teachers and principal speaking to each other .later after few minutes


Teacher:dear students our school is going to remain close for this winter holidays ,so do focus on your studies and enjoy your holidays and Christmas with all your family and friends, thankyou..

Teacher leaves out of the class ...

Noana : Olivia what are your plans to this holidays.

Olivia: nothing sure about it, what your matter everyone is saying you and ren are being so close to eachother.

Noana: "Starts blushing", says there nothing beyond us , everyone are just spreading the rumours ..

Lucas : noana need to speak to you .

Olivia: hey what happened, he is coming and speaking to you .

Noana: I,m not free may be next time .

Lucas: fine may be next time , but that time you I hope we will meet again

Noana and Olivia moves away from the place .

( Outside the climate is so cloudy and windy ,it's about to rain ) Olivia and everyone leaves from the classroom even with noana and ren but Lucas..

Lucas : hey, hey ! Ren please wait I need to talk with you ..

Ren : Lucas what's up say what you want to say

Lucas : what's the story between you and noana , everyone is talking about you 'll ..

Ren: there is really nothing beyond us it's just miss understanding of the people, we are good friends..

Noana : ren ,ren come fast we need to go ..

Lucas : here she is saying something to you and your still fooling me ..

Ren : then would like to share the story of you and noana, because she is good towards everyone expect you ..

Lucas : do you ..

Ren : haa will you..

Noana comes to ren and holds his hand take him away from Lucas ..

Lucas: trust to stop him .

Noana : will you allow him to come ,he need to go .

Lucas : he can come with me , you can go (said vibrantly)

Ren : we will come together,wait for us .

Noana leaves the place (looks disparately)

Lucas: do you know that such beautiful girl in my life who brought changes into me..

(Five years ago)

Students mumring in the class while teacher explaining the class(today ..)

Bellrings ..

A new student enters into the class to our class ,teacher introduce her she is beautiful and sweet pretty.she is Aira .

(Ren but I asked about you and noana why do some other girl came into the story).

Teacher: aira I think you are new student socan have seat beside Lucas.

( Everyone starts looking ,while teacher is shouting at the few students)

Aira : hello!

Lucas : listen to the class

Breaktime .

Enter of noana .

Noana : hello aira ( with a sweet voice and gentle towards her ).

Aira : hello , what's your name .

Noana : myself noana ..

As time pass on they both bond become very interesting, later after few days ago for the last semester exam result..

Noana : aira do think that we get good grades this time better than last time.

Aira : we did our best so don't worry believe in your self ..

( Aira feels dizzzy)

Noana : hey what's up

Aira : nothing a bit dizzy (slow voice )

Students looking at Aira and started speaking about her ..

In the evening after school leaves .

Noana : mama I ,m back what did you do for break..

Maryaret: your favourite,come had have it ..

Noana : sure mama ..

Maryaret: you need to get dressed up we are going out ..

Henry enters..

Henry: are you both got dressed up, hey we are going to be late hurry up!

They leaves the home ..

Go to ceremony in the evening.

Mr and Mrs Michael also enters the same ceremony with his son Lucas .

Both the families meets and starts the conversation.

Lucas looks very calm and silent.

Noana : hey Lucas ..

Starts speaking..

We had started being close to each other ,later our friendship became love and started feeling opinions to each other . We both are really good to each but Aira could not able see her friend with me

Aira started spreading the rumours about me and her , it even went still noana ..

Noana : aira is it true that you and Lucas were is relationship..

Noana completly beloved her word and started avoiding me .

Finally year result came noana got the good and she thought of celebrating with her friend aira but she did got has she expected , she was happy with her friend noana talking to each other very happily they both left the the class and that was the last time for me to see the aira with noana ..

The next week noana ,Lucas and everyone heard that aira had done commited suide and she is no more with us .

After hearing this noana got numb, maybe the reason she thought that she is not with her because of me avoiding her and quarreling with her time made her to loss her best friend

And I,m still hope that we will be together for one day ..

Talking and coming down .

Noana from the ground shouting to ren that are you both coming ..

Ren: ( looking at her ) said if you want they you need to Lucas..

A thunder strikes at that time towards noana .

Ren runs to noana

Lucas watching them both from far ..

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DaoistGIjYz3creators' thoughts