
Ace combat In Multiverse?!

After one of your only family was bedridden in hospital, you were suddenly in massive debt from the hospital Bill. With you back in the corner and no way out, you were about to sell everything you possess just to pay the bill. When you received Ace Combat System with the main goal of receiving money to pay the medical Bill And the Ace Combat System only asks you one thing Complete the Mission and cause chaos in the universe. Equip with 640 missiles, an Unlimited Machine gun on your plane, and some of the Legendary Characters from all over the universe as your companions. Hop on and let's cause some chaos in the Universe. ---- World - Muv Luv Alternative. - Earth World Coming Soon - Star Wars Rebels. - Halo - Animatrix

Souleye123 · ゲーム
29 Chs

The battle for Guangzhou


<<Coms Speaking>>



We are now in the middle of the night in my room where my sister is sleeping. Currently, Galaxy stands in the center, surrounded by a group of pilots. The glow of the projector illuminates the room as Galaxy begins explaining the intricacies of our mission.

After weeks and weeks of research Galaxy finally finalized the strategy for this operation.

"Alright, I won't repeat myself, so listen up everyone." Galaxy taps on the holographic display a few times. Taking everyone's attention. "Our target is the Company located in Guangzhou Called the Red Dragon."

The room remained silent as Galaxy continued with the briefing, manipulating the holographic display to emphasize key points. Suddenly, a voice broke the stillness. "Oh, spooky names," remarked Alina.

"Quiet, anyways these companies mostly manufacturers electronics and then ship them out at the ports which are near Guanzo which is going to be the target of our operation." The Display change shows what seems to be a picture of several ports from different angles in the middle of the morning "Now, if we're going to neutralize this company for good, there are several we can approach"

"The first objective is to destroy three main cables connected to the massive industry and the port." The holographic map slowly revealed three separate cables extending towards the port. "Taking out these cables will not only disrupt the enemy's energy supply, plunging the industry into darkness, but it will also cause confusion by temporarily disabling their lights and the entire network, making it difficult for them to call in reinforcements."

As Galaxy explained, Alina couldn't hide her dissatisfaction. "So our job this time is just destroying a bunch of stupid power lines? Boringgg...." she grumbled.

"Let me finish," Galaxy continued, pointing at the map. "Once we've taken out all the power lines connected to this industry, the second objective is to cripple the company's ability to function permanently. This includes destroying factories, ships, and even docks.

I decide to take over since Galaxy finish his part of explaining. "Since this mission will be a bit unusual I have also decided to hire another pilot for the attackers, he will soon join on the mission. Now, any questions?"

In hushed silence, Galaxy nods at everyone in the room. "Good then everyone gets a good rest 'cause it's going to be a long road.."

As the room empties, Galaxy beckons for our attention. "Oh and one more thing" All eyes focus on Galaxy. "Prepare for combat as the Chinese Military won't stand around and let their land be attacked."



List of Aircraft and Pilots that will be deployed:

**Active Combatants:** 

Aircraft - Codename

1. X-02 Wvyren - Butcher 

2. Su-34 - Cipher

3. Viper - Trigger 

4. F-22A Raptor (New) - Mobius 1 (New)

**Intelligent Support:** 

4. Awacs - Galaxy 







This is it, my entire moment.

Currently, I am blending with the surrounding dark night by coloring my aircraft black while accelerating at full speed heading to China.

While I was laying down on the seat peacefully I took a peek at my surroundings by looking left and right.

Currently on my left was Alina while on my right were Cipher and Galaxy riding their personal aircraft.

The reason I am here is only for petty revenge for the responsible for the JSDF being deployed in Tokyo and forcing us to fight them. In other words, this is nothing more than petty revenge.

This is not like before when I have no choice but to fight them to pay my sister's medical bill. This is a fight just for personal revenge.

This fight is going to be a war crime against humanity itself and could be the first time since I was flying aircraft that I was killing other than aliens.

I have changed. And I can't help but feel sick in my stomach.

As my attention remained fixed on my controller, a sudden beeping noise jolted me. Startled, I glanced at the source and realized it was just an incoming call. With a swift motion, I accepted the call, only to be greeted by a loud noise emanating from the comms <<Hey Captain!>>

I cover my ears to prevent the loud noise before shifting my focus back on the screen seeing both Cipher and Alina's faces on the screen <<Jesus Christ Trigger! W-what?>>

While Cipher remained engrossed in his own tasks, Alina leaned in so close to the screen that only her cheeks were visible. <<Question! Why am I the only one using a Space Fighter?>>

I look over and see the new aircraft I recently bought from the Ace Combat Store, Alina is using Viper from Battlestar Galactica equipped with a 2x30mm cannon and 2 internal missile ports. 

The reason I bought Viper is because I want to see the difference between our regular aircraft with spacecraft designed for space combat, and considering we expect there won't be much combat I thought it could be a great chance to use it for a little test.

The second reason is that it possesses a Holoband Virtual reality training system to allow the pilot to train, so it's both investment and training purposes.

By the way, Cipher is using Su-34 specifically designed for ground support while I am using X-02 Wvyren cause why not?

Besides I can't help but feel excited about using all these future tech computers on these aircraft. Better radar, auto assist aim system, and even equipped EML and missle that will give any aircraft or ground force a bad time.

Let's also not forget our dear Galaxy is using Awacs which can provide long-range Radar on the battlefield, Jammer, hacking abilities, information and so much more.

It was the right choice to purchase Galaxy alongside its crew. I can already feel the control of the battlefield just in the palm of my hand.

I look at Alina's video deadpan <<You said to yourself you want a challenge, well got one. And besides it's also armed with Missle ports so all are not naked.>>

<<Guh this thing is heavy and it's so slow..>> The Viper aircraft suddenly spins around the skies <<And why do you have to use the best aircraft while I am using this rusted piece of metal?>>

<<Pfftt Honestly that suited for prisoners like you>> Cipher said

<<Did a dog bark at me again?>> Alina insults him back.

They glare at each other from the transmission before Alina continues her speech <<Beside, Why is the new guy getting best aircraft?!< p>

The newest member... right, I forgot about him since he is pretty new

<<Mobius 1, what's your status?>>

The newest member of the Ace Combat, Mobius 1 one of the most talented pilots to ever live, he is level 85 and costs around $1,200,000 for just the pilot itself.

For comparison, Trigger was level 83 before and she cost around $1,120,000 when I purchased her. That does not include the cost of the aircraft which is more expensive.

Mobius 1 requested for F-22A Raptor which cost around $920,000 for a single aircraft, and an extra XSDB or Advanced Small Diameter Bomb that cost around $110,000. For ground attack.

Even though it is expensive, it's worth it considering it can drop multiple bombs at the same time. You can do it around 48 times, and if I upgrade it maybe even 120 times will be possible.

<<I'm all good.>> The aircraft of Mobius 1 suddenly cut in between Trigger and me, forcing me to maneuver to make space as it entered unexpectedly.

<<Argh! I'm furious! Why does he get the Raptor when I want it too?>>

<<Quiet down!>>

Before I stop their argument I receive another transmission on the comms, I open it up and Galaxy's face shows up on the screen showing his face.

<<Alright 2 enough chitchat, soon we are going to enter the theater of Operation. ETA minutes.>>

Once I heard, the argument began to stop. I pulled up the Panel beside me to see the map and saw that we were beginning to close in on our target of around 2,000 Km.

Once I was done checking the map I looked back outside the cockpit to see only darkness covering the whole cockpit because of the clouds and night.

As I continued to gaze at the skies waiting patiently we soon got out of the cloud. My eyes were drawn to the vast expanse below, where the dim glow emanating from streets, buildings, and landmarks created a mesmerizing feeling from above the skies.

<<Woah... >

<<Isn't it breathtaking?>> I look back at the video where Alina smiles gently at me before looking outside the camera as well. <<Flying above the clouds at night is always a surreal experience even for me... and when it's nighttime beautiful.>>

Huh. I never expected Alina to be so poetic. However, our conversation takes an unexpected pause as Galaxy abruptly interjects, <<Alright~ The port should be visible. Do you see it, Butcher team?>>


 I looked around and soon my eyes landed on the port near the sea, it was noticeable because of the light that ships emitted as some departed and others docked at the bustling port.

<<I see it Galaxy>> I grab the joystick and slowly move it to the left as the aircraft slowly tilts to the left alongside other aircraft following me from behind.

As we assumed a V formation, with me leading the team, Galaxy made another announcement through the comms. <<Alright, I have Jam the radar and communication so go all out Commence Operation Butcher team.>>

<<Roger that Galaxy, alright Bucher team split up and show these company no mercy.>>

<<Roger! >>

With a heavy heart, I grip the joystick and throttle the lever forward only to feel the speed increase, and begin pulling the joystick to the front as the aircraft slowly reduces its altitude.

The speed steadily increased, 100..500...1000...2300 Km/hour, as well as my aircraft, began to lower its altitude from 3500... 3000, and so on.

The speed was unbelievably fast. Everything around me suddenly feels like a blur of images from how fast it become. So this how it feels to use the best aircraft? It felt so different than the Thunderbolt II I always use, in just a few seconds the speed was already reached which could break the sound barrier.

As I kept up the speed and felt the shake of the aircraft, Suddenly a Red and Yellow Square began to emerge all over the landscape, and when I observed closer it pointed at the power lines, ships, and even vehicles.

I immediately understood that It was the familiar list of targets I could destroy.

<<I added a Threat Indicator to help target most of the important ones destroy, good luck Butcher Team>> Galaxy said through the comms

That's helpful, he should have told me if he has this function but whatever.

As I begin to observe the landscape and choose which one to destroy first I notice the huge Power Line on the edge of the Port I make my way there

<<Confirming visual on the power line. Moving in to destroy.>>

As I initiated the lock-on sequence for the power line, I pressed the trigger, unleashing one missile that streaked through the air, and soon they launched into the air and began heading to the power line.

Upon impact with the power line, it erupted into a spectacular explosion, showering the surroundings with sparks as the remnants of the power line gracefully descended to the ground.

<<Target hit. one power line is down>> I announced

As I began to look for the other Power line, 2 explosions erupted far away from my location. The port plunged into darkness as the blackout spread all around the port.

<<All our main objectives have successfully been destroyed, nice job butcher team continue with the operation>

As I relaxed and began observing my next target, I was suddenly surprised hailstorm of bullets soared upwards to the skies, catching me off guard as I began making evasive maneuvers against the bullet, I looked down back at the ground to see the source of the bullet

And to my surprise, I saw numerous red squares begin to pop out all over the landscape and begin firing their AA weapons all over the skies.

<<Galaxy! I did not expect there to be a military vehicle waiting for us!>> Alina Complain from the comms

<<The objective has not changed! Eliminate the AA gun and destroy rest of installation!>>

In no time I snoop in and quickly head down, once I begin to reach closer to the enemy its vehicles begin to fire their weapons at me as numerous bullets go by me. I returned fire by firing the EML, and in no time the vehicles erupted in a spectacular explosion.

I flew back up and looked for the other vehicles to destroy when suddenly a huge explosion erupted all over the land and numerous red squares where the enemy was eliminated.

And when I looked for the culprit it was Mobius 1 as he swiftly ascended back into the skies after dropping the bomb he had.

Must have used the special weapon, but I begin to repeat the process again on the attack on the rest of the enemy before finally taking a good look at the port.

The once bustling port now erupted in light as the whole port was engulfed in flame from the constant bombardment by my squadron's attacks. 

...It's beautiful.

<<The enemy AA gun did not even stand a chance at all, good work Butcher team.>> Galaxy said

I thought It was over and I could finally continue with my objective, but the immediate transmission came in from Galaxy.

<<Alert! 4 Radar has detected incoming aircraft approaching our theater of operation! Possibly enemy reinforcement!>>

That was fast, did they get the wind of the news even when the whole area was being jammed the moment we began the operation?

<<Alina? >> I call her out

<<On it!>> came Alina's swift response.

As Alina begins to break off and intercept the incoming fighter, I begin focusing on destroying the Port as I begin to open the firing numerous missiles on the ground

Ships, containers, warehouses, and almost the entire port were left blaze in the fire. When I took a moment to breathe, I glanced at Alina her progress, but not too surprisingly I only managed to get a glimpse of all the enemy aircraft in the skies plummeting to the ground below the rest of the fallen aircraft left behind billowing plumes of smoke of her action.

<<救命啊!我受到攻击,需要帮助!重复,我需要支援 !>>

Alina, undeterred by the voice that came from the coms fired numerous rounds at the aircraft and soon fell down to the ground like rest as screams filled the comms

Undeterred by the spectacle below, she continues her action by launching a missile at the rest of the facility on the ground alongside Cipher and me.

Explosions echoed through the air as charges were cripple the installations. The once-bustling port crumbled and the port faced deliberate destruction at the hands of our own team as numerous ships and container cranes.

After we were finished we quickly left the Theater of Operation leaving behind destruction and chaos on the port.


Funds: $8,340,970 > $6.110.970

Pilot: Alina Blackburn (Trigger), Cipher, Galaxy, Mobius 1 (New).

Aircraft: X-02 Wyvern, Su-34, E-3 Sentry or Awacs, F-22A Raptor (New)

Surface Pilot: Shriogane Takeru , Isumi Michiru, Sakaki Chizuru, Yoroi Mikoto , Tamase Miki, Hayase Mitsuki, Mitsurugi Meiya, Ayamine Kei , Munakata Misae Kazama Touko, Suzumiya Akane , Kashiwagi Haruko.

Mech: 12 x Type-97 Fubuki 



This was commissioned by Whitewolf adding Viper from Battlefront Galactic. Took me a while almost 3 months lmao, I feel bad since it was hard adding Viper without a reason so I added it here.

Anyways don't forget to leave your review and comment and if you want support me go to my patreon


With that said see you all next week.