
Chapter 7

“And ignored.”

“Yep.” He grabbed his bowl of cheese crackers and made his way awkwardly to the living room, Lucas on his heels, offering to help.

Going home couldn’t be soon enough.

* * * *

“I still say you should hang around my house for another couple of weeks at least. Maybe even until you go back to work,” Lucas said as they got into his car after Elijah’s doctor’s appointment the next day. “Or I do.”

“The doctor said there was no need and that I should start putting weight on it. Lucas, I love you for helping me for all this time after the accident, but I have to start doing for myself again. The only way that’s going to happen is if I go back to my apartment. Now, it’s fine. It’s on the ground level so there aren’t any stairs. It’ll be okay. I will.”

Lucas grimaced as he pulled out of the parking lot of the medical group. “I think maybe you should just move in with me permanently anyway.”

“What? Why?”