
Accidental Marriage To My Boss

All Winter Dax wanted to do was to celebrate her new job in her dream company with a night out with her group of friends. Little did she know her life was about to change forever when she woke up the next morning after her one-night stand to a signed marriage certificate.  But what could get worse than signing a marriage certificate with a random stranger? It was Winter resuming the following week, only to see that her new boss, the richest billionaire's son in the whole of Las Vegas; Rome Xander, who is popularly known as the golden bachelor of the city was the same man she had a one night stand and a signed marriage certificate with. Rome Xander, who was just healing from a heartbreak saw this as an opportunity to use Winter, so he left her with two conditions. To either keep her job and assume the position of Rome's wife in secret for a year so he could be given access to his share of his grandfather's wealth, or she should let go of her job completely, part ways and he'd destroy the marriage certificate like it never existed. What happens when Winter chose the latter and signed a deal with him?

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5 Chs

My Boss is My Husband!

"One more bottle of Ciroc here!" Raya, Winter's other friend, called out to the bartender from their table. They were at the club to have some drinks together and have some fun since the weekend was going to be over that day.

"Yes ma'am!" The bartender replied at top of his voice amidst the music and noise in the club.

"So, you were saying?" Ella asked Winter as she gulped in her last cup of wine.

"What?" Winter asked, unsure of what she was talking about.

"Your crazy night, duh. You said you wanted to tell us how it went with the guy," Ella reminded her and Winter muttered an oh.

"Yeah, that's true," she said and shifted her chair closer to their table. "Okay, guys. You won't believe that I had a husband before I had a boyfriend!" She blurted out, while the other two girls stared at her, wondering what she was talking about.

"Did a random guy propose to you?" Ella asked her with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, 'cause I don't get what you mean by having a husband," Raya replied and shrugged. The bartender arrived at that moment and dropped the requested bottle of alcohol on their table, before taking his leave.

"The man I met the last time we had a night out, uh? We had a good night and all that, and when we woke up the next morning, guess what I saw?" She didn't wait for them to guess before she said it herself. "A signed marriage certificate between both of us!" She exclaimed.

Raya and Ella looked at each other and back at Winter. "What the fuck?!" Ella exclaimed in shock.

"How in the world did that even happen?!" Raya added as she and Raya stared at Winter, expecting her to give them the full details.

"I was as surprised as you guys. I kept on freaking out because the guy claimed he had no idea when that happened too!" She said and the girls gasped. "But he called his lawyer and he explained that we had gone to the nearest chapel when we were drunk, and we were joined together. Hence, the marriage certificate was signed by both of us."

"Ohh," the girls muttered in realization.

"So, what are you going to do about it?" Ella asked her, a sincere look of concern on her face. She was aware that something like that could affect her new job in one way or the other, so she had to do something about it quickly.

"We'll divorce. It's simple." Winter said and shrugged.

"That's better," Raya said. "Anyway, how's the guy? If he's hot enough for you, I'd advise you to start a relationship with him though."

Ella and Winter short their heads in Raya's direction. "Start a relationship with someone she doesn't know?!" Ella asked her.

"Nah, girl. I ain't doing that." Winter replied and scoffed. "I can't wake up one day and see a signed certificate between me and some guy named Rome Xander and expect me to—"

"A guy named what?" Ella asked, her eyes wide open in shock.

"Yeah, yeah. What did you call his name just now?" Raya also asked curiously.

Wondering why her friends were so interested in his name, she repeated it to them. "Rome Xander. Why'd you ask? Do you guys know him or something?" She asked them with raised eyebrows.

"The question should be how do you not know him?" Ella exclaimed.

"Almost, if not all ladies in the country know that name!" Raya supported.

"And who is he?"

"The fucking famous golden bachelor of the city, Winter!" Ella exclaimed and scoffed. "Are you even in this city at all?"

"I bet she's not," Raya replied.

Winter shrugged, unbothered by their hype of the said man. "So? What if he's the wanted bachelor, or whatever you guys called him?"

"He's not just that. He's the fucking CEO of this popular company!" Raya said to her. "I can't remember the name of the company though." She then turned to Ella. "Do you?"

"Nah, I don't," Ella replied to her.

Winter shrugged her shoulders once again. "I don't mind whoever he is. I'll only get married when I'm ready to, and that will be to someone I love dearly. Besides, I don't want to marry at this young age. What's most important to me right now is my career, and I won't let some guy scatter that for me."

Her friends looked at her like she has no idea what she was saying. "Oh, so you still plan to divorce him even after knowing who he is?" Ella asked her, a look of disbelief on her face.

"Yeah, and that's my final decision. I ain't going back."

"You're so unbelievable," Raya said to her and Ella shook her head at her. "You must be crazy to divorce someone like him."

"I guess I am," Winter said and stood up so the discussion could end there. "I'm off to dance," she said and walked to the dance floor, leaving her friends on the table.

Xand Tech Company sat in the middle of the metropolis with its tall and shiny tower. It looked like a world of its own. A tech business world owned by one of the world's renowned billionaires. Xand Tech Company had such an irrefutable reputation that no one could just waltz into the building looking like a well-dressed hobo and claim they were there for an interview.

"Good morning," Winter said and stood in front of the receptionist. "I am here as the new Junior Front End Engineer."

The receptionist looked at her without a word and proceeded to press some buttons on her computer. "Name?"


"Winter?" The receptionist raised her head to look at Winter again, giving her a disapproving stare. "Do you not have a last name?"

Though the receptionist sounded rude, she knew she had to be calm. It was her first day of work and she needed to be on her best behaviour. Besides, it was her fault for not saying her last name first. She heaved a sigh to calm herself from reacting, and then, she replied. "It's Rex. Winter Rex."

Confirming that 'Winter Rex' was on the list of new employees, she gave the latter a brisk nod and murmured, "the tenth floor."

"Thank you," Winter replied with false pleasantness and skipped towards the elevator.

On getting to the tenth floor's waiting hall, a middle-aged woman stepped out of the office directly opposite her and called out, "Winter Rex."

"Here!" She replied and launched to her feet. The woman pushed the office door open and she walked in.

The room was massive. She hadn't expected it and had almost stumbled at the sheer size of it. What she hadn't expected more was the man who sat behind the large black mahogany table in the room.

She stood frozen, taking him in. He was huge. His mane of dark brown hair was mid-length. Thick strands lay tousled and her fingers tingled. His eyebrows were thick and furrowed together as he read something off his tablet. She couldn't see his eyes, but his pink lips moved as he mouthed the words he read. His back flexed the navy blue suit he wore, showing off the powerful arms and shoulders that rippled with each tiny movement.

Briskly, she walked towards the chair he had pointed to and paused midway as she recalled something quite important. The man before her looked familiar. She didn't think much before she remembered where they had met. For all the love of good things, her new boss was her husband, whom she signed a marriage contract with! "Shit!" She blurted out in shock.

Rome Xander's head shot upwards at the cuss word. In all his many years as a businessman, he had never had a meeting with a new employee that started with a cuss. He raised a brow at the speaker; a dark brown head with hazel eyes stared at him like a deer trapped by a hunter. Immediately, he recognised her as the woman he signed a marriage contract.

A mischievous smile graced his face as he dropped his tablet on his table, and folded his arms. "We meet again, my wife," He said.