
Accident meeting love

Florya · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Together ❤️

When we were in the car, he asked if we would have someting to eat. So I said yes I have not eaten breakfast and I am a little tired, he said it would find a place while he searched for a place to stop so fel I asleep... When I woke up so went we in and so took I a vegan sandwich and he took a drink and I also wanted boba with is so we bought it and went back in the car, when we finished so went we to some where called N Seoul Tower... On the road it became a traffic problem so we had to be in traffic for 4 hour and they said we could not go moreso Felix said to me I am sorry we need to sit here for 4 hours I said there is nothing to be sorry we can sit and talk or listen to music... First When we were there we were both silent but then he started saying he likes me so I stopped him there and said we can not be together and he started asking, why so I said I do not even live here and l live on other side of the earth and that there is evening now and here it is Day and that maybe our parents do not allow so it is better that we do not even start on it and I am only here for 2 months...