

Jaylen POV

I'm off to work really early today. So I'm not joining our bonding run, and I'm kind of relieved about that. After what happened yesterday, I feel like we all need some space.

Being triplets is a hustle, at least in our situation and having a brother like Jack doesn't help the situation either. He really takes this leading everything too far, not forgetting that I was the last one out, and not forgetting that he really doesn't trust me with much either.

I'm like a shadow to both Jack and Jonathan, or at least that's how I feel.

Shaking that thought out of my mind, I push my body up and head to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and dress up and head out. Breakfast can wait till I get to work.

Pulling out my motorbike out of the garage, I start my roaring machine and speed off. The weather's refreshing today, I didn't sleep much but I feel good.

Lucy POV

Getting up it's just so quiet, you know that feeling you get when you wake but still feel like you didn't sleep at all. That's how I'm feeling right now.

I stayed up all night searching about this hospital I will be working at, it's huge.. apparently they have everything one could need. They even have activities for long time patients, you know those that basically live at the hospital.

I will be getting there by 8 o'clock ending at 15 o'clock. I'm excited, meeting new people, learning new stuff and just being in a new place.

I decided to get some food on my way to work, it's my first day of work, so I decided to wear something semi representable. I will put on a white shirt with a pencil skirt, this will definitely be the last time I wear this. I'm more of a jeans person, the freedom when I have a pair of jeans on is just the one. You can literally sit as you like.


Getting there I head to the reception area to look for some woman called Mrs. Jenn Johnson, she's our head nurse. I'm a nurse btw for those that are wondering.

"Hello, I'm Lucy Brown, the new nurse. I am look for Mrs. Jenn Johnson, the head nurse" I tell the woman sitting at the reception.

" Nice to meet you Lucy, second door to your left" she says, with a smile and directed me with her hands.

"Thank you" I reply as I head to the door she was referring to

*knock knock *

"Come on in" a female voice says

"Hello I'm Lucy Brown, the new nurse" I say walking across the room and pulling out my hand for a handshake.

"Welcome to Hope hospital, Jenn Johnson" the woman tells me as she grabs my hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you" I say

"I was thinking that it would be better for us to get right to it, I will show you around then for the rest of the day you will go with nurse Janet" she says as she stands up to lead the way.


"Janet, come here for a bit" Jenn calls out to a woman with hazel hair tied up in a bun.

"Hi Jenn" this Janet lady says.

"This is the lady I told you about earlier" Jenn points me out to Janet.

"Hi Lucy I'm Janet" she says as she stretches her hand to me.

I naturally take it "Hi Janet"

" I will leave you guys to it then" Jenn says leaving us there.

"I was thinking, it would be best if you first change, then we go on with the daily routine. Would you like me to accompany you to the changing room" Janet asks with a smile.

Remembering where Jenn took me I reply "no thanks you must have more to do before we start anyways, wasn't it straight ahead and to my right" I gesture my hands to the direction so I'm completely sure it's the way.

"Yeah that's the way, I will be waiting here for you as I get all we need ready" she says.

I turn back and walk to my destination

Jaylen POV

"Mrs. Rice, I believe with this improvement you are showing, I might discharge you today" I say to this lovely old lady.

"That would be nice doctor" she replies with a smile on her face.

She's been here for a while now, it was about time she went home. I turn to get out of Mrs. Rice's room to get something from my office.

From a distance I notice something new, a new scent like apples and cinnamon.

'It's her!' Xavier my wolf says making me feel all kinds of things.

'We've waited so long for her' feeling relief 'the moon goddess was right my baby was pretty close' I say.

'Your baby?' Xavier asks I can feel his annoyance

'Our baby Xavier, we are the same person you know, jealousy between us really, Xavier!' I tell him.

' Yeah, really! You always in your feelings like I don't feel anything at all,' he says, surprising me.

'Whatever Xavier, we are one at the end of the day, everything I feel you most definitely feel as well' I shot back.

'Shut up we got work to do' he says, taking full control of my legs heading her way.

"Hey are you lost?" I ask, looking at her. She's new here.

"Hey no, I mean I guess I might be lost" she replies looking around as she explains herself.

" I'm Jaylen, a doctor and director here" I say with a smile.

" Hi I'm Lucy, what did you say your name was again" she replies with a confused and beautiful voice.

"Jaylen" I say yet again.

"Sorry to ask but do you have a twin, you look so familiar to someone I've met before" she replies.

"Yeah I have triplet brothers" I say.

" Ahh I understand," she says with a billion dollar smile, I'm dying here, this much beauty should be illegal.

"I'm lost, could you help me?" she says

"Right, Where were you supposed to go" I ask

"To the changing room" she says trying to get away

"I can tug along so you don't get lost, is that okay?" I asking hoping she says yes

"Okay" she says as we start to walk, I end up dragging the walk, because I want this to last forever. Keeping a small distance between us.

"So what are you going to be doing here?" I ask, trying to know my love a bit more.

"I'm a nurse from Georgia," she says.

"All the way from Georgia, that's cool. Are you married, have a boyfriend, anything relationship related?" I say.

"Nope, single as day" she says with a smile.

'You know she's our soulmate, so whether she had anyone or not, we would easily take them out right?' I chuckle at his thoughts.

'What do you mean take them out?' I say

'You know what I mean, now concentrate'

Brushing him off we reach the changing room

"Here we are, my office is not so far from here, if you need anything and I mean anything I'm your MAN, in fact here's my card so you can easily get in touch with me" I say as she nervously takes it.

"Thank you" she says, leaving me there longing for her and only her, with a sense of relief in my mind that I finally have her.

Jack thought he would be the only one with a mate, turns out the moon goddess cares about me too.

Lucy POV

That was super weird, I thought for one second that it was Jack, but as we got closer he looked different. Talking to both Jaylen and Jack, you can actually hear and see the difference. Jack for me was more upfront, leading in our conversation, while Jaylen is more I don't know calm with me than Jack I guess.

Putting my uniform on, I quickly go to Janet, she must be waiting.


It's lunch and I'm having lunch with Janet, we get some food from the cafeteria. And take a sit at a table by the window, we sit opposite sides from each other.

"So Lucy , what do you think about doctor Jaylen, isn't he cute ?" Janet says

"Yeah.. I guess he is," I reply.

"Saw him looking at you, hum, from my knowledge of him, he must like you" she says

I choke on the drink I'm drinking "no, he doesn't, he just decided to show me to the changing room" I say

"Oh you'll see, do you know how many girls have tried to throw themselves at him and he hasn't noticed them as he did you today?" She says trying to be serious as she takes a bite of her sandwich.

"No" I reply honestly knowing she really doesn't know what she's talking about, he can't like me, me of all people!

"Anyways Janet, where are you from? " I ask.

"I'm from Texas, moved here like 5 years ago" she says.

"Hi ladies, what's up?" Jaylen says as he takes a seat right in front of me.

"Just lunch and you" Janet answers winking at me from across the table.

" Just passing by really," Jaylen replies.

"Lucy how is it? Do you like it here?" He says again looking directly in my eyes as his brother did, though it's definitely not the same as Jack.

"It's going well, thanks" I say with a smile.

It takes a while for him to respond with that crazy gaze on me, he just keeps losing focus and it's driving me half crazy.

He suddenly stands up and turns to leave " nice chat girls" then turns again to say "Lucy it's really a pleasure meeting you, I can't wait to get to know you better" he leaves finally with a smirk printed on his face.

"See what I meant? He never takes time to know any girl, when I say many have tried and failed to get his attention " Janet says with the ' I told you so face', gesturing me to look around. Many look pissed as they look at me.

"If you say so" I reply thinking about what she said and the eyes piercing me, I slightly feel like it's true.


I may seem cheesy but we were fated to meet here, keep reading, comment and vote! <3