
Chapter 29 The cabin

aylen's POV

Rushing to the bed with the most ridiculous speed I have ever used, Lucy bumps into me causing me to lose my balance falling on the bed. I land first with her following right after making us share a short but beautiful kiss. All these electric shocks I'm experiencing make me wonder what she feels from this encounter.

Staring deep in my eyes, I can see she's clearly feeling something, I smile relieved at her show of emotions.

** cough cough** we both turn our heads to the door, to a not so pleased Jonathan.

"Dinner's ready...."

'the hell man!'

'What ? she needs to eat and not be hovering around you'

I'm brought back to reality when Lucy starts moving away, making me boil inside. Why the fuck would he do that, when he was with her the whole day.

'See what you did?'

'Whatever Jaylen' leaving me in the room with a conflicted Lucy.

I get up from the bed. "Don't mind him...." I say as she heads back to the bathroom to finish off what she started. Giving me one nod she sits down by the mirror and continues to remove her makeup.

"I will wait for you" I say, heading to the bed again

Facing me with a smile "No its okay....I'm almost done here and you must be hungry, so please go and get some food"

"Nah. I will wait" I say not giving her a chance to respond I head to the bed and wait for my other half.

Taking out my phone from my pocket, I text Jack

#Your brother's an ass just so you know!#

#What did he do this time?#

#He is just so cold, like what if we lose Lucy, man I can't stand that shit !#

#I will talk to him#

#He will die by my hands if we lose her!#

"I'm ready," She says, she's changed into something a bit more comfortable.

I get off the bed and lead her down stairs.

Lucy POV

When we are down stairs, Jonathan is done eating his dinner and at the moment we reach the table, he moves away...

I don't get this man seriously, one minute he's telling me all these sweet things and later he's practically running away from me or angry at me....

I decide to not look at him, I mean why should i hype his ego, if he's going to be so childish....

Everything that happened between us dissolved in a blink of an eye.

I and Jaylen take our seats and devour our dinner, which is amazing by the way.


Today I'm going out with Jaylen, finally someone with a great sense of humor.

I feel bad for saying this but between Jaylen and Jonathan.... Good Lawd I would literally choose Jaylen and Jack at this point.

But then again they are all my mates....

Anyways I woke up to Jaylen staring at me, not in a creepy way but in a contagious way, you know that glimpse of longing. That's what I felt radiating from him.

Seeing I was fully awake, Jaylen leaned in near my ear to whisper with his breath sun bathing my skin.

" Today my love you are all mine and best believe I'm not sharing you...." Causing all the hairs on my body to awaken as well.


I've been pacing in the closet for a while now, not knowing what I will wear for my date.

I tried asking Jaylen, what the theme was for the date but he wouldn't say anything....

So I decided to take some blue ripped jeans and a yellow t-shirt, with some simple accessories.

As I'm applying my makeup «Hey Lucy, you ready»

«I'm ready» I say as i exit the bathroom

«Damn you look, I know it's not fancy but woof, you is hot!»

I slap his hand slightly «come on» as I collect my phone on the nightstand.

"The view from the back is ten times better" His comment awarding him a glare from me.

"I'm just saying my dear Lucy, you look beautiful regards" he says smiling slightly while grabbing my hand. As we walk out of our room and down the stairs I understand why it was so easy to like Jaylen, I mean this is what I've been yearning for. A guy that can see me, not just my assets but me as a human and an individual.

Reaching outside near his bike, Jaylen turns to face me and smiles again. He then swiftly grabs my waist and places me on the bike. I mean on a normal day I would take this act to be pure ignorance but today I'm just going to let things flow, I'm going to let myself be loved and cherished cause I've been waiting for this for the longest.

He sets the helmet on my head and hops on the bike. As he ignites the bike I take a glance at the door and notice Jonathan glaring which kinda freaks me out.

"Lucy you could put your hands around my waist" I snap out of my gaze from Jonathan.

"Yeah.. ok.." I place my hands around his waist and he wastes no time to drive off.

The ride was peaceful, but my mind so conflicted with Jonathan's gaze. If only that goddess gave me one guy...

"We are almost here" Jaylen yells through his helmet.

"Okay" I reply, determined to delete or attempt to think of something else other than Jonathan's gaze.

The bike ride through the forest peaceful but quite long. A drop of rain hits my face, alarming the rain that's threatening to approach us before reaching our destination.

Sure enough it starts to pour, first just showers but as the minutes go by it gets worse.

The engine suddenly stops, it's either we have arrived or he's just stopping because of the weather.

"Lucy we are here"

I lift up my head that was hidden behind his back, to protect myself from the rain.

We are in front of a cute little cabin. He gets off the bike and helps me off as well.

He then rushes to the door of the cabin with his grip tight on my hand. Opening the door, it reveals a beautiful oasis of a cabin that has everything. I get in with him on my tail. He grabs some towels and hands them to me as he gets his own.

"You can go to the bathroom and change into something comfortable"

"But i don't have anything here" I say confused

"There is a dress Cindy put for you in case you had overdone your outfit for today" he smirks at me.

"O okay and thank you" I reply heading to the bathroom to change.

After changing, I find he has changed as well into a white t-shirt and gray sweatpants.

"So..." I look around "This is?" I ask amused of my surroundings

"It's a cabin I bought a few years back, I normally use it to escape reality and the longing I had for you, but now I have you so I thought why not use it with my person"

Blushing, I'm at a loss of words.

" It has everything you would need, radio, oven etc, just like a house. Was thinking we could first rest then cook something and after that proceed to place a little game. How does that sound?"

"Sounds great." I reply smiling

He turns the radio that he connects to his spotify. ;Sweater weather by Landon Austin; starts to play, it's like he read my mind because this song has been playing constantly in my head.

He then moves closer to me, his eyes dark signaling that Zander is also at bay and Jaylen is losing himself to the pull.

But like I said I'm not going to reject his feelings today, I will just let things flow.

He grabs my waist slowly like he never grabbed it just a few minutes ago. His touch awarding me with sparks all over my body. His hands then travel to my face caressing me with so much love. He leans in and collects all the air out of my mouth as he kisses my lips with so much passion and desire.

We kiss for a while then pull away to catch our breaths.

"Being here with you...." He shakes his head like he can't believe it " Is everything I imagined it to be and more because you are exceedingly beautiful.. Intelligent and damn right sexy"

All I can do is smile, I have no words for all he's saying.

Staring at me like he can see my soul "I've been wanting to ask, what did you think about me the first time we met ?"

Thanks for reading <3 please comment and vote. 

Valerie_Mmanicreators' thoughts