
Accelerator in the Multiverse

Accelerator. That's all you need to know about this shitty fic.

Dawei · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs


"So I'm dead huh?" He said to himself, without an ounce of concern. With a click of his tongue he looked around, "So where is this, it's not the shithole that I expected from hell."

That was indeed true. What Accelerator saw when he opened his eyes was nothing what he thought it'd be like. From whichever direction he turned to, the boy saw nothing but a bright blue sky above him followed by nothing but a layer, a floor made of clouds of the purest white. He stepped once to test the floor, feeling the softness through his shoes before clicking his tongue.

"Shitty system, why would I of all people be in a place like this?"

He tapped the ground to confirm if it was real. Qliphah and Last Order would definitely miss him, and even if he denied it. In his heart he also missed them as well.

Where was the dark? Where was the cold? Where was the fire and torture devices he expected? The cages and jail cells lined by the millions as demons or something walked around to punish sinners. Accelerator was by no means religious, but he knew exactly where he was fated to go when he died.

"Oy! Get this over with already shitty God!" Not once did he think about Last Order or WORST, Yomikawa or Yoshikawa being in danger. Coronzon was taken care of, his vengeance was unfulfilled and he had to step up as a hero? of all things. The black haired bastard lost his arm and some egg encrusted shit that should have been from a Lovecraft entry started to grow out of him like some alien shit.

Better for him now that the frogtor was in charge of Academy City. He knew the frog faced doctor and even if he wouldn't admit it. The man was someone worthy to take leadership and someone worthy to be in the place he was now residing in. He didn't need to be the Board Chairman anymore.

Not him. HE of all people shouldn't be here. People like the frogtor should be here when they die. So what was he doing here?

Suddenly the wind behind him blasted against his back. Since he was... well dead, he couldn't reject the gust. A light shined bright and gold as he turned towards it. He was hit with shock and a budding seed of fear grew.

"What kind of fucked up bullshit is this?!" His hollowed, sounds from within his inner heart quivered as he backed up a step. A sight he never believed, dreamed. A place he rejected with all his being a place that he should never approach. He shouldn't even be allowed to see it.

The white pearly gates, ivory and gold vines scrawled over its pillars that surrounded a golden city behind it. The light and cool yet warm glow had him scowl at his own body's response. The songs that echoed in the street of the city continued with a great swell as if the inanimate objects sang too! His knees buckled, his hands and arms treasonously shook as he tried, tried not to scream in denial. But instead a whisper in his ear spoke the caged words.


The holy city or whatever it could be depicted in any religion of where good souls reside after death. A place where he didn't have a single reason to even glimpse it. He should be drowning in fire, guts ripped out, eyes plucked out and set on repeat for the rest of eternity.

"What the fuck was this shit?"

"You're dead, my child", He turned to the side, in his eyes was the image of a man. An old man wearing a simple robe with white hair and beard. The old man's gaze left him with a feeling that he was like an open book. He grit his teeth.

If there was one thing he hated, it was people seeing right through his tough facade.

He held on, he remained calm. He processed all of the events logically before sighing. The old man simply waited.

"You… I know that." He replied back, not caring about his state or emotions.

"Why the fuck am I here?"


"I should be burning in the most cruel way possible! I should be tortured constantly for the rest of eternity."

"So answer me..."

"Why am I here?"

The old man stood and looked at him with a kind smile.

"Ahh. You do not believe you're worthy."

Accelerator looked confused as the words settled in his brain.

"Now what's wrong child?"

"Don't call me that shitty old geezer." Accelerator clicked his tongue. It only earned another chuckle and a stronger feeling of… whatever it was emanating from the old man.

"I don't belong there."

The old man chuckled and shook his head.

"I disagree"

Accelerator gave the man a look that clearly screamed "Are you retarded?"

The man seemed to have gotten the gist of things.

He simply opened his arms and spoke. "Salvation, come child."

Accelerator was really beginning to feel like the old man was high of his crackers.

Accelerator cut the man off with a shout, "Fuck your salvation old man! Didn't you have a thing where sinners go to hell and that fuckity bullshit? In fact is God high on the job or something?!"

"If God was real then why did all of the shitty dark side get there way? Why the nectar, why the child errors? Why?"

The man merely chuckled.

"You are the testament to God's love."

Accelerator looked stumped at that. Without an idea of how to react the old man didn't give up. Eyes crinkled in a way as if he was a grandfather welcoming his grandson. "Your are a man that had sinned and by great effort, overcome your evil to attain his 'one way road' to the light and reach your own conclusion. You are simply you. Nothing more nothing less."

At those words Accelerator quickly stepped back at the truth. He quickly denied God in front of him, "That's.. That's bullshit! No matter what you say, I'm not taking a step closer to that gate!"

"Someone like me can't possibly be redeemed!"

"That is the gift of free will. Perhaps you shall find your way back one day with your own acceptance of redemption." God didn't push further as he smiled nodded to himself after thinking of some sort of plan.

"Wha-" Accelerator's eyes widened to see God's hand over his face and another touched his shoulder. He felt something trace along his forehead before his body leaned back out of its own volition. He was falling.

His vision started to blur. The voice of god was barely heard in his ears, "I hope to see you again, young ********* Qliphah will be very happy to see you again."